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by OPOVV, ©2014

Does today’s U.S. government embody the visions of the Founders and soldiers of the American Revolution?

(Feb. 7, 2014) — You, you who are reading these words, you’ve been automatically put in charge of it all, of everything. I know it’s a shock, so we’ll help you all we can. First, we’ll send you back in time, make it 1776. So, now that you know, off you go. Hang on!

Zap! It’s your job to form a new country. Look at this map here: Canada to Mexico, the Atlantic to the Pacific, okay? Now go for it.

Here’s a blank sheet of paper and a pen. Start writing. What kind of government do you want? Do you want checks and balances, or do you want what you have now? Do you want a military that answers to the Constitution, or do you want the Joint Chiefs of Staff to do a dictator’s bidding?

Do you want honest and free elections, or do you want easily-manipulated electronic voting machines?

Do you want intimidation outside the polling places? Do you want an Attorney General who violates his Oath?

What about Congress:  do you want to do away with them completely? The same with the Supreme Court?

What would you say about the press, about “mainstream media?” Would you want them to report the Truth, or just be a mouthpiece for the dictator?

Are you in favor of a Gestapo police force that breaks into homes for the thrill of murder? Wrong house, who cares? And why at 4:00 in the morning? They have the press in the bag anyway; are they really afraid that the neighbors just might fight back?

Are you going to allow the enemy, Muslims, not only in the country, but in the government, in the military and in the White House?

Are you going to allow someone who isn’t Constitutionally eligible to hold the office of president be the president? Do you care? Would you care?

What about the schools? Do you want the children of America to graduate from high school able to compete with other students of the world, or do you want them to remain stupid for all of their lives?

Do you want the women of America to be armed with a lightweight .357 Magnum in their purse, or do you want them to be sitting ducks for predators?

Do you want safe drivers on the road, or are you satisfied with the quality of drivers on the roads today, killing over 30,000 a year?

Are you satisfied with illegal immigrants in your country, or would you deport them?

Do you want a “Nanny State,” or do you want your people to have a work ethic and, therefore, pride?

Do you want “Christian Ethics,” or do you want to take civilization back a thousand years to the time of donkey carts and “honor killings?”

Well, what are you going to put down on that blank piece of paper? I suggest you write the Constitution of the United States, because if you don’t, I’ll just leave you stranded in the land of a dictator.


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Saturday, February 8, 2014 5:26 PM

We need more of this to happen in the USA concerning “Christian Ethics.” I wish she would visit Rick Warren’s church where he preaches Chrislam.

‘Brave German Woman’ Rebukes Islam’s Lie

Friday, February 7, 2014 7:00 PM

Dear Code4Press,
No, you’re misunderstanding COMPLETELY!
Please, Code4Press, and EVERONE ELSE!
This has NOTHING to do with the 1st Amendment.
It would iff (if AND ONLY if) we were in a fight with a real bonafide religion, but that is something Islam is not.
Forget all the dictionaries, World Books, Encyclopedias, whatever, who reportedly defines Islam as a religion.
Thinking Islam as a religion is nothing other than a marketing ploy in order to get a favorable response from the people that they are taking over/control of/decimating. They move a few of them in, force the issue of accommodating, and then, before you know it, you’ve got Sharia Law shoved down your throat and that’s it. The end.
The camel’s nose is in our tent, hell, just about the whole darn animal is in our tent.
We best be paying attention, because they sure are.
Our enemy: Islam, a political philosophy that MAY encompass religious aspects, but certainly controls everything else about a person’s life.
Look, you can’t accept everything at face value here. They certainly know about our love for Freedom of Religion, which is why they’re trying to pull the wool over our eyes.
We okay on that?

Reply to  OPOVV
Saturday, February 8, 2014 7:37 AM

Appreciating your responses it seems very easy to dismiss any particular religion on the same basis, if we eliminate “dictionaries,encyclopedias, and whatever or who ever defines ‘Islam’ or any particular religion as religion.

We know Christian practices have changed throughout history,as an example many point to practices in the Old Testament that are not part of the New Testament.

Listen, I’m not trying to defend “Islam”, but “religion” and belief it or not if you just google “Islam-Wiki” there is a pretty substantial criteria there both historically based and spiritually subsidized by actions as a code of conduct that qualify as a ‘belief’.

Worship of deity does not justify breaking laws in the criminal code and individuals engaged in violation of criminal codes have penalties assigned to them.

Last I checked Congress had not declared ‘war’ on Muslims, so we are not ‘at war’ with them in any Constitutionally based facts.

One thing the U.S. prided itself in was not fighting religions wars. Why, because we are a nation that tolerates all religions and its served a very good purpose in keeping our Union together.

I’m not saying Obama has been the best President in keeping the standard because I featured a commercial when Obama went to war instigating our military in a war that replaced Libya’s Muammar Gaddafi with a Government based in Sharia Law.

That definitely crossed the line, and our own military was fighting for a particular ‘Religion’. Now when its used against “Obama and his Administration’, I’ll bet you don’t have a problem seeing “Islam” as a religion? It could very well be used against him in a Constitutional debate. Mitt Romney passed on that one.

