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by OPOVV, ©2012, Presidential Candidate

Can the U.S. Constitution be salvaged by a presidential election?

(Jun. 14, 2012) — It’s been quite clear that the world’s beacon of freedom is but a dying ember and, sooner than you think, the chance that it will be extinguished forever is becoming a reality.  The reason is that the forces opposing the elimination of the Constitution can’t see the problems or, if they do, can’t agree on the solution.  One candidate is afraid to ask to see Obama’s birth certificate, while another wants to be guided by the Good Book.  There’s a candidate who has not once mentioned Muslims and the Ground Zero mosque, and another wants to audit the Fed but would renew its charter.

Here’s the situation: the ship has been torpedoed, on fire, and if the damage control isn’t done, and isn’t done in the proper order, the ship is going to sink. There is absolutely no chance of rescue. It’s the Challenger exploding and there’s only one possible outcome. The time for speculation and debate has long been over. Do it right the first time because they’ll be no second chance. Once more: do it right the first time because they’ll be no second chance.

Actually, the chances of the next election being honest and above-board is the same of our courts hearing a case about Obama’s eligibility being honest and above-board. There are many thousands of people who have lied, falsified votes, used intimidation, not done their job, taken bribes, and acted as enemies of our country and therefore, are subject to criminal prosecution if this next “election” isn’t in Obama’s favor:  most likely it will be a “mandate” that will be hyped-up by the White House press, otherwise known as the mainstream media.

The vast majority of Americans don’t know how our rigged monetary system works, don’t know the difference between the National Debt and the National Fleece (there isn’t any), think of Islam as a religion, believes that there are “moderate Muslims” somewhere, and plan on treating illegal immigrants with politically-correct consideration.

And then there are the candidates themselves who see nothing wrong paying “protection” money, see nothing wrong with doing the usual “Foreign Aid” business this year and the next because it was done that way yesterday, and isn’t it nice for our citizens to pay for the latest opium crop, in the form of heroin, for instance, and the enormous profits go to buying weapons from Americans to kill Americans, Jews, and all the Infidels.

The ship is sinking and we’re sinking with it.  What has to be done MUST be done.  There is no “right” or “fair.”  Either we do what has to be done, and quickly, or we’ll lose it forever.  It’s not politics as usual.  The game has changed: we’re talking about survival. Do you think for one minute we care WHY the ship is sinking? Bomb, torpedo, or sabotage:  it doesn’t make any difference since the outcome is the same.

There’s no rescue, and forget the life rafts. You’d be lucky to grab a life preserver, and that’s only a temporary refuge at best.  Our country is being taken over by invaders, and our Congress and news organizations are aiding the enemy.  Omission of the truth is the same as lying.  You want to vote for “Right is on Our Side,” “We’ll do What’s Right,” and “Rule with Compassion and Restraint;” all the power to you.

Me? I’m taking names. I’ll be deporting each and every one of them, Muslims and illegal immigrants, the Federal Reserve Bank, the World Bank, and the UN. And that’s in the first minute. What about your candidate, afraid to upset anyone? This is not some game.  This is not a popularity contest about who you “think” will do a better job. This is for all the marbles. You don’t have to like it, but you have to do it.  Do you want the truth?  The truth is getting the job done.  Quickly.  Decisively.

Save Our Ship.


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Monday, June 18, 2012 11:49 AM

Right-on meyerlm!

And, of-course, right-on OPOVV!

Another one hit out of the ballpark!

Thursday, June 14, 2012 12:37 PM

OPOVV: You keep submitting great, factual Editorials!~and I faithfully attempt to reply-in-kind with Truthful, Dynamic and Interesting comments. The problem is that I unfortunately see very little response in comments and conjecture from the Readers of P&E.
I, like you, are sometimes Cras and forthright with comments, but the reason simply is that the largest percentage of the Citizens are NON-attentive, aren’t interested, don’t care to subject themselves to ridicule or have NO Solid opinion about America becoming a “Communist Gulag”, can’t believe that “IT can happen in America”, or whatever the individual Lame Excuse of the Day happens to be!
Well, “Ladies and Gentlemen of the Jury”, please allow U.S. to say that whatever the Excuse, Political Stripe you wear, or your personal projections are for America~IF Ya’All don’t get up and “Stand for the Republic, and that for which She Stands”, instead of waiting in line at “THE TROUGH OF FREEBIES!!” ALL of the “Freedom, Liberty and Pursuits of Happiness you now Enjoy as “Citizens?? of America, you will very soon find yourself in the Doldrums and Pain and Suffering of a “COMMUNIST GULAG!!” No, Fun, NO Frills, NO FREEDOM~Just “‘DA United SOCIALIST States ov AmeriKa!!”
Mrs. Rondeau replies: Hopefully people are taking action instead of commenting!