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by Sharon Rondeau

(Jun. 22, 2013) — On June 9, The Post & Email’s editor contacted Rep. Joseph Courtney (D-CT2), who is also her congressman, regarding the NSA spying program, Obama’s forged birth certificate and Selective Service registration form; the stand-down order issued to rescue units prepared to assist Americans under attack in Benghazi on the night of September 11, 2012; and the willingness of Cold Case Posse lead investigator to meet privately with any member of Congress to reveal the evidence of Obama’s deception of the American people.

Two previous communications dealing with the forgery of Obama’s birth certificate and other crimes had been acknowledged by automated email response but nothing more.

The letter from Courtney reads as follows:

Dear Ms. Rondeau,

Thank you for contacting me regarding National Security Agency (NSA) surveillance programs

Like you, I have serious concerns about the telephone and internet surveillance programs recently revealed in the media. I am troubled by the scope of these programs, including the collection of phone call data and access to a wide range of online activities through a program called PRISMI strongly support robust Congressional and public scrutiny of these programs to ensure that our surveillance efforts strike the right balance between our need for security and our right to privacy. 

According to intelligence officials, these programs are authorized by recent laws passed by Congress to enhance security and intelligence capabilities. In the case of the collection of phone records, agency officials cite Section 215 of the USA PATRIOT Act, which allows the government to obtain business records that are relevant to an ongoing terrorism investigation. I have been long concerned about the broad use of Section 215, and in 2011 I voted against a long term extension of this and other expiring USA PATRIOT Act provisions through 2015 without additional restrictions or oversight. 

With regards to the PRISM online monitoring program, intelligence officials have cited Section 702 of the FISA Amendments Act, which provided the government the ability to monitor foreign-to-foreign communications that flow through the United States. In 2007, 2008 and 2012, I repeatedly voted against the creation and extension of this new power and instead supported alternatives that would have provided enhanced tools for our intelligence community but with the oversight and restraint called for in our Constitutional system of checks and balances. 

In the weeks and months ahead, Congress and the American people will have to consider difficult questions about the proper balance of our security policies and our rights to privacy. Moving ahead, I will continue to support efforts to ensure that the powerful tools available to our security and intelligence communities have the proper oversight, restraints and protections for innocent and law-abiding Americans. 

I appreciate your views on this important issue. Should you have any additional comments or suggestions, please do not hesitate to contact me in the future. For more information on my work in Congress, please visit my website at courtney.house.gov and sign up for my e-newsletter at courtney.house.gov/forms/emailsignupYou can also connect with me at facebook.com/joecourtney or receive updates from twitter.com/repjoecourtney.



Member of Congress

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Sunday, June 23, 2013 1:01 PM

