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by OPOVV, ©2012, Presidential Candidate

(Aug. 27. 2012) — This past weekend I had the distinct honor and privilege to be able to introduce a couple as “Mr. and Mrs.” for the first time. In other words, I was the Best Man at a wedding in a church that was built in the wilderness of Missouri in 1849, pews that were cut with a “friendship breaker ” saw and the logs hand-hewn. Some of the wood has been replaced through the years, but the basic essence of the Wilderness Church has remained intact for all this time. As I was standing next to the groom while the vows were being said, I couldn’t help but reflect on the role we were each playing in the long tradition of the taking of the Oath of Marriage, the addition of Jesus Christ and the Holy Ghost being but a modern addition to the ceremony.

Looking beyond the wedding party, I saw my fellow Americans witnessing a tradition that we all hold as sacred, the cementing of the generations from beyond Moses to beyond tomorrow. To say that I felt proud to be a part of such a time-honored event would be an understatement: my belief that I was an integral part of what makes up our country was reinforced. And then I thought of the role each of us plays in the daily life of our country, and it saddened me to think that we, you, me, all of us, has let down those hand-hewers of Liberty and Justice by allowing the courts to dispense with “Justice” and issue rulings that are “lawful” instead, thereby infringing on the “Liberty” of us all.  The latest travesty resulting from such rulings of “No Standing” in our courts is a Constitutionally ineligible president who is doing irreparable harm to each and every American citizen equally, directly nullifying the very reason why we have National Cemeteries throughout our land with untold numbers of America’s dead and buried overseas who fought for those very principles that we are being denied today.

We, as a people, have displayed many strengths, yet at the same time possessing many weaknesses: School Boards, Community Zoning Enforcement and Officers of the Courts being but a few examples where we have failed to keep high standards of honesty and integrity.

Just as those military personnel who have positions of influence in the Pentagon retire to employment with defense contractors, retiring school board members seek employment with book publishers, pushing new books onto the taxpayer; no loose-leaf notebooks here. The “two people per bedroom” requirement has been overlooked by Code Enforcement officers so the landlord can collect rent on how many occupy the premises vs. the legal capacity.  With law enforcement, job satisfaction is measured in getting home safely every night rather than doing the job they were hired to do to the best of their ability, starting with the judges on down to the officer walking the beat. Revolving-door “justice” is no justice, and America is harmed daily by those chasing the dollar instead of living an “examined life,” as Jesus did. But then they crucified an innocent man: surely it’s not too much to ask for a hint of self-sacrifice instead of greed to rule one’s life.

Reflecting further, as I looked upon the couple whom I wished a safe and secure future as the presentation of the rings was taking place, I came to the conclusion that these people weren’t doing it for expediency any more than we should support Romney as the next President. Romney will not save our country, and our country needs saving.  This next election is the most serious one this country has ever faced. Obama’s name on the ballot will be the end of our country, for the election will be as rigged as Franken’s in Minnesota was, and even though the Senator is representing his State illegally, nobody cares enough to enforce the laws on the books. It should remain inconceivable that those who are tasked with enforcing the law do so and not lobby otherwise, as the Federal government is doing in regard to people who are breaking our immigration laws.

Yes, there are many admirable traits that America offers the world, but it will all go for naught if Obama or, for that matter, Romney holds the office of President during the next four years. All of the problems that our country faces are fixable; all we need is the right person to do the job. So if it makes you feel good to see waving and smiling while the Ship of State is sinking, and the only life preserver is the truth that’s not to be found, good luck.


http://www.opovv.com /

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Monday, August 27, 2012 7:37 PM

The right person for America is who we see each morning while looking in the mirror. Some say that Ron Paul is still in the running, having only ended his campaigning, which if so means that he could walk out of Tampa as “The Man.” But, again, he is not the person in the mirror. We, each of us, have a job to do.

If not a Ron Paul for that office, I suggest that we the people look no further than to withdraw our State from the de facto 1871 “United States” that now occupies Washington, D.C.; set about restoring, or instituting, a de jure constitution for our particular State; and send our delegates from our reconstituted State to a resurrected (3rd?) “Continental Congress of the united States of America,” there to continue operations under the Articles of Confederation until such time that a cleansed central government can be re-occupied, chained down to U.S. Constitutional law, and opened for business.


