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by Alan Bates, MD, blogging at Gulf1

(May 5, 2013) — Shameful silence flows across my country by those that look within
Like sheep being led to the slaughter they crowd with bowed heads
Each telling the other someone will tend to the flock
Atrocities slap them in the face and yet they close their eyes

They stand, the silent majority, like penguins with their backs to the snow
Huddled in their own warmth, eyes closed, too blind to see or care
While the very Gift of living in America is ripped from beneath them
Looking while the flag for which we stand is degraded by the leftist

They refuse to speak or act, thinking one man can do nothing
Hitler, Stalin, Mao Tse Tung
They follow the pied piper looking straight ahead
Inside wanting to take action but not knowing how

They, the silent majority, remain committed to silence
Wanting to be politically correct, doing this condemns America to a slow death
Ignorance holds no virtues, only compliance
Watch your flag burn? DO nothing? YOU ARE SHAMEFUL!

They watch as their children are being told not to pray
They watch as God is removed from their children’s books
They watch as English is treated like a second language
They watch as Symbols are removed and school names are changed

They, the silent majority, standing docile like dead trees
Many with no medical insurance being told things are better
They watch as homes become unaffordable
They watch as gasoline and heating oil become a large expense

They, the silent majority watch as a soldier’s life is taken
They watch as he is laid to rest not fully understanding the gift he’s given
They watch as though nothing was going on, as if nothing will happen to them
They will only act when their health is threatened, when their home is lost

Silent Americans, wake up!! Wake up! For your time is running out!

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Monday, May 6, 2013 9:54 AM

Judge Jeanine Pirro is certainly not silent.


Stephen Hiller
Monday, May 6, 2013 8:47 AM

When a volcano builds up enough pressure, it will blow. Too bad it has to happen that way … no more little steam vent releases, it’s time for the big one.

Sunday, May 5, 2013 10:06 PM

Dear Sir,
You are right on target, and it’s as bad as you say, no doubt about it, and it’ll get worse before something happens, before real blood flows in the streets, such is the course of our Ship of State, rudderless and sailing without a Captain.
The government is trying every tactic under the sun to confiscate our weapons, to staging horrible events with the consequences of no consequence to the government’s goal: disarm the citizens of America.
Next on the list is neighbor snitching on neighbor to glean some sort of favorable standing with the Gestapo, and I don’t use the word “Gestapo” lightly or in jest: it’s the real animal under the uniforms of mindless zombies doing the bidding of unlawful orders.
Breaking in the homes of Katrina victims, forcing their way in without probable cause and without a search warrant. TSA Goons stealing and frisking Americans while Muslims just walk on by.
I didn’t join the US Military to have my Civil Rights violated by a bunch of Neanderthals who wouldn’t know an illegal order if it bit them.
Let me tell you all something: I was cheated, and my whole generation was cheated of an honorable victory in Vietnam. Remember that movie “Rambo”? At the end he makes a statement that “We could’ve won, but they didn’t let us”. We could’ve been welcomed home, a parade, proud to show off our uniform. “That kid who used to mow our lawn, he was a warrior and saved the lives of his men, aren’t we proud?”
Never happened. Politics got in the way and the Baby Boomers lost out, and so did a beautiful little country in Southeast Asia, a bloodbath followed by “Re-indoctrination Camps”.
Here’s the point: Vietnam Vets copped an attitude that we aren’t to blame for losing the war, and we didn’t go through over there and go through over here just to let some tramp lying Muslim no-account low-life usurper of a president rain on our parade.
I don’t know what will set it off, but if I were in the government or an Obot, I’d be making my travel plans.
OPOVV, to the core.