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by Kurt Kallenbach, blogging at SeasonofTreason

(Feb. 29, 2012) — In a nutshell…
From birth, you give up all the “fruit” of your labor to those who provide the roof over your head.  The House of Congress claims you and all your progeny as dependents within THEIR HOUSE.  You were born into a charitable public foundling hospital (for abandoned children), as has everybody since FDR’s New Deal, and taken in and “legally” adopted by the welfare STATE house.  You are now, and always will be, their legal WARD.
As a child of their house, and ward in their care, you are “subject to” their house rules commonly known as PUBLIC POLICY.  All belligerent and wayward children are dealt with by the in-house security called the Department of Justice – established in 1870 two years after the creation and implementation of the corporate US citizenship known as the 14th amendment.  The 14th amendment is a limited liability charitable public “trust” set up to care for the original “State” children – the freed black slaves.  The president of the United States is the “father” of their “household” and “Lord of the Manor” just like the English Estates of old.  You are considered a “domestic servant” within their (e)state house (GDP anyone?) and an employee subject to the all in house IRS rules as well.   On a global scale, this system of indentured servitude/ slavery is not new.  The reason we do not recognize it is because we have attended their (in house)”public” schools that were created to keep from educating the “help.”
As for your property, all of your property is considered THEIRS until you take full responsibility and liability for your own estate, thus becoming the legal age of majority and MOVE OUT OF THEIR HOUSE!  That means NO EXTENSION OF CREDIT by the 14th amendment trust.  We hold ourselves in bondage by being both the creditor AND debtor in their diabolical system.  The American people are always free until they unknowingly bind themselves to the commercial realm by “lending” the private United States their full faith and credit and “claim” US citizenship subjecting themselves to section 4 of the 14th amendment.  Again, the creditor and debtor are ONE AND THE SAME!  The only honorable way out and clear of the whole mess is for us to FORGIVE THE DEBT.  That is the answer to the so-called “Republic” as well.  The defacto government is held in place by the debt obligation the US has to the American people.  If we FORGAVE ALL DEBT… the defacto would cease to exist.
Whoever said that money doesn’t grow on trees forgot about the one tree FDR planted back in 1933… the Family Tree.”


Editor’s Note:  The author’s video, Season of Treason III, can be viewed here.  Mr. Kallenbach hosts two radio programs ten hours weekly on Tuesdays and Wednesdays.

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