We the people instituted the “united States Constitution for America” in 1879 solely to protect and secure our individual unalienable Rights. Nullifying today’s usurper government, which falsely swears to uphold the 1879 U.S. Constitution, “fulfills (our) duty, to throw off such (evil) government, and to provide new Guards for (our) future security.” This demands only the courage of a first State to blaze the trail.

Meanwhile, having nullified the federal government, We The People can set about cleaning our own houses, our individual States, and trust that, when the tasks are done and the job complete, we will have brought 50 uniquely restored, magnificently sovereign, still united States back into the world.

Reply to  geodan
Tuesday, August 28, 2012 12:02 AM

Dear geodan,
What you say is true, and I thank you for writing. Unfortunately, we don’t have the luxury of time on our side, for one, and for another the other side is not only willing, but counting on a less than peaceful transition to the confiscating of the citizens’ weapons of protection, thereby leaving the legal Patriotic American citizen vulnerable to whatever befalls them, from being kidnapped to undergo “psychiatric examinations” to just taking a bullet in the back of the head and being left on the sidewalk to bleed to death or dying of a “heart attack”.
The “other side”, commonly referred to as “the enemy”, was caught off-guard at Obama’s thrust into the office of the president. Furthermore, our enemy was again unprepared for the acceptance of Obama as the president and was surprised that the media was so easily controlled, that government employees were a pushover, and that the other two branches of the government was so accepting of an un-vetted candidate on the ballot having been “elected” and occupying the position to change the course of the Ship of State from sailing in rough seas to full speed ahead onto the shoals.
That Obama lasted longer than six months was more of a surprise to Obama’s handlers than it was to us Americans, and for proof just look at the rush of legislation that was pushed through during those first six months.
As soon as the enemy realized that Obama had a chance to serve out a full term, gas prices climbed, for who is to pay for our destruction if not us, for we are the ones with the money, and not the Muslims living in the Middle East.
No, geodan, we’re rapidly running out of time. Romney is, at best, a weak distraction. The United States MUST get out of the UN, MUST deport Muslims and illegal immigrants, and MUST NOT renew the Federal Reserve Bank’s charter. We NEED to, as has been said, take control of our Constitution, our borders, and our money, for if we do not do so, then we are certainly lost, and there’s no one out there to save us if we don’t save ourselves.

Monday, August 27, 2012 1:16 PM

meyerlm, well said and all true.
Your ans. We The People and with a lot of help from the MSM.

Monday, August 27, 2012 12:58 PM

Well said OPPVV. Look up the latest You Tube Video, drinkingwithbob (Ron Paul Delegate Debacle) Is there any truth left in this world.

Monday, August 27, 2012 12:49 PM

I, personally am of the opinion that “The USURPER” will provide his “Happy Halloween Surprise E/O” to Quell Civil Disobedience, OR there will be reason to “initiate” because of perceived, OR actual violence by “Factions” at either or both of the Political Conventions-that in itself being a “Terrible Black-Eye” for America!
In any case, the Truthful Fact that there are NO “Presidential Candidates”, save for the “UNKNOWNS” such as Tom MacLaran, Lorie Roth, and the others that of course, are Totally Ignored by the LAMESTREAM MEDIA, and 99.9% of the rest of the Electorate Body because of “Lack of Exposure, Following, and/or “Who Cares?”.
We have 535 TRAITOR “People’s Representatives??” and a totally corrupt and useless Regime operating a 1871 Illegal, DeFacto CABAL that is RUINING and RULING America thanks to the TRAITOR 41st. Congress-(The U.S. Corp. of “The District of Criminals”-(District of Columbia)-IS NOT NOW, Ever WAS, or Shall be the “Constitutional Government” envisioned by the “Founders”, as Franklin stated: “What you have here is a REPUBLIC, IF,IF, You can Keep IT!!”
140+ years of Deceit, Perversion, Altering, Amending and Negating the “Constitution of the United States of America” to conform to the Progressive, Communistic Ideals of the “NEW WORLD ORDER” as created by Rothschild, Bidlerberger, Rockerfeller, and the rest of the “Elite” for their own purposes IS NOT the Government of this Republic and NO Longer serves it’s People-PERIOD!!
It is therefore, a shame that the “UNKNOWNS”, who are the “Real Patriots” that “Preserve, Protect and Defend the Constitution of the United States of America, from ALL Enemies, both FOREIGN and DOMESTIC!”, will NOT be given the opportunity to STOP America from becomming “‘DA United SOCIALISTS States ov America!”
And I only ask: “AND, WHO’S FAULT IS THAT??”