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by Lawrence Sellin, ©2011

General George Washington was the first President of the United States and had warned against warring political "factions"

(Nov. 12, 2011) — Barack Obama leads the most corrupt Administration in U.S. history.

Nevertheless, rather than addressing his corruption directly, the Republican Party ignores it, hoping to defeat Obama in the 2012 election by highlighting the “policy” differences between the political parties.

That decision should surprise no one.

The Republicans are less corrupt than the Democrats only because they are more inept at the task.

November 6, 2012 will be less an election than an auction of the nation’s wealth, callously stolen from hard-working Americans and given to powerful political donors in exchange for the empty promises of corrupt Republican and Democrat politicians.

Our vote only determines which of the thieves will be given the authority to rob us.

The Constitution and the rule of law mean nothing to the corrupt elite of the Republican and Democrat Parties.

In that respect, there is little difference between Obama and any of the candidates vying for the Republican Presidential nomination.

The oath of office of the President of the United States is unique in the federal government, that is, to “preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.”

We know that Obama has made a mockery of that oath.

Specifically, he is not a natural born citizen and, therefore, has never been eligible for the office of President. In addition, Obama has forged his birth documents and Selective Service registration and uses a Social Security number not issued to him.

We also know that the Republican leadership is fully aware of Obama’s crimes.

They are not only willing to disregard infringement of the Constitution and violations of law, but they are actively engaged in a disinformation campaign to mislead the American people about Obama’s crimes and Republican complicity in a cover-up.

The American people are being asked to exchange corrupt Democrats for corrupt Republicans.

In any case, the 2012 election will be the most polarized, violent and fraudulent in U.S. history.

Ordinary Americans should take prudent measures to prepare to defend themselves and their families against the coming chaos, which will be perpetrated by Obama’s union thugs, radical black nationalists, leftist extremists and Islamic fundamentalists. That is, his core constituency.

That core constituency also represents the bulk of the “Occupy Wall Street” protestors, a movement riddled with violence, criminality and anti-Americanism.

It is a prelude to future Obama 2012 campaign “events.”

As an example of Republican disingenuousness, instead of outright condemnation, Speaker of the House John Boehner expressed sympathy for that mindless mob stating: “I understand people’s frustrations.”

Like the Democrats, the present Republican Party is unfit to lead our great nation.

As long as the Republican Party ignores Obama’s ineligibility for the Presidency and his crimes, both before and after illegally occupying the Oval Office, I will not vote Republican and endorse permanent political corruption in Washington, D.C.

Voting Republican will simply delay the inevitable. In my opinion, it is better to let Obama win and allow a flawed two-party system to collapse.

It is within the power of the American people to refuse to subsidize the continuation of political corruption.

It is within the power of patriotic Americans to reject an oppressive big government philosophy and rebuild our political system from the bottom up, as the Founding Fathers envisioned and as our Constitution so brilliantly articulates.

The 2012 election can augur an American Renaissance or proffer a pathway to perdition represented by the status quo.

It is time to cast our ballots for “none of the above” and take back our government.


Lawrence Sellin, Ph.D. is a retired colonel with 29 years of service in the US Army Reserve and a veteran of Afghanistan and Iraq. He receives hate mail at lawrence.sellin@gmail.com


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  1. Colonel Sellin is right on the money. The GOP is as corrupt as the Democrats and Obama. GIven the historic mandate to protect and defend the republic, by the midterm elections of 2010, the GOP has sat on its hands and done nothing to investigate the lawless Obama, despite it being common knowledge that he is an illegitimate president in office in violation of the constitution. I’ve already told the GOP fundraisers and surveytakers to go to hell… that I won’t be voting or donating time or money to the party until they do “cowboy up” and do their constitutional duty.
    The courts, Congress, the military – all have failed in their most basic oath to the constitution and our republic. Our government is corrupt across both parties, at every level imaginable. We the people are literally the last line of defense – if we don’t protect and defend, no one will.

  2. While I share the frustration of all Birthers as an Article II Patriot alluding to Col Sellin sentiments I offer: while the “means” may be correct, (Voting Republican will simply delay the inevitable), the “Ends” ( it is better to let Obama win and allow a flawed two party system to collapse) does not provide an answer worthy of our Constitution.

    With a two party collapse all Americans are still left at the drawing board as to “Who” to trust in defense of the Constitution?

    I have been a defender of the Constitution continually with Federal Action as a leader in the Birther Movement. Its important to note that in The Birther Movement our Economy and National Defense are included very prominently in the balance. By no exaggeration our Economy and our National Defense are compromised with the Republican Candidates. I share that sentiment.

    What I do not share is the ‘hopelessness’ represented in a “none of the above vote” and the presumptive nominee of the Democrat Party as Obama. Not all Republicans are corrupted, not all Independents are corrupted, and not all Democrats are corrupted. In fact, I believe whole heartedly that it is a very small percentage that is actually at work in the corruption. I believe we do out number them and that is why we can win IF those who are Birthers will actively start supporting my candidacy.