The drama is stifling and so is the theft! More decoys on Obama’s identity theft,usurpation,treason,perjury,election fraud. It’s getting to the point of “Home Alone” in the “White House”! It’s too bad the original crew of “Saturday Night Live” aren’t all here to do this sham justice. Democrats will go down in American history as finally destroying America and all it stood for. Those terrible white people will all be gone and all those minority and illegals will have their day! We see what that’s done for Africa and it’s welfare and other third world countries. You can see that here in all the big cities in America. Start with “Old Detroit” or “Gary Indiana”. A wonder to behold. Just before all this goes down, there are some Americans called “Veteran” or “Patriots” all all colors that served her and raised a hand to protect the Constitution against Foreign and Domestic enemies that might not agree with the complete take down of America and it’s current usurpation by a fraudulent leader and Party that is mostly composed of members that have joined The American Communist Party. Now why would those people be on the payroll in DC if they belong to The American Communist Party? Why would those members be allowed to exercise “authority” in our government system? Why would those members NOT be investigated as to their “loyalty” to the Constitution and not a system that opposes the American system that pays them? Why would Barrack Obama aka Barry Soetoro/Bari Malik Shabazz/Bari Shabazz, etc. who is using an e-verify false social security number and used over $4 million dollars of taxpayers money to pay the DNC Law Firm Perkins Coie in Seattle to keep his identity and records from the public NOT INVESTIGATED and shown/proved to the American public that he is not illegal? Because they are protecting the fact that he is illegal and a puppet of the DNC operatives like Pelosi/Biden that falsified the DNC papers to 50 states to falsely vet him into office. That IS treason, perjury, election fraud, identity fraud and USURPATION! It seems a very intelligent Military Officer, gentleman and man of God tried to tell the American people about this usurpation in 2008! His name is LTCDR Walter Fitzpatrick III and he was illegally arrested multiple times, thrown in prison, beaten, tasered, denied his diabetic medication, all his personal belongings were stolen by LEO’S and Federal Agents, they forced the Military to take away almost all his retirement pay and forced him to live like a criminal. Also, several other Officers-Lakin, Wood and another Veteran/Patriot Darren Huff was thrown in prison with no trial or rights for 4 years in Texas and NOTHTING was done to stop or remedy the entire illegal process. We have another Bill Clinton X3 organization that has broken into the American Piggy Bank and nothing has or is being done except some “Tea Party” members walking around with signs saying they are bad men! We already know that, we already know that the “Tea Party” didn’t want ANYTHING to do with American Grand Jury 3 years ago when they challenged ALL OF THIS online and refused to have any meetings with AGJ or any of it’s Criminal Presentments against this administration. Rather, they saw an opportunity to have this giant social club of Republicans/Conservatives with 20 different loyalties to multiple Gods of the Republican Party to walk around with signs! What brilliance, what genius, what a bunch of foolish cowards and “Arm Chair Commanders” doing absolutely nothing. FOX news “Fair And Balanced”, another high level media fashion show that dances around the real facts of Obama, is making fortunes on gaming the system just like all the other less fashionable news “agencies”. Sharon Rondeau of The Post Email should have her own television show on main channel to replace FOX and the truth would be out and so would the criminals in DC and the White House. They could all form their own “social club” in the prisons! I wonder how well they would be accepted by all the prison gangs? Actually, they might like it since they could learn new criminal tricks they haven’t heard and might not have to lie anymore since they would be around others there that recognize lies when they hear them.

John Sutherland
Sunday, June 23, 2013 8:41 AM

I think the USA as a federation is dead. Everything we have fought for and tried to accomplish under its flag has been defeated. Our enemies have been many, but they are/were primarily the internationalists of whom we were never free. Our enemies took their time, and they have conquered us. We didn’t do a good enough job assuring our own independence and our own freedom of interference by outsiders. We were too busy with our own lives, and we let too many criminals and enemies into our government. As a people we used to be largely guided by our Christian morality and ethics, but now that is all gone – people inside government no longer have morals and ethics. The federal government as a functioning system of governance is now sociopathic and is a dismal failure to our people.

Additionally, many (maybe most) of our state governments are now either treasonous and are working with the foreign and enemy controlled federal government, or they are simply dysfunctional. Our whole system of government is now on the table for discussion, because what we have now is simply not working for us.

In fact, our enemies are slowly killing us off by way of financial and monetary controls, aerial spraying of deadly chemicals, allowing huge multinational corporations to poison us with chemically deadly foods, warring against us for pretend causes (like the war on drugs, the war on poverty, etc.), imprisoning us for pretend crimes, stifling our freedom of assembly and freedom of speech. We are being mercilessly monitored and controlled by an unlawful totalitarian regime which has usurped our ability to control our own lives. We are being controlled by our enemies – the ruling elites. These elite eugenicists are now in charge, and they are calling for mass depopulation. That would be us they are targeting. How’s that feel, America?

I hope by now that we have now grown up enough as a people to see exactly what our problems are, because we are going to need clarity of vision in order to save our own lives and to make changes in our environment that are necessary to protect our future freedoms and our future sovereignty. We are also going to need a personal and committed determination to finally make the changes to our surroundings and our method of dealing with each other, and with outsiders, that are required. We need to change ourselves and our view of the world. We, the people, have to grow up and become serious about life. We have to take charge.

So, what do we do now? Since the federal government no longer abides by the Constitution, the Constitution is functionally null and void – it’s dead, and the states may now legally operate outside any constraints placed on them by the Constitution. The states are now basically once again sovereign states without any obligation to the fictional federal government.

Stephen Hiller
Sunday, June 23, 2013 8:26 AM

Why did it take that long to get a bullcrap reply? I thought bullcrap automatically came forth immediately from a “people’s representative”. Now there’s an oxyMORON (emphasis on MORON).

richard gorman
Sunday, June 23, 2013 12:41 AM

I hope that some day soon, Obama / Soetoro pops his head (and funny ears) out of the WH front door and exclaims — ” .. what we have here is a failure to communicate… !