The USA should never be engaged in a war that institutes a particular religion into power..why would we do that when our principles of tolerance of all religions dictate our standards against that?

Now, your justification that Islam is not a religion, excuses Obama in the use of our military to put Theocracies in power? How do you feel about that?

There’s always a flip side to think about. If we excused any particular religion from being a religion we justify our Government’s ability to make war for or against them, and in so doing have lost control of stopping it.

I’m sure Obama would agree with you when handing over Billions to Rebels who are Muslims seeking to control the Governments, if “not declaring Islam” a religion would help get them the money.

The declarative reason our Nation has not fought more bloody Civil Wars has been the conflict free zone of religions here. Our Criminal Code covers so many actions of violence, its difficult to think of any violent action which is not punishable by the criminal code. Let’s hold individuals responsible for their crimes not religions.

Cody Robert Judy

Reply to  Code4Pres
Saturday, February 8, 2014 9:52 AM

Heed these Words

What once was has been past by
Even today Muslims wail and cry
Oh Glorious times when the streets were red
Jews and Christians lined-up, dead.

Over a thousands years in Syria
The indigenous Christians are in hysteria
Slaughtered as they kneel and pray
Money given to the rebels from the USA.

Judge not on words but deeds
Be wise, not what you read, but what you see
Planes slamming into buildings
Muslim take to the streets celebrating.

It was all on the television,
The cheering and wailing
Our “Moderates” working for Sharia
Can’t offend by playing “Ava Maria”

No compromise is the rule of the day
Once Islam takes hold, forever will stay
Goodbye music, laughter and song
And we have those to thank for being wrong.

Islam is not a religion
Islam is but an everlasting prison
Smite from day ‘till night
“Honor kill” because it’s right.

The shadow of doubt has past on by
As you stand over the graves of your family and cry
The blame rests on your shoulders
For failing to heed the warnings from an old soldier.


Reply to  OPOVV
Saturday, February 8, 2014 1:25 PM

OPOVV and Cody Robert Judy – I find this thread extremely interesting, coming from two very smart guys. I will be very interested in seeing your response, OPOVV.

However, here is my two cents worth to the question being debated, though I am certainly open to new input.

In my view the bigger and more dangerous enemy is the new world order elitists who control the money supply and whom I believe are using any and all factions including communists, Islamists, Jews, Christians, so-called minority groups and others to promote disruption, strife and war by any and all means among those of us whom they consider to be the peons, the serfs, the herd.

That does NOT, however, negate the very real threat from the extremist “so-called” religion of Islam. But I believe Islam is just another tool, however dangerously vicious and violent they are. It would be eminently better all around if that faction had been wiped off the face of the earth long ago, but I guess that’s like wishing for there to be no evil or evil influences in this world. (“If wishes were true, beggars’d be rich” comes to mind.)

My instincts are saying I’m with OPOVV here, but it does seem that Cody expresses some very real and valid considerations and since I’m not as learned nor as smart as you two, please carry on with this discussion for the edification of all.

Thanks guys.

Friday, February 7, 2014 4:10 PM


Thank you for another excellent article. I wish you would allow them to be available to everyone on the internet. They would probably wake up a lot of Americans who are still unaware of what the Left has planned to do to our nation.


Friday, February 7, 2014 10:52 AM

While I’m not a adherent of Islam, which Muslims are adherents to as far as their religious beliefs which consist of daily prayers, fasting,alms giving, and pilgrimage to Mecca, I am certainly a believer and advocate for our Constitution.

The very first Amendment in the Constitution prohibits Congress from making any laws respecting an establishment of religion, impeding the free exercise of religion,abridging free speech, infringing a free press,interfering with the right to peaceably assemble.

Paragraph 9 in this alludes to a declaration that “Muslims” are the enemy, and prohibiting them in the country,government,military,white house?
I can’t help remember when the same hostile sediments were issued by our government against Mormons in a real closed minded definition of “Christianity”. I’m not a Mormon either.

The United States of America in its peculiar success has at its standards the United States Constitution. How can one advocate that standard, but include a recommendation of declaring a particular religion the enemy?

An understanding that there indeed are individuals in every/any religion held in prisons now in the U.S. for crimes regardless of religion is something very important to remember.

Illegal and unlawful prosecutions are something I am well acquainted with, and understand just how easy it is to succumb to that type of bigotry. 8 years on prison, 4yrs in the hole based on my hair length that finally was overruled as unconstitutional, are certainly examples of my own personal experience with the matter.

In our zeal for the Constitution, I hope we can advocate with pure hearts that religions don’t commit crime, nor their histories, and if we all are held to an accountability of our religious histories as a method of judgement,we all are thrown in with the murders of a few individuals in our particular religion, and we must be careful about that lest we find ourselves advocating for our own incarceration or extinction, without the ability to practice our religions peaceably.

