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by OPOVV, ©2015


(Oct. 9, 2015) — “Good evening, folks. As you can see, we’re back at the university in the sociology department. The head of the department, Professor Molly Bernard, just wrote the current best-seller, ‘It’s a Lot Worse than Even You Can Imagine.’

“Professor, I must admit that the title of your book is a little disconcerting. I mean, I’m really surprised people even bought the book, it seems so depressing. We all know we’re living in perilous times, so why push the issue? What’s the point? Why did you write the book and what do you plan to accomplish?”

“Ever heard of the saying, ‘Publish or perish??’ So, as long as I had to write something, I decided to make a little money along the way.”

“There’s rumors of a movie deal, or at least a television movie-of-the-week. And the books are flying off the shelves. So, tell our audience, what’s the message here?”

“The message is crystal clear: if we continue on our current path, the USA will soon be but a distant memory when freedom lost out to tyranny. I break it down to how the normal track to manhood has been derailed so that the word ‘wisdom’ has become completely meaningless.”

“Could you be a little more specific?”

“Sure. It’s all about the ‘Rites of Passage’: the trials and tribulations that men must pass through to adulthood. By the time a boy reaches adolescence, he should’ve been exposed to the teaching of the Ten Commandments; in other words, gone to Sunday school, as one good example. Mind you, we’re talking about the here-and-now, not back in the times of Cheops and the Sphinx.

“Today’s anti-Christian America doesn’t embrace the church or what the Golden Rule can do for everyone, especially uneducated young men who follow the herd, no matter where it may lead, even to the point of oblivion, to their own self-destruction.

“Eliminating the Draft, where all young men must serve their country for at least two years, has done irreparable harm to our country. First, it has denied the opportunity for men to learn how to be a warrior, to be a part of something way larger than themselves. Second, it has denied our young men the experience of a ‘Dear John’ letter while confined to base, thereby learning one of life’s great lessons: you’re really not as important as you think you are. Put another way, it’s a way of telling young men that they are indeed expendable, so get used to it early in their military career and on life’s road to maturity. And then, to top it off, the Draft insures that our military is truly a ‘citizen military.’

“Then there’s chapters on drugs, as in being dependent on anything, including M&M’s; bars; women; gambling; and narcissism.

“All-in-all, it’s a must-read, and the way I published my references it’s sure to be required reading for any Sociology class; that is, if the school’s administration isn’t Obots, or progressives, or flaming followers of the National Socialist Party, known in America as the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) (please read this link).

“You can pick up a copy at the university’s bookstore for only $9.95. Bring it back and I’ll sign it for you.

“Look, the point is that American men aren’t being raised the way men have been raised for the past 5,000 years. There’s a definite disconnect between reality and hype, and Obama and this Administration is hype; CAIR and the Muslim Brotherhood are hype: ‘One World Order” and the Federal Reserve Bank is hype; and Islam and peace is hype.

“Bottom line? The military is Obama’s, not the people’s. Remember that as you watch our precious Constitution being flushed. I’ve got a luncheon date at a place that serves terrific burgers. My treat.”

“We’re out of here. Well, ladies and gentlemen, you heard it here: the downfall of America is because we’ve raised a bunch of lazy bums. They’d rather play video games than read War and Peace; no Sunday school; no Scouts and no military service, so let’s not be surprised that we even have a person like Obama in the first place. We’re paying for the so-called ‘Easy Way Out.’

“That’s it for now.  Thank you for watching. Goodnight.”

Semper Fi