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by OPOVV, ©2013

The Federal Reserve System was approved by President Woodrow Wilson in 1913 as a replacement for the failed Second Bank of the United States

(Oct. 25, 2013) — “I don’t work for the people,” so says a government employee. Really? I just love it when the editorial writes itself; all I’ve got to do is type it and send it, that’s it.

Obama and Clinton have never had a real job where, if you don’t produce a profit for the company, you’re history, yet they’re worth over 10 million dollars each. Government employees are at the trough of freebees, disdain and a warped sense of being invincible in that “even though I can’t make it in the private sector, here I am and, even though I’m doing substandard work, you’re paying my paycheck, sucker.”

The concept of the Tea Party is fiscal responsibility. If you have $100, you can’t spend $101 because you don’t have enough. So what to do? Well, you can save or borrow, but if you borrow you still have to spend the extra money plus the interest. The Tea Party says just save until you have enough and then make the purchase. So what’ s all the brouhaha about the Tea Party?

It’s the Federal Reserve’s input that’s at play here. Let me explain. The Fed is a private bank that just happens to have landed the un-Constitutional contract of loaning our money to ourselves. Crazy, isn’t it? Well, yes, it is, because while we’re being soaked, it’s the shareholders in the Fed who are the real winners. We’ve a one-party system here in the USA: the Federal Reserve Party.

Anyway, the Fed can’t make any money unless it loans money and collects the interest, which is their profit. And then along comes the Tea Party that will upset their apple cart.  THAT’S the reason why the Tea Party is badmouthed: the payoff spigot would dry up, no more illegal off-shore bank accounts, no more borrowing money just for the sake of borrowing, get it? Borrowing just for the sake of collecting interest, and they do it, year after year: welcome to the most exclusive clubhouse that takes the American taxpayer for yet another ride into fiscal irresponsibility.

I support fiscal responsibility, yet Obama, his Administration and the mainstream media would want you to believe that by supporting the concepts of the Tea Party, it is somehow un-Patriotic and supporting terrorism. I ask you, which side do you support: fiscal responsibility or being gouged?

There are more Americans collecting welfare than are working. Let’s put EVERYONE collecting our money to work; now wouldn’t that make sense? Of course it would: WE are the bosses: Obama is just another government employee who couldn’t make it in the real world, that’s all.

Vote every incumbent out of office in every election. These “career” politicians will be the death of this country yet. Why, not one of them has stood up and questioned the Birth Certificate or the stolen Social Security number, or came to LTC Terry Lakin’s defense. Get rid of the real un-Patriotic terrorists, shall we?

Remember, the Tea Party is the enemy of the Fed; the Fed is enemy of The People: ergo, the Tea Party is on the side of the People, get it? The more illegal immigrants, the more welfare; the more Muslims, the more welfare; the more welfare, the more borrowing; see the connection? This “amnesty” is a major issue and is not a good thing for us.

I support the Tea Party and I’m a Christian.  If that makes me your enemy, then, guess what, that makes you mine.


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Friday, October 25, 2013 7:44 PM

Kathleen Sibelius said the people making the complaints about Obamacare and calling for her removal are not the people she works for. Kind of bad when a person in government actually forgets they work for us. She should be fired for that alone, post haste.

Semper Fi