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by One Pissed-off Vietnam Vet

Lt. Col. Terrence Lakin was freed on May 13, 2011, after spending five months in prison for questioning Obama's eligibility. While imprisoned, the White House displayed an image containing no new information regarding Obama's claimed history, so the question remains as to why it was not released prior to Lakin's sentencing.

(May 14, 2011) — Excuse me, but that’s One VERY Pissed-off Vietnam Vet.

As LTC Terry Lakin was escorted by two military police and a higher ranking officer through the Reagan airport lobby, in full public view, a number of messages were being sent to America. During the whole court proceedings of LTC Lakin, he was denied the opportunity to present a defense, in any form, in any way. So much for following the Rules of Criminal Procedure and for following the rules of the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ). Lieutenant Colonel Lakin, M.D., asked to know whether the person who now occupies the office of president was eligible to serve, a question that the press and every secretary of state should have done in 2008, but didn’t. Specifically, Dr. Lakin, as the rest of America, wanted to see a real birth certificate of the clown who calls himself Obama.

One of the messages being sent was to the military: any order questioned, even an illegal order, will be obeyed or they will be railroaded into prison. Procedure rules of the UCMJ have been suspended. All members of the military will follow any order, even if is against the oath that they took to defend and protect the Constitution. If ordered to kill United States civilians, their neighbors, friends, members of their family, they will do so, or suffer the same, or worse, fate as Lakin.

Another message was broadcast by those guards that escorted Dr. Lakin through the airport lobby. Don’t quote procedure to me: I did my fair share of standing as an MP. Lakin’s guards, had they wanted to, could have escorted Dr. Lakin without the cuffs. Also, the guards could have driven LTC Lakin home, rather than to the airport, which is what I would have done had I been in their position.

Geez, but I can hear everyone whine and I’m only halfway through. You heard me: I would have driven Lakin home. Lakin stood up to the corruption, and his guards should have done the same. The guards, by not upholding their oath, are the guilty party, and that’s exactly what they were conveying: “Look at us, everyone, we took an oath but we’re nothing but traitors and we don’t care; what do you think about that?”

And then, after Lakin rots in prison for four months, the White House sleaze releases his birth certificate, albeit a phony one. But being phony or not isn’t the point. The point is that the president, eligible or not, let an honorable man rot in prison for something that he could have prevented by releasing his birth certificate back in December 2010. The point is that our government, all of the Judicial, all of the Legislative, and the Executive, was sending a message:  You, the American citizen, have no redress whatsoever. None. We will destroy America and you can’t stop us.

Don’t believe me? After Allen West got to Washington, no one heard one peep out of him about LTC Terry Lakin. And the Joint Chiefs of Staff? Not a peep. The media? Oh, we get the message, alright. We get it.

The message is that this government is no longer “of the United States.” There are many on the internet who would call a military takeover a mutiny, but they’re so dumb they missed it when the slime Obama took office: that’s the moment America died, and they completely missed it, imagine that?

If they can do what they did to LTC Terry Lakin, in full view of the world, what chance do you think you have, for anything? For a false charge? How are you going to fight it when they own the courts, the cops, the press? What are you going to do? It’s something to think about.  They got off scot-free when they kangarooed and railroaded Lakin, didn’t they?

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Patrick Henry
Sunday, May 15, 2011 4:27 PM

Just when I think the Govt. and the DOD can’t get any more despicable, they surprise me. I don’t know why I should be surprised. This is something I have come to expect from Mor Dor on the Potomac. So this is how we treat our REAL military heroes now eh? Those that actually took their oath seriously, UN FREAKING BELIEVABLE!!! Please know this Dr. Lakin, there are thousands, if not hundreds of thousands praying for you and your family. My question now is simple, what will it take, what is it going to take to stop this madness. When will enough people finally say enough is enough? Because lets be honest, both major parties are in on all of this. Anybody that thinks the Decepticons (fake, phony conservatives) are going to save us all in 2012 is delusional.

