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by Capt. Joseph R. John (Ret.), ©2016, Chairman, CombatVeteransForCongress

(Jun. 26, 2016) — The Joint Chiefs of Staff should never permit anything to degrade the “Combat Effectiveness,” morale, and the unit cohesiveness of combat units in the US Armed Forces.  Recruiting and allowing transgender individuals to enter the US Armed Forces will further degrade the “Combat Effectiveness,” morale, and unit cohesiveness of the US Armed Forces.

Obama’s social experiment in diversity permitted the recruiting and entry of gay individuals into the US Armed Forces; that policy resulted in the rape of 11,000 straight male recruits by gays, something that has never happened before.  Obama’s destructive Social Experiment in Diversity has negatively affected unit morale, retention, recruiting, unit cohesiveness, and “Combat Effectiveness.” of the US Armed Forces.

The entry of transgender individuals will result in hundreds of expensive sex-change surgeries (that will be the main reason they will join) and in serious unit conflicts, destabilizing events that will destroying unit cohesion, and their presence will further degrade unit morale—-it is another of Obama’s destructive policies that have been degrading the US Armed Forces for nearly eight years.  The US Armed Forces is not a laboratory for social experiments; its primary function is to defend the Republic from enemies.

Will the “do-nothing” Republican leadership in Congress continue to do “absolutely nothing,” as Ryan and McConnell have done absolutely nothing to oppose this latest destructive policy that will degrade the effectiveness of the US Armed Forces?  Ryan and McConnell watched on the sidelines while Obama hollowed out the US Armed Forces, degrading its strength to the level it stood at prior to World War II, while China, Russia, Iran, and the Islamic State keep growing and modernizing their military forces.

This latest Obama destructive military policy is unconscionable, and the Joint Chiefs of Staff should hang their heads in shame for not resigning en masse!!

Joseph R. John, USNA ‘62

Capt     USN(Ret)/Former FBI

Chairman, Combat Veterans For Congress PAC

2307 Fenton Parkway, Suite 107-184

San Diego, CA 92108



Then I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, “Whom shall I send, and who will go for Us?” Then I said, “Here am I. Send me!” -Isaiah 6:8


Ban on Transgender Troops to Be Lifted July 1

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Ed Sunderland
Sunday, June 26, 2016 11:21 PM

“Can anyone explain why combat veterans in congress refuse to impeach Obama for high treason?” If anyone knows what that is it would be combat veterans many of which are being denied healthcare and benefits by the same treasonous sot in the White House.

We have been pounding the phone lines for years now all we get is the same useless drivel from our elected public servants.