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by Dwight Kehoe, blogging at TPATH.org


The outrageous events of this past Labor Day weekend, Jimmy Hoffa calling for violence against the Tea Party and Biden, the National embarrassment serving as the Vice President, referencing those with opposing views as Barbarians,  as well as comments from Maxine Waters and the Congressional Black Caucus,  all may seem to be separate events.  They are not.

Throughout the violent history of despot dictators and failing governments, as their policies and ideology collapse and the people become disenchanted and rebellious, one theme has and continues to remain consistent.  That is, create an enemy, isolate that enemy, fabricate lies and half truths in an effort deflect the failures of the ruling government.


NAZI Germany, which included neighboring countries such as Denmark, Poland, Austria and yes, even France found an easy target, the Jews.  The masses fell for that vile campaign and as a result, over 6,000,000 people were slaughtered and many millions more died as a result of the World War that inevitably followed.

IRAN has learned this system of “diversion and attack” very well.  As their citizens become increasingly embittered at the Islamic rule, crumbling economy and downward slide of their standard of living, the Great Satan has become the target.

The PLO and Hamas are very well versed in this concept.  After Israel granted autonomy to Gaza, the Palestinian people promptly selected a terrorist group to rule them.  What did Hamas do to improve the lives of it’s citizens?  Did they build schools, create an atmosphere for business and a strong economy?  Not hardly, instead they sent missiles into Israeli neighborhoods, shot grenades into school buses and strapped bombs on their children.  All this activity and failure to help it’s people is not Hamas’ failure, but that of, once again, the Jews.


This past Labor Day weekend came upon this country as the stock market continues to crumble, job growth for July was zero and the previous data released by this government had to be revised downward, the National Debt has skyrocketed to nearly $15 trillion, hyper-inflation is on the loose, and the Democratic Party and Obama are taking a well deserved hit in the polls.

So, how to fix these problems? Deflect the failures by obfuscation, create  an enemy, identify them, isolate and hopeful destroy them.

This practice has always failed to improve things, but it has never failed to produce violence and death.


The American people, the complicit media and even those few remaining levelheaded persons that call themselves Democrats, had better wake up and call for an end to the vile speech and violence laced propaganda coming from this administration and those thuggish entities that support them.

Whether one agrees with the policies of the Tea Party movement or not, when expressing those views exposes our citizens to government supported violence,  America is truly in great jeopardy.