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by OPOVV, ©2013

The U.S. Constitution was designated as the “Supreme Law of the Land,” but modern-day politicians have eviscerated and even ridiculed it

(Mar. 14, 2013)My covenant to my fellow legal citizens of the USA when I was a Constitutionally qualified Presidential candidate in the 2012 election was to bring our Constitution front and center of what we’ve been, are, and will continue to be: a FREE PEOPLE. My mandates were few, and my promise was that I’d do all I said I’d do within my first, and only, term.

I also said that I’d take control of our money by abolishing the Federal Reserve Bank.

I promised to kick the UN out of our country. I also said that I’d deport each and every illegal immigrant and each and every Muslim. Also, America’s “Nation of Islam” followers, since you hate America so much, I’d give them a one-way ticket to Afghanistan.

And here’s the thought process: free speech does not mean the right of advocacy of abolishing the Constitution. America IS the Constitution, and vice-versa.

I’d also said that everything Obama signed shall be rendered null and void because Obama is just that: null and void, a despicable excuse for the leader of “The Beacon of the Free World.”  A casting agent couldn’t have cast the role of “de facto embarrassment to the USA” any better than to cast Barry Husain Soetoro, aka Hussein Obama. No more “Obamacare.”  No more “stimulus” charade.

I would have abolished the Department of Homeland Security, the IRS and the Department of Energy, just to name a few of the wasteful and redundant government agencies.

The DHS refusing to uphold Federal Law, the DOJ the same: a pattern emerges. Replacing the current tax code with a National Flat Sales Tax is the one and only equitable way to produce the revenue to run the government.

I also said that the draft would be introduced; surely every American owes their country their total support of its Constitution. Everyone would serve in some capacity for a couple of years and be in the reserves until later in life. ALL citizens armed and all females issued a lightweight easily concealed handgun, obviously having been trained in weapon safety and use.

Anyone collecting welfare and any and all government assistance be put on some kind of work program, such as Roosevelt’s WPA, but subcontracted to the private sector, because if you want cost overruns and waste, let the government become involved.

I also promised to make our country 100% weaned from Arab oil, to make our country energy independent within four years.

People, all of these goals that I’ve stated are  achievable, all it would’ve taken was the right person with the brains and determination to make it happen.

The White House is supposed to be “the people’s house” but has become “Obama’s House”

What we have in the White House is somebody who has THE EXACT OPPOSITE GOALS for the future of America. So I ask you this, who would you really want in the Oval Office, a person who is working to destroy America or OPOVV, a person who would put America back on the map as the “Beacon of Freedom for Western Civilization”? It is my understanding that my platform wasn’t to your approval, or maybe the “election” was nothing but another one of Obama’s frauds.

I said keep the accolades, the limelight, the pomp and circumstances for someone who has a problem with approval poles and having their ego stroked. I don’t need it, wouldn’t want it anyway. Keep the White House open for The People; heck, the President is just another government employee working every day to defend and preserve the Constitution of the United States of America. Now, is that enough “understanding”?

And here’s the punchline: ALL of America’s problems have been purposely manufactured. We still retain the power to remedy the situation, but not as long as Osama’s mindless minions march along as brainless robots behaving as Obots.



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Thursday, March 14, 2013 8:33 PM

Your “VP” Candidate is in FULL AGREEMENT!