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by Martha Trowbridge, ©2011, blogging at Terrible Truth

(Dec. 11, 2011) — America, clearly our prayers have not yet reached the soul of “Barack Obama”.

Yesterday, in his weekly radio/internet address, “Obama” talked dishonesty.

Not his dishonesty, mind you.

No. “Obama” talked about other people’s dishonesty.

Righteously, he demanded that his choice for Consumer Financial Protection Board director be approved, despite the fact that the Senate has told him no.

Refusing ‘to take no for an answer” he took his moral indignation to the American public, claiming that every passing day without his choice for CFPB director “is another day that dishonest businesses can target and take advantage of students, seniors and service members.”

To his word choices, pay close attention: “Obama” is going to protect us from those who are “dishonest”!

From those who  ”target”.

From those who “take advantage of”.

America, let’s pray that next week, when “Obama” addresses us, it is not the eye of the video camera, but the Eye of The Lord our God that stares back at him.

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Monday, December 12, 2011 9:58 AM

I was thinking of how to properly describe the speeches by Mr Obama and calling them “lies”, “deception” or other such words just did not convey the proper sense of what I felt. Finally it hit me – magic act or pickpocket!

Mr Obama’s speeches are like a magic act. The speech is the distraction the magician uses to cover his action of deception for performing the magic act. When Mr Obama speaks he is working to distract the listening audience from what he is actually doing.

The other analogy I realized is the pickpocket. Mr Obama speeches are the pickpocket “touch” distraction to hide his stealing of your wallet and other valuables.

Martha Trowbridge
Sunday, December 11, 2011 10:31 PM

Bob, I agree wholeheartedly that the odds “Obama” will step forth in honesty are not good.

That said, clearly, he is suffering tremendously. Study his strained facial expressions, his grimaces, his agonized eyes.

Often people get so tracked in a way of being that they feel it’s impossible to live any other way – even when they hate the life they’re living.

Then, all of a sudden, their life gets impossible to bear. They can’t stand one more day of it! And out of their great suffering, they find tremendous opportunity to grow.

Realistically, for “Obama”, only two scenarios exist.

It can [and will] end very very badly for him

– OR –

He chooses to segue out of his dilemma into a positive new lifestyle – one in which he can purify his soul and live in authentic peace.

He’s a smart, pragmatic man. The more he thinks about it, which do you think he’ll choose?

As for his mother, because investigators at this point do not need to [publicly] involve her, I am continuing to respect her privacy. However, please know that as the investigation of this case develops, it is not impossible that her identity is released by a different source.

Thank you, Bob.

Sunday, December 11, 2011 12:07 PM

I have a better idea, let us pray that today, Obama/Soetoro or whoever he is hears this command!!


And is then cuffed and taken into custody to stand trial for his usurpation of the presidency and apparent other crimes and constitutional violations, along with his many enablers and his puppet masters.

Whatever you think the chances of that happening are, Martha, they far better than the chances of Obama suddenly becoming an honest person.

Anything new on releasing the real identity of, “Jo Ann Newman”?