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by Lawrence Sellin, ©2011

Is it time to pull down the statue of the king?

(Nov. 21, 2011) — Peter Schweizer, in his superb book “Throw Them All Out,” wrote:

“In short, the Permanent Political Class has clearly figured out how to extract wealth from the rest of us based solely on their position and proximity to power. If you have a seat at the table, you are in for the feast. If you don’t have a seat at the table, you are probably on the menu.”

For example, fabulously wealthy Senator John Kerry (D-MA) purchased shares of Citigroup (up to $550,000) and Bank of America ($350,000) right before the government bailed out the banking industry. Coincidence or is it insider trading, the legal graft Congress reserves for itself?

Clarice Feldman clearly and succinctly described how an entrenched oligarchy exploits the American people to increase their own power and wealth:

1. The media and the Democrats are joined at the hip and have created a “hereditary celebrity class.”

One of the fastest ways to celebrity is to be the child of a politician or a well connected political operative e.g. Meghan McCain, Mika Brzezinski, or Chelsea Clinton.

2. The political class views the taxpayers as cash cows to be milked for their own benefit and the benefit of their friends, children and contributors.

The Department of Energy blew even more money, a $1.4 billion loan guarantee, on a Robert Kennedy Jr. project Bright Source than it did on the already well-known Solyndra fiasco.

3. The Supreme Court action on the three ObamaCare Cases on which it granted certiori might well encapsulate the principle that we citizens are, in fact cash cows there for the federal government to milk.

Susan Seven-Sky v. Holder, the D.C. Circuit Court opinion earlier this month upholding the individual mandate in ObamaCare, took the path of brutal candor. If any limits on congressional power exist, they are invisible to the naked eye. Nowhere in any of the cases on ObamaCare does there seem to be a serious argument that the individual mandate is an intolerable intrusion on economic liberty.

There is also something fishy going on in the state of New Hampshire.

The Obama’s trampling of the Constitution, endorsed by Congress, appears to reach all the way down to the New Hampshire Secretary of State’s office and the Ballot Law Commission.

In October 2007, Obama was not required to affirm that he met the Constitutional requirements outlined in Article II, Section I, Clause 5 of the Constitution and, at least now, New Hampshire RSA 655:47, Declaration of Candidacy, stating:

“I, _______________, swear under penalties of perjury that I am qualified to be a candidate for president of the United States pursuant to article II, section 1, clause 4 (sic, should be Clause 5) of the United States Constitution, which states, “No person except a natural born citizen, or a citizen of the United States, at the time of the adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the office of President; neither shall any person be eligible to that office who shall not have attained to the age of thirty-five years, and been fourteen years a resident within the United States.”

The Declaration of Candidacy, New Hampshire RSA 655:47, signed by Obama in October 2007 makes no mention of the Constitutional requirements for the Presidency.

Did New Hampshire election officials not adhere to the Constitution in 2007 and 2008 and was Obama not vetted by them for his Presidential eligibility?

At a hearing of the New Hampshire Ballot Law Commission on November 18, 2011 challenging Obama’s eligibility, his social security fraud and forgery, the commission dismissed the complaint.

If all members of the commission voting on November 18, 2011 are Democrats, like New Hampshire Secretary of State William Gardner, then it appears to be a violation of New Hampshire statute RSA 665:1.

All of the above follows a familiar pattern; endemic political corruption sanctioned by a compliant mainstream media designed to maintain the status quo, that is, treating ordinary Americans as cash cows to be milked by politicians for their own benefit and the benefit of their friends, children and contributors.

To preserve their lavish lifestyles, politicians continue to ignore and dispense misinformation about the greatest fraud ever perpetrated on the American people.

Obama is, according to the U.S. Constitution, an illegal President, who has committed felonies both before and after occupying the Oval Office.

I have received hundreds of emails from readers, all of whom have written one or more letters to their members of Congress, only to be arrogantly ignored or ridiculed.

It seems no longer possible to seek the redress of grievances by petitioning Congress or expect its members to uphold the Constitution and champion equal treatment under the law.

The US Congress is dominated by incompetence, ambition and avarice. It has made itself a tyrant and has become a danger to the survival of the republic.

The Declaration of Independence states:

“Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, –That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it…”

Ordinary Americans are feeling disenfranchised and helpless by politicians practicing elective despotism.