Cody Robert Judy

Reply to  Code4Pres
Friday, February 7, 2014 2:28 PM

It be funny if it wasn’t so darn serious.
Listen up.
Yes, we are at war. You are at war, whether you believe it or not; whether you like it or not.
The enemy has declared war on you, your family, your friends, your nation and ALL of Western Civilization.
For you to nitpick the definition of words is an exercise in futility: call it what you may, Islam is a political force that harbors no sharing whatsoever: either you succumb or you are killed.
History abounds with the onslaught of Islam’s quest to conquer everything in sight: Islam is ALL encompassing, from birth ’till death. Islam is Totalitarian in nature.
You want to pretend that Islam is a “religion” and deserves to be treated as “other” religions is only going to get your family, and mine, killed.
I suggest you take-off the blinders that 1,400 years of “Favorable Public Relations” have garnered for our enemy. Islam: “One of the world’s great religions”. Choke on it.
In Truth, Islam: a political philosophy that is all encompassing; in reality a Draconian force that is Totalitarian. You think the Nazi’s were bad news? Heck, they took the page out of the Quran: kill everything that disagrees with you.
And one other thing: if you’re not MORE ruthless than your enemy, if you play by some made-up and pretend “Rules of Engagement”, guess what?
You just got your family killed.
The “End Game” for the USA?
Sharia Law, for starters. Acquiesce to the demands of embracing Islam. Dissolve the Constitution.
The end for our country.
And once that happens, there’s no getting it back.
It will be, and make NO MISTAKE ABOUT IT, really and truly be . . .
The End.

Reply to  OPOVV
Friday, February 7, 2014 3:36 PM

A lot of men have died with dignity standing up for the Constitution. Death is not the enemy, so me or my family dying is not a threat to standing up for the diversity of our Country, its an honor.

We all have a date with death, its what we stood for in life that makes it worth living.

I appreciate all your feelings about the Constitution that we stand for at this time. Our Union stands upon the principles.

Like it or not, you need to stand up for all religions if your going to stand for the Constitution, especially our 1st Amendment, and the moment you refuse to protect an individuals rights to freedom of religion is the moment you have revealed an anti-constitutional stand.

Profiling is a crime based on religion in this country, but I agree there are a lot who would love nothing more than to change the 1st Amendment. I’m just not one of them.

Cody Robert Judy

Friday, February 7, 2014 9:38 AM

Not wanting to over reach nor suggest that there are a great many things in the Constitution I would want to see re-made allow me to focus on a single issue, the grand compromise that gave cause for war, the killer of States and the re-birth of evil in the 14th Amendment.

The grand compromise that kept the southern States in the confederation was to turn a blind eye to the institution of slavery.

I do not condemn all of history for slavery’s existence in the 1st place, but it MUST be noted that the indignities of slavery was / is antithetical to the high ideals of ALL of the Founding Documents.

So, being sent back now, with what I know, I would labor to advise the better angles of the Southern States representatives soul in an effort for an agreement to abolish the baser form of slavery, ownership of persons.

In its steed convert the relationship of slavery to that of “bond / indentured servants” for a period of years.

I’ll leave it at that for now allowing those so interested to flesh out the pros & cons of such a proposition in light of the high ideals of the remaining 99% of the Constitution and the realities of the times that kept such a proposition from being advanced.

But the EVIL of that 1% of pragmatic compromise metastasized and gave us, in large measure, the Civil War, with great loss of lives and fortunes.

But with the death of the Nations original sin came a greater SIN that IS the 14th Amendment, the killer of States Rights through Federalization of ALL things and all sins, great and small.

By 1860 the slave population had grown to 4 million persons which took the lives of 800,000 to bring about their emancipation.

Roe v Wade decision found a women’s RIGHT to contraceptive abortion found and reasoned in the penumbral zone of Section III of the 14th Amendment.

Since 1973 approximately 50 million baby killings have “legally” occurred.

There is no Act of Emancipation we can make to raise those dead.

Like Eve in the garden, the 1st pragmatic compromise wrought the wrath of God in the 1860’s.

The 2nd bite of the apple by Adam that gave him the 14th Amendment may have truly condemned him to mortal and eternal death.

Between NOW, (time travel being only a mental exercise), and 2023 a Spiritual Revival proportional to the fervor of the Founders Days must sweep this land clean of the seeds of the Constitutions original sin and the fruits that it has wrought.

The war was and IS still raging;

Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent, a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.

Now we are engaged in a great civil war, testing whether that nation, or any nation so conceived and so dedicated, can long endure. We are met on a great battle-field of that war. We have come to dedicate a portion of that field, as a final resting place for those who here gave their lives that that nation might live. It is altogether fitting and proper that we should do this.

But, in a larger sense, we can not dedicate — we can not consecrate — we can not hallow — this ground. The brave men, living and dead, who struggled here, have consecrated it, far above our poor power to add or detract.

The world will little note, nor long remember what we say here, but it can never forget what they did here.

It is for us the living, rather, to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced.

It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us — that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion — that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain — that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom — and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.

Reply to  slcraig
Friday, February 7, 2014 2:41 PM

Slavery, or at least a good form of it, is alive and well in America today.
Read my latest editorial, “From Freedom to Reliance”.
Continue to speak “Ebonics” and fail to have a work ethic, collect welfare and whine all day long.
Hey, same old story, eh?
Thanks for the comment.