Lloyd in California
Sunday, May 15, 2011 3:51 PM

Pissed off, I joined you a long time ago. I have just spent quite a bit of time researching Allen West and his statements and positions since he has been in office. He is doing a better job than most but he has not addressed this issue. I suggest anyone and everyone who reads this start a letter, phone, fax campaign to get his attention. As a former Marine I cannot abide this kind of treatment of our honorable veterans and active duty service. Here is all of his contact info that will save everyone from looking it up. I have already written a letter to him and am faxing it as we speak. This is to circumvent the security delays that are experienced in the USPS as well as the word limitations of the House email system.

Semper Fi

Honorable Allen B. West
Representative Florida 22nd District
1708 Longworth HOB
Washington, DC 20515
Ph: 202 225-3026
Fax: 202 225-8398

3111 So. Dixie Highway, St. 308
West Palm Beach, FL 33405
Ph: 561 655-1943
Fax: 561 665-8018

6300 NE 1st Avenue, St. 100
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33309
Ph: 954 202-6211
Fax: 954 202-6212

Lloyd in California
Reply to  Lloyd in California
Sunday, May 15, 2011 4:18 PM

Correction on the Fax # for W.Palm Beach 561 655-8018

Sunday, May 15, 2011 6:51 AM

The showdown with the Socialist/Communists in our government is comning. Be prepared. As President Jefferson said ” The tree of liberty must be watered occasionally with the blood of Patriots and tyrants.” LTC Lakin will prevail and be honored for his sacrifice. He will be remembered long after those now in charge are gone.
BTW One P.O. VN Vet. I served 23 years with a tour in RVN 67/68 and 71. I am a retired LTC who listened to his NCO’s who were old brown shoe Army. I thank God for my NCO’s who took this young 2ndLT under their wing and raised him right. I have always tried to do right by them and will honor them as long as I live.

Sunday, May 15, 2011 1:07 AM

I teared up when I read the 1st hand account of how he was shackled and paraded through the airport, it’s unbelievable that could happen to someone with an upstanding record who went through the proper channels for redress.
Yours is a well written article Sir and really slams home the point and I too have been wondering about Allen West.
“They got off scot-free when they kangarooed and railroaded Lakin, didn’t they?”

So it seems so far. Or did they? There is the court of public opinion and I wonder what the verdict is there? You know sometimes one man’s story can have such impact it continues to echo for years to come, and it’s not the end of the story yet. It’s getting a little dark, I admit, but it’s not over. Beck has almost ruined these words by over-using them on his show but — with a firm reliance on Divine Providence, it’s not over yet.
Stay strong

A Southern Lady
Saturday, May 14, 2011 11:55 PM

Yes sir I’m pissed off too! I was thinking about the same thing when I read about the handcuffs and shackles! WHY would they do that knowing he’s not a criminal? Well that should tell you the answer. They took orders from the sleazy a$$ in the WH, or his brain-washed minions in the military that couldn’t give a whit about the Constitution but blindly follow his orders even though they know he’s illegal. It’s just so totally disgusting! It seems a lot of people haven’t been paying attention to what’s going on in DC. Our rights are being taken away on a daily basis! And the treatment of Lt. Col Lakin clearly shows everyone that it’s over unless we decide to stand up and fight.

A pen
Saturday, May 14, 2011 11:47 PM

30 years ago the military sent me a message, be quiet and we’ll let you play along because we’ll not only outlive you if you fight but we’ll destroy you too. That flew right by Congressman Donald Mitchell and admiral Hyman Rickover who both gave me their word I was worthy of my country and my field commission which was violated by a punk captain, a freak in a uniform and a slimy bunch at the pentagon. So, nothing is a surprise coming from that slime pit kissing up DC like a toe fungus and bought off by the dollar bill.

Saturday, May 14, 2011 5:41 PM

“If you will not fight for the right when you can easily win without bloodshed; if you will not fight when your victory will be sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a small chance of survival. There may even be a worse case: you may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than to live as slaves.”—Sir Winston Churchill (1874-1965).