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by Cody Robert Judy, Presidential Candidate, ©2016

(May 6, 2016) — The contemplation of prosecuting one of your own family is probably one of the most difficult gut-wrenching decisions a person can be called to make. To sacrifice family in the interest of Justice can be near self-mutilation. In politics it may be easier to prosecute an opposing party on the other side of the aisle, but it can be very difficult to allow Justice to take its place in behest of someone who is dearly loved and admired as an example of Justice for All, but this is America and that is what we stand for.

In the advent, interest, and primary goal of choosing a candidate for President each Political Party must decide among themselves who best represents their Platform – a primary season is very much a test of what will come up from the other side of the aisle in making a decision for a candidate for the Office of the President and assuring that person is the best in representing the Party Platform. That’s why it shouldn’t be easy. In keeping with both the Democratic Party ‘open big tent’ and America’s tradition, here is the most plain and simple reasons that the Democratic Party must choose to prosecute Hillary Clinton and deny her the Presidential Nomination of the Democratic party.  Here is why #Democrats who pull the voting lever for Hillary Clinton actually must pray for #RacialInequality, must hope for #GenderDiscrimination, and have set their eye upon #DeferredProsecution because in a Racially Equal World, in Perfect Gender Equality, and in an Economical Justice for all in the USA Hillary Clinton as a rich white female should be prosecuted equal to a poor black male and that can’t happen if she is allowed off as a crook.

In the official capacity of the Office of Secretary of State – the USA’s Top Foreign Diplomat Office, the greater responsibility towards conduct is expected and demanded. There is no gray area with setting up a [Private Server] for the U.S. Government to conduct its business on! No one has EVER EVER EVER done that.. No one!

Top Democrat Party leaders recognize that! Debbie Wasserman Schultz has recognized that publicly, folks, when in an argument, she confided “except setting up a Private Server” recognizing no Secretary of State has ever dared do that to avoid FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT (FOIA) the Public Accountability Arm of our Government.

Debbie Wasserman Schultz 
VIDEO March 21st 2016   Schultz attempts to push Hillary’s “Email” was the problem rather then the [setting up of a Server]
[“She’s actually said if she had it to go back and do it again, she would not have used private email, but in terms of what she was doing with compliance, that she was compliant,” Schultz said.

“I don’t think it’s only using private email, but it’s also having the server. She’s made the case in the past that other secretaries of state have had Gmail accounts,” Bartiromo said. “Sure, you can have a Gmail account if you’re not using it for government business, but the key is she’s the only one who actually had a server in her basement.”]

See the videos and read the rest here.

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  1. Neither the Democratic nor the Republican parties have the authority to prosecute anyone. That rests with the Department of Justice.