Posted inStorytelling


by Sarah Earlene Shere, ©2023  (Nov. 3, 2023) —The man in tattered clothes sat beside the dusty road. He watched the hustle and bustle of the shoppers as they prepared for their holiday feast. Soon, weariness bowed his head and his eyes closed. The unshaven man fell into a dream of white linen-clad tables filled […]

Posted inStorytelling


by Sarah Earlene Shere, ©2023 (Aug. 25, 2023) — [Read previous segments of this story here, here and here. – Ed.] “Princess Charmaine ran her fingers over the intricate, delicate details embroidered on Lord Spurious’ glove. She had no idea why he had left the gardens so suddenly the night before, but she was determined […]

Posted inStorytelling


by Sarah Earlene Shere, ©2023 (Aug. 18, 2023) — [Read earlier segments of this story here and here.] A hush fell over the ballroom as a stranger appeared at the top of the grand staircase. Announced as “Lord Spurious,” the magnificently attired gentleman left no doubt in the minds of the partygoers that he was […]

Posted inStorytelling


by Sarah Earlene Shere, ©2023 (Aug. 11, 2023) — [See Part 1 of this story here.] Kneeling in the churchyard, between his parents’ graves, Elian smiled at a harmless spider, hard at work on a large web that was hanging between the two headstones, glistening in the evening dew. “Keeping my parents together even in […]

Posted inPoetry

Paper Butterflies

by Sarah Earlene Shere, ©2023 (Jul. 29, 2023) — All around the grownups gazed upon their town in rubble,No more churches, schools or parks, and all the fields were stubble. But with the smoking embers rose a sound upon the breeze,It wafted to the people’s ears and danced among the trees. ‘Twas the laughter of […]

Posted inPoetry

The Storyteller

by Sarah Earlene Shere, ©2023 (Jul. 14, 2023) — The child climbed up on her granddad’s lap. “Tell me a story,” she begged.The old man smiled and drew her close as he kissed her golden head. “And what shall I tell, my darling girl? What would you like to hear?A tale of pirates on the […]

Posted inPoetry

To Be Real

by Sarah Earlene Shere, ©2023 (Jul. 7, 2023) — ‘Neith furnishings, in any home, you’ll find a creature there,He’s soft and round, completely tame, made of dust and hair. Most are content with their lot to be swept away,But I know of one named Joe, who wants to stay and play. “I’m a bunny, so […]