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by One Pissed-off Vietnam Vet

What would Benjamin Franklin have said about the current economic crisis and politicians running for office?

(Nov. 27, 2011) — If there’s one trait we put before all others, I’d have to say honesty is at the top of the list. When the Point Man returns with his report, minimizing whatever he saw is just as bad as embellishing: a squad against a Division is not quite the same as a squad against a lone lookout. Truthfulness is also a paramount ingredient in business forecasting: hiring additional employees could cost you the profit margin if the customers never show up in the numbers anticipated.

But, maybe not surprisingly, we have all become so jaded about politics and politicians that it’s just standard human procedure to believe that everything a politician says, if not an outright lie, is not quite the whole truth: in short, we don’t trust them, and with good reason. I remember voting for Clinton for his second term because he was against NAFTA, and guess what happened? A month into his second term he signed the NAFTA bill.

But you may say, “Well, that’s just politics as usual,” and at any other time I’d agree with you, but not now. You see, the rules have changed, and they’ve changed because the game’s changed. The game is different because, having started in 1776 and never ending, the game being played today may actually have an end:   the end of freedom, the end of America.

These candidates running for the office of President seem to be unable to say certain words, words like “recession, depression, unemployment over 20%, treasonable acts, fraud, and ineligible.”  I don’t know why they have such a problem with those words, especially the word “depression,” as in “Well, it’s time for the truth, and truth be told, we’re actually in an economic depression right now, but I can’t really tell you that because you can’t take the truth.”

Truth. The truth is that America’s illegal immigration problem is solvable: Americans went to the moon, for Pete’s sake, and if we could, and did solve that problem, of sending a man to the moon and bringing him home safely, we can surely deal with illegal immigrants; all illegal immigrants within our borders after, say, January 1, 2014 shall be arrested, face forfeiture of all property, and be deported. See how easy that was?

Here’s another one for you: Islam and the Constitution cannot coexist; therefore, all Muslims are asked to move somewhere where they can have their Sharia Laws without interfering with anyone else’s:  maybe Iran or any other Islamic country. That was easy.

This economic depression that we are in has been orchestrated to cause undue hardship so the New World Order can waltz right on in and take over. I don’t think so, and to prevent that from happening, the Federal Reserve Bank’s charter will be nullified and we, the people, will have control of our money, and not some greedy private enterprise.  So long, Fed, and good riddance. Easy as pie.

Now that’s what it’ll take to get America going again, a President who’ll JUST TELL THE TRUTH, and act on it.


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Sunday, November 27, 2011 9:54 PM

Can someone who tells the truth ever get elected president??

There are a whole lot people who can’t handle the truth. They prefer to have smoke blown in exchange for their vote.

How does that change?