Saturday, June 22, 2013 10:59 PM

The consistent non-reply to specific inquiry by the non-representing representatives repeatedly confirms what has been said for nearly five years, the Republic has been hijacked, the CONgress is complicit. Most folks do not understand or fathom the alphabet agencies of our government are the government. The branches and figureheads of governmental structure have been illusory for decades.

Saturday, June 22, 2013 6:54 PM

Many reps have been responding to your readers in the same fashion: non-committal and totally bypassing any B/C questions or demands for the exact meaning of “Natural Born.”

An immigration attorney pondered this question recently, and she did not think it was as easy as saying “born in the USA,” because it seemed clear that DUAL CITIZENS or former DUAL, albeit MULTI Nationals would be precluded from being Chief Executive.

This would seem to be the rationale for JUS SANGUINIS, as having two American citizens would preclude many cases of dual citizenship.

JUS SOLI, said source reported, made absolute sense as some countries grant citizenship automatically upon birth on their soil, which the USA has been doing for decades, Constitutionally right or wrong.

To the laywoman or layman it would seem then that only a JUS SANGUINIS/JUS SOLI combination would preclude ALL citizens or former citizens of OTHER countries from commanding our troops and taking the ultimate oath to protect our Constitution.

For a moment we may put aside all evidence of Obama’s identity theft and fraud.

Obama has told America and the ENTIRE WORLD that he was born with BRITISH Citizenship which changed to Kenyan (thereby retaining British Overseas citizenship) no matter what the real status of his US citizenship was or IS.

Rep. Courtney is as clueless and inefficient as the other reps have been about whom you have reported, Mrs. Rondeau.

A quick recollection recalls members of BOTH PARTIES who perpetuate this mess, this assault on the Constitution, thereby DISENFRANCHISING their constituents and all citizens.

Reprehensible is the only word that comes to mind, REPREHENSIBLE indeed!

Saturday, June 22, 2013 6:07 PM


Thank you for your diligence and persistence in keeping these stories alive (especially the fraud doc story)

Is it a waste of time to send a follow-up letter telling him half of his letter was missing or edited out by the NSA?

Don’t you just love the way these guys operate? It’s as though they are possessed of selective hearing, selective memories and selective response mechanisms.

They all lionize Lincoln except for the part about “…Government of the People, by the People and for the People”.
Thanks Again Sharon

Saturday, June 22, 2013 3:11 PM

535 TRAITOR “People’s Representatives” GUILTY of TREASON, and COMPLICIT in ALL of “O’s” TREASON and TREACHERY upon “WE the People” and our Republic!!
VOTING them Out is NOT the Answer~Impeachment, REMOVAL from their Offices and Jail for the Crimes of Treason, Failure on their JUDICIARY RESPONSIBILITIES to the Citizens and many additional “Legal Remedies” NOT being pursued is the ONLY VIABLE answer!!

Saturday, June 22, 2013 11:26 AM

Aka obama has committed many serious acts against America and its citizens. For very many of these acts, probable cause (warranting official investigation) exists that a crime has been committed. Several of these acts very likely rise to the level of treason, but perhaps the most clear-cut case among them is the Benghazi affair. I believe this is a clear, unequivocal act of high treason that should be easily understood by all Americans.

Political motivations, internet videos, aka obama’s personal whereabouts and other such details are all irrelevant distractions. The bottom line is that he and he alone is directly responsible for actively denying what would have otherwise been an automatic immediate rescue attempt of the Americans under deadly attack in Benghazi. Let me be clear – as putative commander-in-chief, aka obama had an absolute duty to proactively protect those Americans. Instead that self-serving anti-American coward abandoned them, leaving them to twist in the wind and die. Such a shameful, callous evil act of betrayal is both unacceptable and unforgivable.

Aiding and abetting our enemies who are essentially at war with us is treason. Going out of his way to enable our enemies to needlessly be able to kill Americans is murder. In a sane world aka obama (whoever he really is) would be justly and very publicly tried and convicted for these crimes, then summarily be given the full penalty for high treason per the rule of law.

| * Rescue Denied
| * Our Guys DIED!
| * Aka obama Lied…
he s/b Tried then Fried