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Editorial by Harry Hunter

Obama's oratory, once famous, has become ridiculous.
Obama's oratory, once famous, has become ridiculous.

(Dec. 11, 2009) — Don’t be alarmed, but since Barack Obama mentioned Hitler in his Nobel Prize acceptance speech yesterday, I am going to follow his example.  Yes, Obama is an outstanding orator who has the power to move millions; so was Hitler.   Without endorsing either man’s policies or other personal qualities, I give them credit for being great communicators—and for being in that one respect comparable to Ronald Reagan.

Not that Obama’s speech in Norway was entirely praiseworthy, but overall and in the main it was an outstanding speech that deserves respect.  No telling how many people worked on that speech, but I would like to think Obama was one of them.  In any case, it bears his name, just like the books in his name, so let’s play along and call it Obama’s speech.

One egregious failing in the speech was Obama’s attempt to justify some of his pre-election politicking  by claiming that he was holding America to proper rules for conducting war:  “That is why I prohibited torture. That is why I ordered the prison at Guantanamo Bay closed.”  Actually, torture was prohibited long before Obe came along, and by torture he must have meant the highly selective use of waterboarding on two or three key al-Qaeda terrorists.  No fingernails were removed, no bones were broken, no beatings were involved.  But Obe worked waterboading for all it was worth in the election campaign, and by golly he is still working it.

He has also made politcal hay by suggesting Guantanamo was somehow an immoral or illegal facility, as if having a much-needed prisoner camp were some kind of war crime, like having a concentration camp.  What rule of war did Gitmo violate?  That was never made very clear.  Liberal politicians and their slavish media just yelled foul and used the army base as a club to beat up on Republicans and win independent votes.  In reality, Guantanomo has served the best interests of this country, and by closing it Obama is jeopardizing our national security.

Obama wandered off in the weeds again when he cited the need to confront climate change to support this puffball principle: “The absence of hope can rot a society from within.”  Hmmm. So if we do not ruin our economy for the sake of fake, politicized science, the United States is going to rot from within?  I don’t think so, and I don’t believe in Obe’s version of hope and change.  We are much more likely to rot from the socialist agenda Obama and his far-left czars are doing their utmost to impose upon us, including the very Cap-and-Raid Obe considers such a noble cause.

More Obama misconceptions bubbled up in his speech when he posited that it was fear of losing their religious identity that led al-Qaeda terrorists to attack us on 9-11.  Obama mused that “people fear the loss of what they cherish in their particular identities — their race, their tribe, and perhaps most powerfully their religion. . . this fear has led to conflict . . .  we see it in the way that religion is used to justify the murder of innocents by those who have distorted and defiled the great religion of Islam, and who attacked my country from Afghanistan.”   Sorry, Obe, but in the first place Islam is great only in the havoc it wreaks upon this suffering world, and secondly the jihadists attack us not out of fear of losing their identity but because their criminal religion fills them with evil teachings taught by evil imams, mullahs and ayatollahs.

Still, Obama’s Nobel acceptance speech does contain much to admire, and there are jillions of people who admire the compelling orator who delivered the lines.  Those of us who wish for our ineligible president to be removed from office for the sake of constitutional governance should be prepared to deal with the unhappiness of a lot of people if and when our wish comes true.

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