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by Cody Robert Judy, Presidential Candidate, ©2015

(Nov. 19, 2015) — The consideration given the Office of the President in the United States Constitution as a Story,  is for all intensive purposes the Main Character. References to the Office of President in the Constitution Index Pamphlet of 46 pages number 13 pages to the closest reference coming in 2 or 3.

The dangers of a Despot or Rogue Leader at the Head of the Government were by the careful considerations the biggest fear to guard against and also anticipate.

In the 1933 Ratification of Amendment XX we find..[ or if the President elect shall fail to qualify, ]. This proposes the most dreadful consequence of a Presidential Candidate falsifying or by other fraudulent means in the form of his identification, precipitating his election by the huge swath of the general public and still as a “President Elect” actually failing to qualify.

Who could imagine such a horrendous nightmare?

Isn’t it interesting that its happened? Of course no one would dispute the requirement of Time of “35 years of age or older, if someone was 34.9 years old they are not 35 years old.

No one would dispute the 14 years a resident if only 13 years, 11 months had been accomplished.

We are left with the TIME it takes for two to become Citizens and have a child in the United States. Its a TIME FACTOR, not a race question. This time factor can also be interrupted and would then have to be restarted with the same goal or condition of Born in the U.S. to Citizen Parents.

There are few things that make me ill more than to have regulated a TIME consideration given to the highest office of our Government as a Race related issue. That summation that the [natural born Citizen] qualification specific be about anything else but TIME regarded in the U.S. Constitution for the Office of President and Vice President is both demeaning and insulting pejorative not about  Presidential Race, but about the President’s Race.

The Main Stream Media needs to ask themselves a hard question: How does a “Time Period” equate to a Racism? That doesn’t even make sense! Now what is the tag for someone who calls someone a Racist that actually is not? Actually Bigot might serve as one term if Racist itself doesn’t apply.

Whatever the case, calling my Stand for the [natural born Citizen] qualification anything but a TEST-OF-TIME .. and literally meaning a period of time, really makes me ill.

The respect and love for the richness I find in every race and culture makes it sickening to me and I have done everything in my power to dispute the insulting narrative that race or culture guided me rather than simply a loyalty TIME period. The rationale of the entire qualification was that no foreigner occupy the Office of the President. Those with dual citizen ships are in fact considered foreigners to an office requiring a monogamous loyalty in citizenship ie. Born in the U.S. to Citizen Parents.

If it was understanding anyone asked or sought, I have in my blog made my concentrations and meanings abundantly clear.

Read the rest here.