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by Capt Joseph R. John (Ret), ©2016, Chairman, CombatVeteransForCongress

(Aug. 22, 2016)The below listed UCLA/LA Times poll, which began on July 4, 2016, contains results which are the type of information that the left-of-center liberal media establishment doesn’t want American voters to see.  That poll reveals the naked truth about the true standing of the presidential race between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton.

In that poll, Hillary is losing despite the fact that her campaign has been spending hundreds of millions of dollars on TV ads attacking Donald Trump in key battleground states. In this particular poll Donald Trump has a 2% lead over Hillary (he is not losing by between 8-10% reported daily by the liberal press).  Donald Trump has not spent one cent on TV ads in key battleground states. The dishonest liberal media establishment has consistently refused to report the results of the below listed poll to the American voters ever since July 4, 2016.

Donald Trump’s support from black Americans rose to 12.8%, and his support from Hispanic Americans rose to 36.5%—more support by minorities than either Mitt Romney or John McCain received during their respective presidential bids.  At this same period in August 1988 in the Vice President George Bush vs. Gov. Michael Dukakis presidential race, Bush was down by 16%, but he subsequently won the election in November with 53% of the vote.

The Republican political ruling class has been violating President Reagan’s rule, “Do not to speak ill of another Republican.” Their vocal criticism lays bare their fear that if Donald Trump is elected, he would destroy their cozy relationship with the Democrat political ruling class and with K Street lobbyists, who have been betraying the American people for the last eight years—Washington, DC needs a wrecking ball to shatter the rampant corruption.

The American liberal press, TV networks, Hollywood leftists, and a relatively small but vocal number of “NeverTrump” Republicans, by repeatedly attacking Donald Trump, continue to violate President Reagan’s rule and are actually supporting Hillary’s election by trying to undercut Mr. Trump’s appeal.

The press continues to cover up every one of Hillary’s repeated violations of national security regulations over a four-year period, where over 1,000 classified messages were transmitted on a unclassified server; over the years enlisted military personnel who didn’t have the support of a dishonest attorney general protecting them, went to jail for violating national security protocol for, in some cases, sending just one classified message—–not for destroying 33,000 messages.

The press has been covering up Hillary’s illegal destruction of 33,000 messages that were transmitted on her unauthorized, unclassified server in her home which foreign governments and WikiLeaks have hacked—some of those messages are so highly classified that the Congress and the American people will never know what was in them.

For four years the dishonest press has covered up Hillary’s personal responsibility for refusing to provide adequate security for the US Mission in Benghazi, despite the fact that the US Ambassador pleaded directly to Hillary, six times, for adequate security, saying his life was being targeted.  Hillary’s repeated refusals led directly to the death of four Americans in Benghazi.  Then she flagrantly lied to the nation and to the families of those four dead Americans by saying that a YouTube video was responsible for a demonstration that went bad when she knew the attack on the US Mission was a planned commando attack by over 125 radical Islamic terrorists.

The most damaging action against the United States that Hillary took while she was Secretary of State was to provide her signature approval giving Putin’s Russian Nuclear Energy Agencies control of an American company, Uranium One, and with it, 20% of all of the United States uranium reserves.

“What difference, at this point, does it make?”

While she was Secretary of State, Hillary’s criminal money-laundering operation was funneling hundreds of millions of dollars in donations from foreign government and foreign companies into a Canadian off-shore bank. Some of those funds were subsequently funneled into the Clinton Foundation’s US accounts; it was reported that only 4% of those funds ever went to charities.

If Hillary were ever elected, she professes on the stump that she would continue Obama’s destructive and anti-American policies – the same disastrous policies that have brought in over 900,000 Muslim refugees from the Middle East and resettled them in 185 cities without letting the FBI vet them to determine if they have terrorist ties.  She would continue Obama’s tax-and-spend policies that are aimed at destroying the free enterprise system that built the most effective economic engine in the history of mankind.  There would be an increased threat of terrorism in the homeland, where there have already been 86 terrorist attacks by radical Islamic terrorists on Obama’s watch that the press continues to covers up.  The FBI now has over 1,000 ISIS terrorist investigations under way in all 50 states.

