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by Cody Robert Judy, ©2016

(Dec. 1, 2016) — SLOW AHEAD DE-CONSTRUCTION OF OBAMACARE MIGHT START IN 3 YEARS!? Say What-Basically a Trump 2nd Term Wipeout.  Not exactly the Message Americans were ready to hear after voting in a man never elected before into the highest office of the United States of America.

Trump is about to get an education on Establishment Republican Construction and Democratic Party Delay by way of Regulation, but it will cost him a second term Presidency for lying to the People.

Trump has prided himself in the private sector as a Builder.  Building SKYSCRAPERS under budget and ahead of schedule seems to have been kind of a Trump Trademark and went hand-in-hand with the confidence Americans saw in electing him. But that Trademark is about to hit a Huge Wall called his own Republican Senate and House.

It’s a wreck I called awhile back now, believe it or not. In the fast age of intelligence people have come to expect more instantly.

In 2008 when Obama was the freshman senator entering the White House he had the benefit of Democrats or same party super majorities in the House and Senate. Obamacare was literally shoved down the Public she throat with that power Dems felt was a Mandate. Obamacare was passed or built in less than two years.

Democrats didn’t play it safe and say ” We might get to it in 3 years” the way R-KY Sen. Mitch McConnell and a bunch of majority Republicans from the House and Senate just did. 

“With buy-in from Donald Trump’s transition team, GOP leaders on both sides of the Capitol are coalescing around a plan to vote to repeal the law in early 2017 — but delay the effective date for that repeal for as long as three years.”

Read the rest here.

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