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by Sher Zieve, ©2011

A U.S. Congress lasts for two years, as members of the House of Representatives are re-elected biannually. Members of the Senate are elected in a staggered manner for six-year terms.

(Jan. 25, 2011) — Never before has a State of the Union address drawn such attention for such an absurd notion. The capitol is atwitter over who will sit with whom on their first official Congressperson-to-Congressperson dates. What should I wear, will I clash with what he/she is wearing? Who will drive? Is it okay for me to wear cologne/perfume? Should I place my arm in his/hers or should we just hold hands and sing “Kumbayah?” So many questions for such an expected giddy whirlwind of a night! And why all of this excitement? For the first time in four years the Republicans have control of one of our Congressional houses–so the Marxists (aka “former Democrats”) have pulled out one of the myriad weapons from their still-growing arsenal.

Using the Tucson shootings–which had nothing whatsoever to do with politics except that the shooter’s two favorite books are the Communist Manifesto and Mein Kampf (decidedly NOT conservative readings)–as their faux raison d’état, the Marxist party has called for “civility” and strongly encouraged the two political parties to sit together at tonight’s State of the Union address. Remember that one of the Marxist Party’s mottos is the Saul Alinsky inspired and Rahm Emanuel spoken: “Never let a good crisis go to waste.”

Embarrassing to all of us who elected them, many Republicans–as if hearing the pipes calling from their master in Hamelin–almost immediately agreed to do the bidding of the Marxist Party. The obvious problem, of course, is that US Marxist Party dear leader Obama will deliver a political speech to which the Marxists will jump to their feet–multiple times–in wild applause. The Republicans–sitting next to them–will literally be overshadowed and “over-shouted.” Question: Is there something in the Washington D.C. water that immediately emasculates males–but, only Republican men?

Suffice it to say, Marxist Party-planted Republicans (aka “RINOs”) are ecstatic about this adventure in siding with those who are so obviously destroying our country.  A few of their names are included in the link above. Folks, if we are serious about saving our country, civility should not even be a consideration In fact, making ‘nice-nice’ with its destroyers is just short of criminal. However, perhaps these RINOs have already–after the final enslavement of We-the-People is accomplished–been promised their own regions to rule over as they so desire.

Our primary purpose should and must be to stop the current country-killing policies, remove the US Marxist-Leninist Party (formerly the Democrat Party) from power and to send as many RINOs as is possible with them. It is far better and wiser to exhibit courage and honor in the face of adversity than the uncalled for and patently insane expression of succumbing to one’s slayers–especially when they are in the minority. In 1791, Peter Pindar wrote in his work Rights of Kings: “To this great truth, a Universe agrees, ‘He who lies down with dogs, will rise with fleas’.” I suspect the scratching on Wednesday will be relentless.

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Wednesday, January 26, 2011 1:07 PM

Well, the so-called grandiose event of “The Campaign Speech” oh I meant “The State of The Union” is now over; and even though I only watched the rebuttal and 1/2 hour on fox and friends this morning, that was quite enough to see that sweet-nothing has changed. We still have all the cool-aid drinkers in the house, in fact they are now gulping, and binge-drinking the cool aid. I still see Americans going over the cliff, in the hundreds of thousands, like Lemmings. Now that republicans and democrats went as dates, holding hands, etc., (so as to mask obama’s unpopularity), it now appears like they will be all be voting the same way “the Kenyan street-thug” wants them to vote, and that is to destroy America from within, by bankrupting our once great Nation.

If the republicans WANT NOT to be voted out at first opportunity along with the democrats, then they must show the folks that they are different than democrats; and the best way to do that is to do the following “rather quickly”… (1) Kill Obamacare. (2) Do Not raise the spending cap, so that it is Government that has to be trimmed, otherwise we would not have a-hope-in-hell of ever getting a balanced budget. (3) Expose the usurper for what he is, or this Nation will never heal (can’t keep living with the big lie). (4) Reduce taxes, and restore good, honest Government and then Jobs will certainly soon follow. (5) Quit wasting taxpayer dollars on gimmy-gimmy-worthless programs. (6) Restore Sanity and Reality to our thinking process. (7) Start immediately to develop and produce our own Oil Reserves till we are totally self-sufficient, and clear of obama’s buddies (just imagine the jobs that would create).

