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by Paraleaglenm, blogging at Paraleaglenm, ©2012 

(Jan. 23, 2012) — Socialism is a economic system in opposition to capitalism.

Mitt Romney has been heralded as a capitalist due to his private sector pursuits. However, while his conditional capitalization of floundering businesses may have succeeded in reorganizing them back into economic health, his reorganization of Massachusetts’ healthcare distribution was pure socialism.

Here is an interesting definition of Socialism by Albert Einstein. However, his ‘allocated production’ forgets that such allocation requires an all-powerful central government independent to market forces, i.e., natural law . . . i.e., a TYRANNY.

“I am convinced there is only one way to eliminate (the) grave evils (of capitalism), namely through the establishment of a socialist economy, accompanied by an educational system which would be oriented toward social goals. In such an economy, the means of production are owned by society itself and are utilized in a planned fashion. A planned economy, which adjusts production to the needs of the community, would distribute the work to be done among all those able to work and would guarantee a livelihood to every man, woman, and child. The education of the individual, in addition to promoting his own innate abilities, would attempt to develop in him a sense of responsibility for his fellow-men in place of the glorification of power and success in our present society.” Albert Einstein, ‘Why Socialism?,’ 1949

Here is a more current definition of Socialism readily visible in our current political climate and the resulting Recession: SOCIALISM is a political allocation of goods and services in direct conflict with market forces and natural law ignoring the root causes of failed production, distribution, and social ills, THUS REQUIRING TAXATION OF PROPERTY OWNERS AND PRODUCERS IN ORDER TO THROW MONEY, INEFFECTIVELY AND WITH GREAT WASTE, AT THE PROBLEM ACCELERATING THE INEVITABLE FAILURE INTO SYSTEMIC CATASTROPHE.

Let’s take the Healthcare issue. Healthcare costs have skyrocketed due to illegal immigration, abuse of the personal injury settlement process, and out-of-control costs of educating doctors. The start of the solution is in the following link, but that would insult various special interest groups. So, instead of being honest and addressing the issues, politicians force increased health insurance premiums to subscribers . . . this is a Microeconomic model of what is happening through Socialist control of goods and services.

Let’s look at the Illegal Immigration issue. Illegal immigrants outnumber legal visa holders 30-to-1. The INS is therefore completely ineffective and must divert its resources to hide the illegal immigrant problem forcing, by Federal Mandate, private and state services freely provided to the illegal aliens and their children.

Instead of ‘fixing’ the current misinterpretation of the 14th Amendment, i.e., birthright citizenship merely by birth on U.S. soil, the entire population is ‘taxed’ in order to cover up illegal immigrant need for housing, food, education, and medical care.

Einstein noted that Socialism had to be educated into the public. Our public schools not only teach Socialism, but require taxation of Property in order to fund schools and teacher/administration salaries and pensions . . . if you don’t pay your Property Tax, you lose your property . . . again, TYRANNY. Why should a teacher instruct the class on Adam Smith principles, or make Bastiat required reading, when their ‘gravy train’ is funded through Socialism?

Therefore, SOCIALISM can be defined as a POLITICAL COWARDICE; that Cowardice converted into Tyranny over the docile law-abiding citizen through Governmental Bullying (one last ‘i.e.’), otherwise known as by force of law through the barrel of a gun.

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