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by One Pissed-off Vietnam Vet

Is Eric Holder working against the people he is supposed to be serving?

(Dec. 28, 2011) — The US Attorney General Eric Holder is suggesting that the Miranda Rights should be modified for terror suspects, charge terrorism suspects in a civilian court rather than in a military court, and close Gitmo before the elections of 2012. There are nine (9!) lawyers that the DOJ has hired since Holder took office who are also previous defense lawyers for terrorists.

Western Civilization is at war with Islam to the death. Either the United States will prevail or she will succumb to Sharia Law (respect Islam) and forever extinguish the beacon of freedom for the world. The US government is stacking the deck against Patriot Americans by regulations and laws which target followers of the Constitution. Republican congressmen have supported every idea put forth by the Obama administration and have been totally transparent in walking in step with the Democrats in failing to question Obama’s eligibility.

We are all aware of the unlawful ineligibility rulings by judges who ruled “No standing” when, in fact, every citizen has an equal right to know that any federal employee is legally qualified to hold the position for which he or she was hired and compensated from money collected from taxpayer dollars. Sending a citizen and U.S. Army officer to prison for asking if Obama is qualified to be president should have sent warning signals to all Americans, even to those who voted and supported Obama. The cavalier fashion in which Obots and Republican politicians have discarded freedom, liberty, civil rights, and the United States Constitution is nothing short of astounding, giving great insight into the extent of the infiltration of our enemies into government, education, and the entertainment industry (film, television and news). News is now nothing more than regime propaganda masquerading as truth when, in fact, it’s nothing but “doublespeak,” saying something but meaning the opposite, such as “hope” when all hope is removed, and “stimulus” money, when, in fact, a cruel sham was perpetuated on the jobless so payoffs and kickback funds could be ushered through Congress along with plenty of photo-ops for recipients of the money.

As during World War II, our enemy is definable, and yet the government, instead of targeting the enemy, thereby making us citizens safer, is doing the exact opposite: targeting Americans and thereby giving Islam, our enemy, an unfair advantage in moving yet another step closer to conquering America.

Fast and Furious” is just the tip of the iceberg of government corruption, and Eric Holder brings the word “racism” into play, when there is no racism, and there hasn’t been any racism for many years in America, but there has been an awful lot of stupidity in America and 99% of it is in the White House and its regime. It is this writer’s view that Eric Holder has been given the job of abolishing the Second Amendment, and the DOJ, Homeland Security and all of the other worthless alphabet soup departments in our government will stop at nothing to abolish and circumvent the Second Amendment in order to leave us Patriots defenseless.

Yes, Eric Holder is over the edge, but then all of the government agencies are likewise. It’s not our government; heck, it’s not even our country. The question remains: are we too late?


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  1. Question is not: When do the Citizens again become that “Rag-Tag” group of Citizen Patriots who marched against the most “Formidable Force” of the day to “Preserve, Protect and Defend” our Country??? It may end up that way if we don’t learn what is posted starting here – http://www.thepostemail.com/2011/12/27/the-peoples-money-system/ which affects everyone, rich or poor. The first order of action is to notice them with a Common Law Constructive Notice.

    Under our law, common law we need to notify them of their wrongs that we can document that are unconstitutional. Our current representation in the states and the new National government, once being a Federal government do not currently represent the state Citizens lawfully inhabiting the de jure Union States.

    The above is covered with documentation here – A Time for Choosing, Part I – http://www.thepostemail.com/2011/11/02/a-time-for-choosing-part-1/

    Respectfully submitted with all Rights Reserved,
    Steven Wayne Pattison

    1. Might Ye, be one of the 56 Learned Gentlemen of whom I speak? I find your writings informative and in fact. I being 70 yrs. and only lightly educated, have made comment several times that Gentlemen who are aware of the “Fringe on the Flag”, would certainly be an excellent addition to the Citizens War against this CABAL.
      This thrust to return America should most certainly be fought with the Sword of Law long before it degenerates into the “Sword of Damacles” scnario which certainly cause Bloodshed and Harm.
      Did the Founders provide in the Constitution, Bill of Rights, Federalist’s Papers and other of their writings and Declarations for the Preservation, Protection and Defense of the Constitution and the Republic, the Methodology to be used in the case of “Treason, High Crimes and Misdemeanors” against the United States of America and her Citizens?
      IF so, my question is: the ONE with Constitutional Authority”, having been subject to Swearing and Attesting Aliegence to the “Constitutional Oath” may bring to bear: “Arrest Warrants for Treason, High Crimes and Misdemeanors”, is this an Incorrect assumption of my ignorance, or would such a Courageous Action be Detered ONLY with the “Threat of Death?”

  2. The Question is MOOT~The Actions of this Communist CABAL and all of the Parasites that Infest it and “The District of Criminals” leave NO room for Discussion or Speculation!!

    The “Proof is in the Pudding!” Question is: When do the Citizens again become that “Rag-Tag” group of Citizen Patriots who marched against the most “Formidable Force” of the day to “Preserve, Protect and Defend” our Country???

    “WE the People” again, desperately need 56 Good and True Men who will Sacrifice their Lives, Fortunes and Honor for their Country!! Unfortunately, ALL that there is IS Apathetic Munchkins!!