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by Sharon Rondeau

(Nov. 19, 2014) — Yahoo! News is reporting that neither ABC, CBS, NBC, nor Fox will air Obama’s prime-time speech on Thursday evening to announce “executive action” on the nation’s immigration system.

Obama’s proposals to “legalize” as many as 5,000,000 illegal aliens because of possible U.S.-born relatives and issue work permits to compete with American citizens for jobs is unpopular.  Obama claims that he cannot wait for Congress to attempt to pass a bill in January, after newly-elected members are convened.

In recent days, the “alphabet” news companies as well as internet media outlets previously supportive of Obama have published articles severely criticizing his insistence on “going it alone” to change immigration policy.

The U.S. Constitution states that only Congress has the ability to pass federal legislation.

Since 2007, the mainstream media has shielded Obama and his policies from criticism.  Formerly of CNBC, economic commentator Melissa Francis recently revealed that she was admonished in 2010 for stating that “the math” associated with Obama’s health care law did not make sense.  Francis said that now that Jonathan Gruber’s motives in misinforming the CBO and Congress about the cost of health care via Obamacare has been made public, “I felt like I was in part complicit in the very coverup that he’s talking about because I tried to illuminate the math, exactly what he’s saying — that they had to hide the cost.”

The media still refuse to report on the findings by a criminal investigation that Obama’s long-form birth certificate and Selective Service registration form are “computer-generated forgeries.”  On Tuesday, radio show host Neal Boortz, substituting for Herman Cain, said that although he disregarded questions about Obama’s past when they arose years ago, he now believes that Obama “will do anything” to retain power.

On the Facebook page of Organizing for Action, Obama’s political arm, many comments disapproving of his “executive action” plan have been published.

Some media remain uncritical of Obama.

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