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by New York Grassroots Groups

(May 4, 2015) — For many years there has been talk of Skelos’s corruption. As we all know, “where there is smoke there is fire.” WE know it is nearly impossible to obtain documented evidence of wrongdoing by these powerful people. WE also believe that whatever the charges are when evidence is finally obtained it is just a small portion of the wrongdoing that actually happened.

[Skelos and son arrested:  http://www.nbcnewyork.com/investigations/NY-Senate-Leader-Dean-Skelos-Son-Could-Be-Charged-This-Week-Sources-302380481.html]

WE know that ALL the legislators know “who did what.” They know there IS massive corruption and corruption in Albany. IMO – those who support an indicted legislator should be considered part of the corruption.
Skelos thwarted efforts to eliminate Common Core education and he was a major player in the planning and passing of the illegal, divisive and destructive SAFE Act. He was one of the masterminds that engineered its illegal enactment. Skelos has blocked efforts to repeal the SAFE Act. That should be enough to conclude Skelos is unfit for office. At the very least, Skelos’s arrest should be seen as an opportunity to break up the unethical power of “three men in a room” who have destroyed all decency and prosperity for the good folks of New York. Those lawmakers who disagree should be considered unfit for office, too.
The Slime Slithers – here’s the beginning: (excerpts and quotes form recent news):
·        Senator Hugh Farley continuing to support embattled Senate Majority Leader Dean Skelos. I believe that Sen. Skelos has been a great majority leader
·         Senator Terrence Murphy Skelos is a “true gentleman”
·       Senator Cathy Young thinks Skelos will remain as leader and that the majority leader has always conducted himself with integrity
·       Senator Marty Golden if any changes are not of consequence, the republican conference would want Skelos to remain as leader.
There is important NEWS to be consumed coming soon. The statements of those in office MUST be taken into consideration for the next election. Start NOW – seek NEW people for these powerful positions.
ALSO: there is work to be done. WE MUST secure FULL Repeal of the Safe Act – Why? The “authorities” are unable to indict those who inflicted the citizens with this awful, shameful and corrupt edict – WE the People MUST.
OUR Grassroots Coalition is tens of thousands strong. We motivate and inform through FREE Email only. We share inspiration, ideas, suggestions and worthy events – but NEVER YOUR email address.
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