IF WE DON’T SMARTEN UP NOW then the end of America is upon us. Have a nice day!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011 1:14 AM

I heard on the news that Nancy Pelosi rejected an invitation to sit next to a Republican.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011 12:00 AM

Insanity is what it is. A so called Popularity Contest. All of them are an embarrassment. Watch me smile while I destroy myself and everything around me. Reminds me of a mental hospital for the snake oil salesmen. Well I am not buying the poison and I have a very long memory. Get rid of the cause and effect and it is a good start to dealing with the disease these people are infected with.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011 11:35 PM

I think this was desired by the democrats and backfired on them badly. It’s easier to clap like mad with like-minded people with the “sourpusses” far away. But when Obama BS’s and you’re sitting right next to a guy you don;t know well, whose party just cleaned your party’s clock, and he’s not clapping because he knows Obama is full of it, it’s almost impossible to get that team spirit going cheering lies. Even the most partisan democrat has his pride.

This was the weakest response of any speech Obama has ever given – barely more than an occasional smattering punctuated with a couple of short partial ovations. For him, a total disaster. instead of looking as though everyone was behind Obama which is what the plan clearly was for dems, it came off like most of the congress was against him. It’s going to be interesting to see if he gets an upward spike, or if he falls.

The big star was Michele Bachmann who was absolutely fantastic and kudos to CNN for carrying it and a total Pox on Fox. I’m really getting to the point that I can’;t even stand the words “Fox news”.

RAINBOW GLITTER BEAR searches for Obama’s birth certificate in Hawaii!

Reply to  G-Starz
Wednesday, January 26, 2011 9:53 AM

You are absolutely correct about Fox News……I almost never watch it anymore, and they have become as worthless as the rest of the so-called main stream media, sometimes even more so because some still watch them and expect “fair and balanced” coverage.

O’Relly is supposed to interview Barry on Super Bowl Sunday. I wonder if O’Reilly has figured out a way to ask Barry about his obvious ineligibility that will be most beneficial to helping Barry continue the ridiculous cover-up?

Leo Patrick Haffey
Tuesday, January 25, 2011 6:48 PM

We should follow the example of the good conservative Justices Scalia, Alito and Thomas and boycott BHO’s obscene pep rally.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011 4:32 PM

I think the “date night” seating was done to reduce the probability of another “Joe Wilson” or “Theresa Cao” moment.

I pray there is at least one of those moments tonight.

David F LaRocque
Tuesday, January 25, 2011 3:51 PM

Just the fact that the Marxists want this date night circus is clear enough evidence that it is not good for true Americans. They are trying to dilute the dramatic visual effect of the non-Marxists refusing to applaud the nonsense to be spouted by the Marxist – in – Chief. It seems like the Republicans and patriots, if there are any in the Congress, lack basic common sense. They have yet to prove that they stand for anything at all.

Harry H
Tuesday, January 25, 2011 3:21 PM

Sher Zieve has this figured right. The seating plan is a Socialist Democrat political ploy to neutralize their opposition. To counter, the patriot Congresspeople should start laughing loud and long when foreigner Obama says “fellow Americans” and should laugh at Obama throughout his speech.

Larry M. Meyer
Tuesday, January 25, 2011 1:13 PM

The Words I DREAM About: “Ladies and Gentlemen, PLEASE REMAIN SEATED; YOU are ALL UNDER ARREST for “TREASON and High Crimes against the Constitution and The United States of America, Her Citizens and for SUBVERSION of the “REPUBLIC!!”

Tuesday, January 25, 2011 12:19 PM

Sher, what an insult to dogs! You know, one of the favorite sayings in Washington DC is – if you want to have a friend in Washington DC, get yourself a dog!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011 12:18 PM

This is so ridiculous it is almost beyond belief… it is in one word… WRONG!!
I question everything that this charade is supposed to represent… it is almost like getting those opposed to the admin to bow to them.

It would be better if one of the congressmen/congresswomen would have the guts or nerve to finally get to the truth about why obama is NOT eligible to be the President.

Question: What can citizens do when no one in the gov’t has the nerve or is willing to uphold the Constitution of our country? It is almost as if the laws do NOT apply to anyone in gov’t… they can do whatever they want & get away with it. So this is all just a dog & pony show…

If anyone questions obama on eligibility they are labeled crazy. The media on’t do anything, the gov’t won’t do anything, the justice dept won’t do anything, the military won’t do anything, etc…. so what is left? Many people tried to bring out the truth but all that is put out is either lies or excuses. 99.999% of all gov’t officials are taking the word of a few liars or scammers that obama is qualified… without ANY proof other then the fraud doc’s that were put online… just my 2 cents.

What a joke on this whole issue… by the way, I hope many will not tune in to this shameful act known as SOTU show… if you do be prepared to hear what THEY want you to hear!!