Posted inEditorials

The Path to Critical Mass

by Joseph DeMaio, ©2022 (May 20, 2022) — In the jargon of thermonuclear physics, the term “critical mass” means that point at which a specific volume of fissile material – such as uranium-235 or Plutonium – will sustain a nuclear chain reaction.  Once the chain reaction begins and races ahead uncontrolled, a hyper-violent nuclear explosion […]

Posted inEditorials

Buckle up: Here We Go

by Joseph DeMaio, ©2022 (May 1, 2022) — Finally, we will shortly see the hard evidence that, in fact and reality – as opposed to the concocted fantasy that the 2020 general election was “the most fair and secure in history” – that the 2020 election was rigged and, beyond any reasonable doubt…, stolen.  Hijacked.  […]

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by Joseph DeMaio, ©2022  (Mar. 9, 2022) — By the time you read this, the post’s title will be outdated: the number will be higher. The average price of gasoline on Jan. 6, 2021 was $2.25/gal. In the 14 months that Brand…, oops…, sorry…, the Goofball has occupied the Oval Office, the price has skyrocketed […]

Posted inEditorials

A Modest C-19 Proposal

by Joseph DeMaio, ©2022 (Jan. 19, 2022) — Full disclosure: your humble servant is not opposed to true “vaccines,” but instead is vehemently opposed to authoritarian, unconstitutional, “work-around” dictates mandating universal “get jabbed” with the mRNA-based fluids now being peddled as “safe” and “efficacious”… or else.  In your humble servant’s view, the fluids have not […]