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by One Pissed-off Vietnam Vet, ©2012, Presidential Candidate

(Apr. 6, 2012) — There’s only one thing that’s keeping the enemy in check. Oh, sure, we’re being surrounded and hounded at every opportunity, but their final charge hasn’t occurred yet, even with the vast resources of the federal government behind them.  Even with the aiding and abetting of many thousands of government employees, from local to federal, who, many unwittingly and unknowingly, have done tremendous harm to our country. Many of them still don’t know what’s coming down the pike, right to their front door, free delivery, nothing owed except their freedom and their lives. We have circled the wagons, and they have pushed our backs against the wall.

We are acutely aware that the judicial system in our country has been broken for many decades. We understand that the “revolving-door” policy of addressing the problem of crime has helped the billion-dollar judicial factory (that manufactures criminals) so the judicial system can always depend on the taxpayers giving them even more money than the year before. The DAs and police officers and those who commit the crimes are of the same coin, just different sides, but sometimes the difference is so blurred as to make the two indistinguishable from one another. Child prostitution, illegal drugs and illegal immigration flourish only with the active participation of our so-called “To Protect and Serve.”  We are a country of criminals who support criminal behavior.

There’s no way one civic-minded person can win the war against the widespread corruption that we call “government.” Electing a politician to clean up the mess that they helped create is asking too much of the wrong people. To expect a judge to rule for the Constitution and against Obama is highly unlikely, although it is still possible.

A couple of members of my own family voted for Obama and have said that they will vote for him again. Even with all the mountains of evidence of illegalities and corruption, they are not swayed by the facts: blissfully will they follow the path to the gas chambers, remaining unaware that their death was only made possible by their support of the usurper and his band of goons.

There are many of us who have watched the fall of Europe with trepidation but for some unknown reason cannot make the leap of faith, over the Atlantic Ocean, to our own country’s’ future. European police officers looking the other way while non-Muslim women are attacked, Jews fleeing European cities for their lives, while the governments of these countries stand and watch while their country is turned into an Islamic Caliphate, a land where reason doesn’t exist, where hate rules and where the lives of the women are forfeit through the implementation of Sharia Law.

I’m telling you that our government has been taken over by forces that wish the Constitution become an “outdated document.” And I’m telling you that the only reason you and I are still alive is because of the Second Amendment. You’ll get no protection from law enforcement: you’re going to have to protect yourselves. Arm yourselves and all able members of your family. Practice weapon safety. And remember this: the best defense is a good offense. Even though they’re surrounding our wagons, that doesn’t prevent us from making forays ourselves. Remember this: there are more of us Patriots than there are traitors.


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Saturday, April 7, 2012 10:42 AM

Mac, “WE the People”, hav long since passed the point of Rhetoric, Vitriol and Politi-Speak!! There is a time past where our failure to Read, Understand and apply the “Edicts, Warnings and Admonishments given to U.S. by the “Founders” have disappeared into the rubble of “Fahrenheit 451!!” The Declaration of Independence contains the most POWERFUL and INSTRUCTIVE paragraph ever written to WARN the “Sovereigns” as to their Duties and Responsibilities in regards to “Preserving, Protecting and Defending the Constitution of the United States of America!”, these were NOT Random words, they were well-thought and DELIBERATE in their meanings: “WHEN, in the Course of Human Events, it then becomes Necessary for the PEOPLE to DISSOLVE Government because it NO Longer Serves the “Will of the People~~~~~~!!-(paraphrased)-is certainly, even in “Old-Man Speak”, most clear and was ment to be the Ground-Work for the People to SAVE their “REPUBLIC!”
Evidently, because these are the words of “Old Men”, and as the Constitution in now considered “A Living Document, subject to Change as required to serve the times???? we are in the “End-Stage” of becoming a Communist. Socialist, Progressive GULAG where being a SERF and “Doing the Master’s Bidding” will be the “Order of the Day”, NO, SIR, NOT ME!! I am ex-Navy, 70 yrs. and Ill, BUT they will have to take MY Weapon from my DEAD HANDS before I will surrender my “Sovereignty!!
“WE the SHEEPLE” will most certainly ENJOY their new lives in “FAHRENHEIT 451!!”
GOD, Help U.S. ALL!!!

Reply to  meyerlm
Saturday, April 7, 2012 11:55 AM

meyerlm, first let me say that I enjoy reading all your comments, but I want to comment myself on your closing plea “GOD, Help U.S. ALL!!!” which is great if only America could first WAKE UP and start doing something right for a change. God will not help us if we continue making the very same mistakes, over and over again. What immediately comes to my mind is 2 Chronicles 7:14 If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land. A pretty powerful message !!!

Reply to  Bob1939
Saturday, April 7, 2012 3:17 PM

Bob, thank you, as I do not demonstrate the traits of a “Prolific Writer”, I just say what I feel. As to the “GOD, help U.S. ALL”, I am very happy that you noticed, in that I aimed it at the “SHEEPLE of America”, and you did see my point. This Nation is UNDER GOD, I am not a zelot of Religon but have belief and Faith and it pains me badly that this “Nation” has evidentally choosen to forgo that in favor of their “Pick-em-Up Trucks, Desparate Housewives, Survivor and their Hand-Held Info-Changers.
U.S. is emblamatic of the Citizens that have NO CLUE, and do not care as long as they have the above mentioned “Amenities”, that believe that being one of those at “The Trough of Handouts” will continue into Eternity~Sorry, Folks, “The Piper must be paid for the Dance” and the price of your IGNORANCE and IN-Eptitude or caring for your Nation is an IMPOSSIBLE TARRIF to pay!!
The price is Serfdom, and becoming part of “‘DA United SOCIALIST States ov AmeriKa!!”
It has been said: “The LORD Helps Those, that Help Themselves!!

Reply to  meyerlm
Saturday, April 7, 2012 12:31 PM

Well said, Larry.
One of the most powerful weapons a community has against goons, bullies and traitors is the ability to ostracize the guilty parties.
That’s for starters.
Maybe one of the judges who ruled against the Constitution goes to a café for lunch and, 1) isn’t “noticed”, 2) “wrong“ order delivered, 3) “Oh, I’m sorry, I thought you said you wanted the burger raw”.
A note to your Secretary of State: you took an Oath, you have a job description, just do your job and vet each and every candidate, the way you’re supposed to. We are watching your every move. Every day, hour, minute: just do your damn job.