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by OPOVV, ©2014

(Mar. 27, 2014) — You’re some kind of life form. Let’s make you a mouse. If you’re a mouse, your parents are mice, your brothers, sisters, all your relatives; why, everyone is a mouse. You go to mouse school where you read books written by other mice. Later on you join the mice military. Even later you get married and have a litter of mice. You vote, and try and be a good mouse parent and a member of the “Mouse Land.”

The “Mouse Land” is a big iceberg that’s been trapped in a bay since the beginning of time. Your berg is too big to make it out of the channel that leads to the ocean, but you don’t know that. All you know is that “Mouse Land” is surrounded by water. Different areas on top of this large berg have been the nesting sites of different species of birds for many millennium, a millennium being one human year: 12 mouse years equals one mouse millennium.

Through many millenniums different mice colonies have emerged, and the ones we see today are the result of an ongoing evolution. All of these mice metropolises are located where birds nest. The mice have named their areas after the birds that live above them. All the mice have plenty of water, plenty of room, and plenty of food. The mice are happy, except forever being chased by the birds, which they equate with the price of life.

As if life wasn’t hard enough, one of the mice colonies prey on other mice habitats. They think that their belief in mice philosophy is the only true mouse belief and have demonstrated a desire to kill their own kind. Actually, they’ve been killing their own kind for 16,800 mouse years.

What’s interesting in this picture is that at night, all of the mice see exactly the same sky with icebergs all over the place. One would think that they’d want to get along, seeing that they weren’t alone in the cosmos.

But they don’t. They could, but not the way they’re going about it. The other mice on the berg know about these mice who kill their own kind. They know all about the “honor killings,” too, and they fear these savage mice, and with good reason. You see, these savage mice not only kill members of their family, but also their neighbors AND complete strangers.

There’s no reasoning with the Savages. You can’t, for instance, explain why it’s not a good idea to kill other mice just to kill them. They chew off the heads of their victims, you know. Or fly into buildings. Or plant bombs in the road. Rape women and blame the woman so it’s she who is punished. Crazy.

And all the other mice know about these savages and want nothing to do with them, nothing whatsoever. Yet a very small percentage of the good mice just don’t get it, and may never will. This small group is putting everyone’s necks on the chopping block; it’s just a matter of time. And the funny part of the story is this: the first necks that the savage mice will chew off will be those who just don’t have a clue how the real world works: Obots, the supporters of Obama and Obamacare.


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