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by Jeff Lichter, ©2013

Are We the People as faithful to the Constitution as we need to be?

(Feb. 28, 2013) — The Pledge of Allegiance to the flag was composed in 1892 and Americans have been reciting it ever since and need to continue doing so. It has been modified several times and was formally adopted by Congress in 1942. But it is not our flag that is under accelerating attack over the last few decades. It is the Constitution under threat of severe modification or even removal as our fundamental law. Therefore, we the people need to find a way to start defending and maintaining the Constitution which we love and respect, and what better way to start than to institute a Pledge of Allegiance to the Constitution.

Just this week, Joe “Tell-me-you-really-didn’t-say-that” Biden outdid all the previous onslaughts against the Constitution by ignorantly proclaiming at a college campus in Connecticut that “no ordinary American cares about their constitutional rights.”  Prior to that treasonous remark, the sanctity of the Constitution has for decades been under assault by the liberal progressives, not only in Academia but in the legislatures, the courts, and in the executive branch. In the Obama administration, unconstitutional actions have been instituted repeatedly.

Patriots at the Surprise, Arizona Tea Party have recently added to their Pledge of Allegiance as follows: “I pledge allegiance to the flag and to the Constitution of the United States of America and to the Republic for which they stand, one nation indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.” Another acceptable alternative would be to simply recite two separate pledges using the existing wording and say the first pledge to the flag and the second immediately following to the Constitution.

Fellow Americans, if you like this suggestion, GO FOR IT. It would be a great first step. And then we need to come up with additional practical steps to not only proudly wave our flag as we have always done but also to carry, raise and wave, and preserve the Constitution of the United States of America.

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Friday, March 1, 2013 5:19 PM

Yes, Francis Bellamy, a socialist minister whose own allegiance is questionable had composed the Pledge in 1892, furthering certain political ambitions of the day vicariously through school children. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Francis_Bellamy.

Given that this country began as thirteen free colonies under our Declaration of Independence from Great Britain and its tyrannical King, which moved colonial Americans to the sovereign level of kings to then constitute State republics, as being SUBJECT TO (servants of) the will of the people, so as to continue protection of their unalienable Rights; and given that the people and their servant States, in turn, constituted the united States of America, to function in limited capacity subject to the will of We The People and our State republics, why in the world would we then pledge (if that’s the right use of the word) our allegiance* to our servant U.S. government that, in terms of power, is two steps down from We The People, and give it vastly more power than what had originally been granted within limits of the U.S. Constitution? Worse, why should we venture beyond that condition to pledge our mortal souls to that constitutional document of our own creation?

Instead, we are meant to enforce the Oaths of Office of every individual that serves as our elected representative in government and too the Oaths of every employee and agent that serves in government, under penalty of civil or criminal action. If daily affirmation of allegiance is to be demonstrated, it ought to be from government personnel…not children…reciting their Oath of office.

* Allegiance – The obligation of a feudal vassal to his liege [of right] lord.” Webster’s 10th Collegiate.

Thursday, February 28, 2013 11:13 PM

In NYS, the sleeping giant is awakening. FIFTY county legislatures have told Gov Cuomo that his “gun control” SAFE ACT is rejected by them.