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November 11, 2010

Does the military chain of command start and stop with the Pentagon, according to the U.S. Constitution?

Dear Editor:

The following email was sent to Col. Denise Lind, who ruled on September 3, 2010 that Lt. Col. Terrence Lakin could not obtain discovery on Barack Obama’s birth records and history because it might prove “embarrassing” to Obama, the putative commander-in-chief:

From: Tom Arnold


To: chuck.dasey@us.army.mil

Cc: Roger.West4@usdoj.com

Date: Thursday, November 11, 2010, 2:33 PM

What happened to the “chain of command?!”  You, Col. Lind, ruled on September 3 that the Pentagon, not so-called commander-in-chief Barack Obama, is the entity which issues orders to enlisted men and women in the military.  As such, you denied Lt. Col. Terry Lakin, truly an American hero and patriot,  his right as a United States citizen and military officer to the defense process of discovery (to merely examine Obama’s credentials so as to verify his, Obama’s, legal authority constitutionally to issue orders to troops  troops, such as to deploy to Afghanistan in the case of Lt. Col. Lakin).  So, now, Col. Lind, it appears we have a   disjointed/disconnected  “chain of command,” don’t we?  It doesn’t extend to the “top” anymore, i.e., it doesn’t  go up to or emanate from the “Commander-in-Chief” like we always thought it did.   According to you, the chain of command now stops at the Pentagon!  This sort-of leaves Barack Obama out, doesn’t it, Col. Lind?

So, tell us, Col. Lind, has there recently been a military coup/junta in the United States of America, which we, the citizens, know noting about and in which you, Col. Lind, are a conspirator who is promoting it and concealing it from We the People?   Aren’t you sworn to honor and protect the Constitution and to serve the citizenry of the United States of America?  Not Barack Obama or any other possible usurper/dictator!  Obviously, I say, this matter needs to be resolved in a court of law, not your shamelessly corrupt kangaroo court!

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  1. It is my understanding that Lakin’s lawyers have abandoned Lakin’s birther defense and have even condemned it. Lakin’s new lawyers claim they support Lind’s ruling and don’t believe Obama’s eligiblity has any relavence. I don’t believe this to be true, but I do believe Lakin’s lawyers are probably taking this position in attempt to win points with the court when it comes time for sentencing. However, Tom Arnold can send his email to Judge Lind himslef if he wants: denise.lind@us.army.mil & denise.lind@conus.army.mil

    1. If this is true, perhaps his team has decided to make things as easy as possible on Col. Lakin and then appeal the case to a higher authority. Here is what I intend to do. I am going to send my correct description of the correct Theory of Law that properly describes Article II qualifications to Denise Lind at the e-mail you provided. Then, she will have exculpatory evidence that exonerates Col. Lakin. If she does not disclose this evidence or ignores it, then she will be guilty of an offence and she will be guilty of taking part in a criminal cover-up.

      I believe there is more to this situation than just Obama and his illegitimacy. It is my belief that this case is about covering up for the top military brass for crimes against humanity and torture that were committed under the Bush/Cheney administration and covered up by installing Obama who does not meet Article II qualifications, in order to provide blackmail of the President, in order to prevent the criminal justice department of the new incoming administration in 2008 from holding those in the military and CIA responsible for their crimes of torture and lying and fabricating evidence to take us to war with Iraq. I think that is what Col. Lakin is really up against.

      It is the only thing that explains why the top military brass would support this blatantly obvious illegitimate President and the bogus proceedings against Col. Lakin.

      1. ‘It is the only thing that explains why the top military brass would support this blatantly obvious illegitimate President and the bogus proceedings against Col. Lakin’.

        I think the real reason is that the top brass are ‘politically-correct’, gutless, toadies.

      2. Jedi Pauly is way off-base this time. A wise man proportions his belief to the EVIDENCE, and I know of no evidence whatsoever that Obama was installed “. . . in order to prevent the criminal justice department of the new incoming administration in 2008 from holding those in the military and CIA responsible for their crimes of torture and lying and fabricating evidence to take us to war with Iraq.” That seems purely speculative to the point of delusion. Let’s try to focus on the facts and logical inferences and avoid these little sidetrips into the weeds.

  2. When Lt. Col. Lakin raised his right hand and swore “I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foriegn and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same” he didn’t anticipate being compelled by his conscience to challenge his commander-in-chief. He did everything he could within his chain of command but his efforts were swept aside. He then made the heroic choice to force the issue by challenging his chain of command, the top of which is Obama. Does he not have the right, if not the responsibility, to do so and to have a reasoned response to his challenge?

  3. > ow a man that is not born and raised in The United States of America can be our President

    Remember “raised” is not necessary and “born” is not enough.

    However, personally, I prefer the ius sanguinis approach, not the ius solis alone (as the Obama followers posit) and not both combined (as most people here posit).
    I find it hard to believe that someone who is born to two citizen parents could in any way be a lesser President just because he was born 2 miles the wrong side of the border.

    1. Article II in fact does use the sanguinis approach. Read my Article here at the Post and E-mail entitled The True Meaning of Article II “natural born Citizen” a Scientific Theory by Jedi Pauly (me) where I prove once and for all that Article II means exactly that you must inherit from your citizen father the natural political right to claim an allegiance to the U.S. and we do not inherit political allegiances from soil or our mothers. I prove that soil and your mom are irrelevant for Article II purposes. Just search for Jedi Pauly and the Article will come up. Read and become enlightened!

  4. I would personally like to know about my President, and all of his birth records. I love the United States of America and I want to know how a man that is not born and raised in The United States of America can be our President.

    Please send me information as to how I may obtain this information.

    Thank you!
    Have a wonderful day!
    Mrs. Rondeau Keep reading The Post & Email!

    1. All you need to do is search the Post and E-mail for the Article by Jedi Pauly, The True Meaning and Interpretation of Article II “natural born Citizen” a Scientific Legal Theory. You will see that Article II requires you to be created by a citizen father and your mom and soil are irrelevant for Article II purposes. The Post and E-mail has already educated the world to the truth and meaning of Article II. Obama can not possibly qualify without a U.S. citizen father to create him. We do not inherit political allegiances via soil or via our moms. We only inherit political allegiances through our citizen fathers. Read the Article it will explain.

      1. So, just to make that clear, that means if, hypothetically, it could be proven that Obama/Soetoro was born in Kenya to a US citizen father and a Kenyan mother, you would consider him eligible?

        Just in case, because you never know what may turn up once he actually releases his records.

        I don’t think that would ring well with those who know Obama/Soetoro to be a usurper to the office…