    Listen, people are looking at the “Presumptive Nominee” of the Democrat Party as Obama instead of realizing what and how ‘caucuses’ work in the Democrat Party. I believe that is a fundamental error in political strategy by every Birther who is not actively lining up to support my candidacy.

    Caucuses are won and lost by a majority. If you care about this country it makes sense to sign up as a Democrat, and line up at the State Caucus to vote for me and bring your friends. To share this vision please consider:

    1) Obama’s camp thinks he’s a shoe-in and are not actively recruiting grass roots democrats to come out and support him in a Caucus that will in fact take place. Let’s take the Iowa Caucus for Democrats in Iowa. Democrats are coinciding their Caucus with the Republican Caucus Jan 3rd, 2012.

    2) Imagine if you will the media significance of all the Republicans and Independents walking into a Democrat Caucus and pulling a rabbit out of their hat with a WIN against Obama by Cody Robert Judy? This is far more important politically than wading through a list of 8 Republican Candidates in Iowa whose winner on the Republican side may or may not be the nominee anyway.

    a.) Obama’s base is ROCKED with the loss and its broadcast by the entire MEDIA!

    b.) Who beat Obama? Its doesn’t matter who won in the GOP, we have a LOSS already in the Obama scorecard to report. Imagine the Media sensation! Where was this Iowa Caucus Winner standing on Obama’s Eligibility? The Question is BLOWN UP like it was when Donald Trump popped up and Republican Candidates see a wave, rather than catching the wave, and reconsider their perspective.

    3) Iowa has a Veterans population, they have a farmer population, their are Iowans who love the Constitution. Who among us, the Birther Movement, has influence in these populations? Many retired Generals, and Majors, and Lt. Col’s have influence and could use it in a focused fight! Quit trying to beat Obama in a General Election, the Republicans are not going to do it, sweeping the Constitution under the carpet as Patriots? They have long forgotten the “Creator” in the Declaration of Independence and the “Lord” in the Constitution seen in the Year of our Lord. Do you think God’s really proud of the Republican’s strategy and he’s going to get behind it?

    Do you think as George Washington penned ” Let us raise a standard to which the wise and honest can repair. The event is in the hand of God”, is so far fetched from the Iowa Caucus, if every single Birther in the Nation focuses on moving hell backwards in the Democrat Iowa Caucus by voting for Cody Robert Judy?

    I am Cody Robert Judy, I am in the fight against Obama by myself. I am calling on all birthers for their help. Will you my fellow Birthers, in a depressed and disparaged state of mind think so hopelessly as to give up in the fight when you are needed most, all because the Republican Candidates won’t comment on Obama’s Eligibility? You’d rather leave the fight entirely? That represents loyalty to Obama and the Republican Party Candidates who keep their mouth shut. Is that where you’d like your loyalty to stand?

    Well, I may not be able to win, but by God your going to see me in a political fight and your going to watch me lose. I wouldn’t want you to miss the show you’ll witness with your hands in your pockets on a $20, $50, or $100 dollar bill that may have provided a commercial to move Iowan’s, me standing against Obama. You’ll all be able to watch the tank run over the lone man standing against the tank in Tiananmen Square. You’ll watch, and you’ll have that on your conscience and God’s witness against you for your in action just as much as you believe the ‘in action of the GOP Candidates is contemptible.

    Live with that and remember, a few can stand against a Tyrant in the Democrat Iowa Caucus, just as the brave King Leonidas and 300 Spartans funneled the enemy through the focused hot gates in the battle of Thermopylae. They may have lost or died, but all of Greece took notice.

    Here is the Campaigns latest Commercial appropriately entitled :
    Faith, Family, & The Constitution


    Cody Robert Judy

    The Cody Robert Judy for President 2012 U.S.C. Eligibility Campaign

    YouTube: CODE4PRES

  3. Not selling stuff here; only trying to offer educational material towards making a point.

    James Jaeger’s movie “Cultural Marxism” deals with how we got to be politically correct and how deeply PC has infiltrated our government and society. I was a member of the Boy Scouts for over 50 years but became disenchanted with the changes in their philosophy during an advanced adult (Scouter) training program (Wood Badge) when they were teaching “diversity”. So PC is embedded, deeply, in our society from youth, to government, to military.

    A follow on movie by Jaeger taken from a book by Nelson Hultberg is titled “SPOiLER” and features the usual players; Vieira, Griffin, Dr. Paul, Buchanan, etc.
    This movie proposes that we don’t have a two party system any more, just a melding of the two into one Demopublican entity. Will a vote for Romney give results different than a re-election of Obama? Was the administration of Bush, younger, and its huge trampling of personal rights, etc. not a place holder for the
    subsequent pile on of Obama’s administration? Will you not throw your vote away if you vote for either Romney or Obama?