Hillary would continue to use Common Core to force-feed socialism into the fabric of the education of our youth in undergraduate education, continue the division and murderous conflict along racial lines that America hasn’t seen since the early 1950s, maintain a constant flood of illegal aliens to enter the US through the wide-open southern border, and bring in hundreds of thousands of Muslim refugees into the American homeland from the most radical places on earth.

The Republican leadership in Congress, by their legislative action and failure to act, have revealed their true colors over the last eight years.  They’ve demonstrated that they are only doing what is in their best interest, not what is in the best interest off the American people.  They have voted to allow the national debt to rise to $20 trillion, sat on their hands while Obama hollowed out the US military, provided federal funding for over 300 lawless sanctuary cities that disobey federal laws, refused to use the power of the purse to stop Obama’s lawless immigration policies, allowed the Department of Health and Human Services to threaten to withhold education funding to all 50 states if they don’t employ their Common Core curriculum to indoctrinate America’s youth in socialism, and for eight years have refused to pass legislation to close the southern border through which drugs, illegal aliens, and terrorists freely enter.

For eight years the Republican leadership in Congress has not only betrayed the Republicans who put them in office but repeatedly betrayed the Republican Conservative Caucus in Congress by working against them, siding with Democrats in order to pass legislation that is not in the best interest of the American free enterprise system nor in the best interest of American citizens.

The Republican Party will never be the same after this election, and Senator Ted Cruz, Senator Lindsey Graham, Gov. John Kasich, Gov. Jeb Bush, and Gov. Mitt Romney have forever destroyed any presidential ambitions they may still have.

Copyright 2016, Capt. Joseph R. John. All Rights Reserved. This material can only be posted on another website or distributed on the Internet by giving full credit to the author.  It may not be published, broadcast, or rewritten without permission from the author.   

Joseph R. John, USNA ‘62

Capt     USN(Ret)/Former FBI

Chairman, Combat Veterans For Congress PAC

2307 Fenton Parkway, Suite 107-184

San Diego, CA 92108



Then I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, “Whom shall I send, and who will go for Us?” Then I said, “Here am I. Send me!” -Isaiah 6:8



Spiked shock poll shows Trump moving up!

USC/L.A. Times shows GOP nominee up in latest, but you’ve got to find results yourself

Read more at http://mobile.wnd.com/2016/08/the-shock-poll-media-dont-want-you-to-see/#KJ08xslyS5MZWYwD.99

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Tuesday, August 23, 2016 4:56 PM


This is a link to the current electoral map. If the election were held today then Clinton would likely win. The states that are solid democrat and leaning democrat represent 272 electoral votes.

Tuesday, August 23, 2016 4:55 PM




First link is to LA Times. They explain how their poll is different from the rest. The other two links explain it as well.

The LA Times poll uses the same 3200 people each time. Their weighting of the results is also different from the others. If the initial sample of 3200 consisted primarily of voters that were solid Clinton and solid Trump then it would not change very much. The poll is a solid indicator of how voters are moving.

However, national polling is irrelevant when it comes to the US presidential race. What matters is the electoral college. Trump is facing the same problem as Mitt Romney in 2012. The democratic candidate can count on approximately 230 electoral votes as a baseline while the republican candidate has only 160 as a baseline. Winning just two of the big battleground states puts the democratic candidate over the 270 vote threshold.

Trump will need to take all 8 states that are currently considered tossups just to get to 266. In order to win he will have to pick off at least one state that is leaning democrat. I don’t see that happening.

Robert C. Laity
Monday, August 22, 2016 7:41 PM

Obama and the Clintons are degenerate criminal miscreants.