Posted inEditorials

The Needs of the Many

by Ernest Huber, ©2022 (Jul. 18, 2022) — Over forty years ago a CIA Chief of Station and I were made unofficial members of Nigeria’s ruling tribe by its tribal officials.  The officials were also military intelligence officers of that nation.  They were graduates of RMA Sandhurst (the UK’s West Point), very articulate, highly professional, […]

Posted inEditorials

Church and State, Wolves and Sheep, and We the People

by Ernest Huber, ©2022 (Jul. 13, 2022) — Church and State are inextricably intertwined – if one falls, the other will fall.  We have been a great nation because we have been a Christian nation that acknowledges our God-given unalienable rights and responsibilities as confirmed by our founding documents.  A nation’s predominant religion, or lack […]

Posted inEditorials

You Have the Unalienable Right to Manage Your Own Healthcare

by Ernest Huber, ©2022 (Jul. 12, 2022) — Congratulations to those who recognize your freedom to take charge of your own healthcare and reject the deadly vaccine “mandates” spewed by insurgent federal, state, and local government employees.  One of our next steps is to require local medical personnel and bureaucrats to prove by autopsy, tissue […]

Posted inEditorials

There Is No National Debt.  Now Defend Yourselves!

by Ernest Huber, ©2022 (Jul. 11, 2022) — Among the top threats to the United States and Western civilization are domestic enemies promoting the coronavirus scamdemic lockdown/imprisonment/national suicide, communist psychopaths, jihadi psychopaths, malignant media, tech tyrants, genocidal abortionists, and private national central bankers.  The banking threat is the most complicated and pivotal for us lemmings, […]

Posted inEditorials

So What Do We Do?

by Ernest Huber, ©2022 (Jul. 9, 2022) — So what do we do about this massive ongoing treason, corruption, and destruction throughout all levels of government and society? Things we’ve trusted before can generally no longer be trusted, e.g., the media, the political parties, medicine, the education system, the clergy, the intelligence agencies, our communications, […]