By its actions, the corrupt permanent political class is leaving the American people no other option than outright rebellion to take back our government.


Lawrence Sellin, Ph.D. is a retired colonel with 29 years of service in the US Army Reserve and a veteran of Afghanistan and Iraq. He receives hate mail at lawrence.sellin@gmail.com

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John Sutherland
Wednesday, November 23, 2011 2:21 PM

geodan, you said: “Please understand: the de jure (rightful) government that we had up until March 27, 1861, known as the “united States of America,” with its guarantee of sovereign (unalienable) rights, was abandoned unknowingly through deception and fraud to our becoming citizens of a new, de facto (illegal) United States [Inc.], which (not taught to us) is a privately owned, for profit, foreign commercial corporation, known by many trademarks, including UNITED STATES [Inc.], not unlike Walmart, IBM, and others.”

Actions performed under fraud and criminal deceit are null and void on their face. We are still citizens of the lawful united States of America if we view ourselves as such.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011 12:10 PM

Unfortunately, the Alinsky tactics used by the regime have worked so well that the average American, even from the minority that actually cares what is happening to America with the Marxist/Communist takeover, is afraid to even speak out against the regime, let alone take any meaningful action.

The future looks bleak………………

Tuesday, November 22, 2011 11:18 AM

“By its actions, the corrupt permanent political class is leaving the American people no other option than outright rebellion to take back our government.” But take it back how?

Please understand: the de jure (rightful) government that we had up until March 27, 1861, known as the “united States of America,” with its guarantee of sovereign (unalienable) rights, was abandoned unknowingly through deception and fraud to our becoming citizens of a new, de facto (illegal) United States [Inc.], which (not taught to us) is a privately owned, for profit, foreign commercial corporation, known by many trademarks, including UNITED STATES [Inc.], not unlike Walmart, IBM, and others.

Our so-called votes, for a new CEO/President, and other corporate officers, does not alter the corporate charter that is enforced by the board of directors for the benefit of shareholders… especially if as mere employees of this corporation who have no vested interest. Please Read Ron Paul’s 2009 3-part, 13-page article, U.S. economic history that Ron Paul wants every American to know, at: http://www.examiner.com/ron-paul-in-grand-rapids/u-s-economic-history-that-ron-paul-wants-every-american-to-know-pt-i.

When we claim to be a 14th Amendment “citizen of the United States,” by virtue of our voter registration, Driver License or SSA application, and etc., we act as the agent of our government-created fiction (an employee) who is then the true member or “citizen of the United States,” and we must answer for that fiction’s errors and omissions with money or jail time. It is said that all citizens of the United States are corporations, and that all U.S. corporations are citizens of the private United States, and reside in the District of Columbia, including government agencies, courts, states and municipalities. Americans vote as 100+ million fictions in D.C. for its three Electoral College votes.

We, as sovereigns, have no government. We have no protection of our rights unless if at the county level, and as the jural society that we are, we institute and exercise a common-law jurisdictional Court of Record, grand and petit juries, select jurors and elect a sheriff for protection of those rights, then take absolute and lawful control of that county, where we live, ultimately as sovereigns, by screening out bad government and industries, all of which is do-able, and can collapse and dissolve the local, de facto (illegal) government.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011 9:06 AM

And proud Lucifera men did her call,
That made her selfe a Queene, and crownd to be,
Yet rightfull kingdome she had none at all,
Ne heritage of native soveraintie,
But did usurpe with wrong and tyrannie
Upon the scepter, which she now did hold:
Ne ruld her Realmes with lawes, but pollicie(conspiracy),
And strong advizement of six wisards old,
That with their counsels bad her kingdome did uphold.

– Edmund Spencer , “The Faerie Queene”

Talking Monkey
Tuesday, November 22, 2011 1:43 AM

Anybody who thinks that these tyrants – who control every aspect of life in America today – will willingly OR peacefully give up their power is still asleep and dreaming.

It is past time for the sleepers to awaken.

Monday, November 21, 2011 7:28 PM

GEORGE WASHINGTON, farewell address, Sep. 19, 1796

If in the opinion of the People, the distribution or modification of the Constitutional powers be in any particular wrong, let it be corrected by an amendment in the way which the Constitution designates. But let there be no change by usurpation ; for though this, in one instance, may be the instrument of good, it is the customary weapon by which free governments are destroyed.

George Washington Quotes II