    So what have you “spoiled” if you back a third party candidate? But what if you get a third party candidate on the national debate stage with the Demopublican mandatory 15% primary vote? Then your original constitution, true conservative candidate will have the bully pulpit by default and can get the word out to the public via national media, whether the MSM wants it or not. That’s the start. Hultberg’s increment. Could this lead to the election of more conservative candidates in the trenches? Definitely! Would the third party get elected president? Probably not until 2016, or not even then but the momentum would have been started.

    Going to ground, burying our heads in the sand, and pounding keyboards doesn’t sound like the way to start the juggernaut. Pressing the fresh and getting in peoples faces makes more sense. But conservatives “don’t do that”, you say? I say conservatives will go the way of the dinosaur and dodo bird if they don’t.

  4. LTC Sellin, another brilliant column… keep them coming. I’ve already told the GOP to stop sending me fund-raising sollicitations, and calling my home. I have informed them in no uncertain terms that unless they do their constitutional duties as our elected representatives, that they can forget about my vote, my time or my money. I mean it, too… every single word.

  5. BobSR, re: “I hope Mr. Sellin will soon write an article on what he believes is the correct action, or inaction, of the military regarding Obama and the Constitution…….and is there ever a time for military intervention?”

    Bob, Col. Sellin has written at least one artice critical of a fellow member of the military, Congressman and retired Col. Chris Gibson (P&E, 21 Sept. 11).

    My take on it is that while the majority of the enlisted, NCO and junior-midlevel officers remain true to their oaths, the uppermost general and flag officer ranks are now hopelessly corrupt and politicized. I think that the Pentagon’s reaction to the Ft. Hood shootings shows that, c.f. General Casey’s remarks on “diversity” being a casualty, and the fact that nowhere was the word “Muslim” used. The JCS should have drawn a line in the sand when Obama issued his first orders to them, and demanded clarification of Obama lawful status to issue orders as CIC, but they didn’t do that – instead, they all but rolled over and acted like trained poodles for the Fraud-in-Chief. In so doing, they betrayed their oaths as officers. The Lakin affair proves their perfidity and corruption. LTC Terry Lakin, M.D., a decorated surgeon with combat deployments, and excellent OERs, was thrown to the wolves by a kangaroo court, at the direction of the army leadership and probably the JCS. Lakin is the only honorable man in this whole sordid affair, as he was attempting to do the job his superiors should have done but failed to do. Sort of a “Dreyfus Affair” for the 21st century, you might say.

    Actually, the people who have best-answered the bell re: Obama’s crimes are retired military, such as Dr. Sellin and others, and ordinary citizens – who have the freedom of action denied to their uniformed counterparts.

  6. First of all, Rick Perry is no more corrupt than any other career politician. And, I’m with BobSr and the Gunny!! How bout it, Mr. Selin?? Any comment??

  7. Major newspapers can move the politicians to action by highllighting wrongdoing. They sit back reading the newspapers while collecting $175.000 paychecks otherwise. As the media is owned by the foreigners that have infiltrated government it’s curtains for America.

  8. As much as I like and agree with Col. Sellin’s articles, I wonder why he apparently doesn’t feel the same way about the leadership of the military as he does with Congress, after having served for 29 years in the Army Reserve?.

    Does Mr. Sellin believe military leadership should never take any action to protect the Constitution, even though they are as aware as Congress of Obama’s apparent usurpation of the presidency and other apparent crimes such as the fraudulent BC and bogus SS number?.

    Does the oath the military leadership took to protect America from her enemies, “both foreign and domestic” specifically not apply to Obama?……….and if it does not apply to Obama….why doesn’t it.

    I hope Mr. Sellin will soon write an article on what he believes is the correct action, or inaction, of the military regarding Obama and the Constitution…….and is there ever a time for military intervention?

  9. I hear so many of my Patriots caught up in the game…..follow Cain, no, follow Romney…..no, follow Gingrich, he sounds smart. We are watching America being turned into Iran. In Iran, the mulluhs decide who the two candidates get to be, and people have their choice of one evil or the other. In America, the “R” and “D” elites offer a few more candidates, but they are already corrupt LONG before they are “sworn in” (for whatever that is worth! None will defend our Constitution.) Even Ron Paul “says” he will follow the Constitution “IF” he is elected, but WHY won’t he support the Constitution NOW???? BO is a criminal. PERIOD! What has Ron Paul done to stop him………..{crickets chirping……}
    Any candidate not running under the mantle of “R” or “D” is called a “spoiler” and ridiculed and scorned. When will Americans learn they HAVE the power to make a “spoiler” the REAL answer? Didn’t we learn anything in November 2010? WE made a difference and gave “R”s another chance. Our pledge was to give them that chance and to punish them if they failed. THEY FAILED!