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26 – Third Reich

by ProfDave, ©2022 (Jun. 21, 2022) — Good morning, ladies and gentlemen!  This week’s unit presents us with a lot of important topics.  I could go on for hours.  World War II alone is a full year’s course.  Sorry to disappoint the military buffs.  But one of the two or three top questions of the […]

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23 – The Long Fuse

by ProfDave, ©2022 (Jun. 9, 2022) — Good morning, ladies and gentlemen!  Just as the French Revolution is a textbook case for revolutionaries, with an appendix from the Revolution of 1848, so “the Great War,” World War I, is the textbook case, for diplomats, of crisis mismanagement.  But it did not look that way in […]

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21 – The Emperial Mystique

by ProfDave, ©2022 (May 31, 2022) — Last term we examined in some detail the remarkable expansion of Western civilization across the globe in the 16th century.  We concluded that it rested upon western technological advances, organizational advantages, and the distinctive will to go (a combination of religious and economic optimism) on the one hand […]

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The Age of Ideology

by ProfDave, ©2022 (May 24, 2022) — The age of reason was followed by the age of ideology in the 19th century.  For the most part, the state had given up the effort to suppress religious diversity.  Religious dissent had gained a measure of toleration and legality in most places.  Religion was still important but […]

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18– Industrial Revolution

by ProfDave, ©2022 (May 20, 2022) — Industrialization is an obvious part of our world, and “the Industrial Revolution” is a term that appears in most textbooks, invented by Arnold Toynbee in 1884.  What was it?  The concept (as elaborated by T.S. Ashton early in the last century) described a gradual series of changes in […]

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16 – The Age of Reason

by ProfDave, ©2022 (May 10, 2022) — What was early modern Europe like?  What were things like in 1648?  What were the physical consequences of the Renaissance and Reformation?  First, the relative unanimity of thought and belief had been shattered.  While people still feared and suspected people with different beliefs, the Prince/King now determined the […]

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15. The End of Christendom

by ProfDave, ©2022 (May 5, 2022) — Good Morning, ladies and gentlemen, Christians and heretics, believers and infidels!  This week we examine the breakup of Medieval Christendom and the beginning of the modern world – so called.  Please note, medieval Christendom and Christianity are not the same thing – far from it.  Christianity remained at […]