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by OPOVV, ©2014

Lt. Col. Terry Lakin was sentenced to six months in Ft. Leavenworth for refusing to take orders from Barack Hussein Obama without proof of his eligibility to issue them in keeping with Article II, Section 1, clause 5 of the U.S. Constitution

(Jan. 12, 2014) — Many a time has a truly heroic act gone unnoticed, except for maybe a very few, and then the chances that it’s reported are slim at best. Songs were passed down of stupendous deeds of bravery from generation to generation, then written down and passed along in picture-graphs on cave walls and teepees. In our arsenal of uplifting and admired chants and songs, the “Star Spangled Banner” waves supreme in our land, as it indeed deserves to be as our National Anthem. We win. We defeat our foes.

The fact is, somewhere, somehow, someone got the short end of the stick, cheated, lost out, taken advantage of. Years of abuse, of being run roughshod over, forever being blamed for not closing the gate, being overtaxed and underpaid (same thing), eventually have to take their toll; that is, if those in power blatantly abuse their power over the people.

But longevity does happen in the human chronicles of yesterday. It is possible, even probable, that years, generations, of slavery existed before it was replaced with something else. The Egyptians managed fairly well until confronted with an unyielding force (the Romans). Then again, the Romans also had a good run, but it, too, was replaced by a government that wasn’t dependent on slavery for its existence.

The United States didn’t require slavery to become a world power; chalk that one up to greed. The all-out theft of Indian lands could have been avoided if it weren’t for crooked politicians in Washington making liars out of honest soldiers. “Sign on the dotted line and your land is forever yours.” The original victims of “eminent domain:”  the American Indian.

But, somehow, brave men stepped up to the plate and made the country that we inherited in the Year of Our Lord 2008. The framers of our Constitution, all of the wars leading up to that fateful day, the inventions, Heller Keller and all of the others – that’s what we had in the autumn of 2008, the year that we had an ineligible candidate on the ballot for president.

And we’re paying for it. Our inactions, our cavalier attitude that our Republic can withstand any foe is coming home to roost: our vulnerability has been exposed by the enemy who is exploiting our weakest link: uninformed, undereducated American voters: Obots. I would be remiss if I failed to mention campaign contributions from Big Oil that have been accepted by our so-called stalwart defenders of the faith (I say in jest): our politicians. So much for “energy independence.”

We actually have American citizens on television talk shows advocating the replacement of Capitalism with Socialism/Communism/National Socialist Democratic Party nonsense as if they are making sense and talking American rather than, say, Martian.

Unbelievable, and while the pundits are discussing inane topics, Rome is burning, the Constitution has been breached, and we’re heading down the river of no return. Since our country became a country, at no time has our Constitution been more torn and stomped-on than when LTC Terry Lakin was railroaded in a kangaroo Court-Martial.

We have members of the Muslim Brotherhood in the White House and millions of Muslims within our borders. I’m concerned. And if you’re able to think and reason, so, too, should you be as concerned as I am.

The past generations left us a country that was built upon the foundations of “Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”  The question is, what are we going to leave the next generation?


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Stephen Hiller
Sunday, January 12, 2014 9:59 AM

Obama fiddled while D.C. burned.