Posted inEditorials

Ten Most Wanted

by Tom Arnold, ©2024 (Apr. 13, 2024) — 1.  BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA.  He was not born in the United States and not born to parents who were both U.S. citizens.  He therefore was not a “natural born (American) Citizen” of our country who was qualified by our constitution to be president (Article II, Section 1, […]

Posted inEditorials

New Laws and Changes to Our Constitution?

by Tom Arnold, ©2023   (Feb. 4, 2023) — Judging from our country’s controversial elections and the dubious backgrounds and lack of constitutional eligibility of certain nominees for president (and vice president), with others waiting in line hoping that a precedent will be established, I have concluded the following. Abiding by our laws and constitution is […]

Posted inEditorials

If Obama Already Had a Real Birth Certificate, Then Why Did He Conspire to Have a Bogus Hawaiian Birth Certificate Forged and Released to the American Public? 

by Tom Arnold, ©2022  (Mar. 5, 2022) — The answer, my friends (and those others of you), is OBVIOUS!  Obama did NOT have a real authentic American (Hawaiian) birth certificate!  His real birth certificate, as many have reported (including even the publisher, Acton & Dystel, of an abbreviated biography of Obama), seems to be in […]

Posted inEditorials

Questions which Should be Asked and Answered in Advanced, Democratic, and Morally Right Countries. Such as Ours?

by Tom Arnold, ©2021 (Aug. 1, 2021) — [Editor’s Note:  The following was sent Sunday morning to national Democratic and Republican organizations, numerous media personalities, the White House and members of Congress.] What is the definition of NATURAL BORN AMERICAN CITIZEN? Are you allowed to even say those words? Hint- it is an extremely important […]

Posted inEditorials

Questions that Should Honestly be Answered; The Truth may Save our Republic and U.S. Constitution

by Tom Arnold, ©2020 (Dec. 9, 2020) — [Editor’s Note: The following was sent to numerous officials at the U.S. Justice Department, members of the mainstream media, and members of Congress.] Why did U.S. Supreme Court Chief Justice John G Roberts Jr KNOWINGLY swear in as president a constitutionally ineligible Barack Hussein Obama in 2009 […]

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Our Country’s Last Three Democrat Candidates for President Ought to be Indicted, Convicted, and Sentenced to Federal Prison

“GET OUT OF JAIL FREE” by Tom Arnold, ©2020 (Oct. 21, 2020) — BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA:  He stole the presidency and command of our country’s armed forces and held them for eight years.  He was/is constitutionally ineligible (not a natural born American citizen per Article II, Section 1, Clause 5 of the Constitution).  Most likely, […]

Posted inEditorials

If “Barack Hussein Obama” Was Born in Hawaii and Was Constitutionally Eligible to Run for and be Elected President…

THEN PLEASE EXPLAIN THE FOLLOWING THINGS by Tom Arnold, ©2020 (Aug. 22, 2020) — Why has his so-called Hawaiian birth certificate been examined by forensic document experts and found to be, beyond any doubt, a pieced-together, photo-shopped, amateurish forgery?  Couldn’t you, John Brennan, have done better! Why was there no hospital or birthing center in […]

Posted inNational

Where Was the U.S. Senate on Vetting Presidential Candidates?

AND WHERE WAS THE AP’S “VETTING” OF OBAMA? by Sharon Rondeau (Apr. 25, 2018) — An AP article published Wednesday states that the U.S. Senate, which is tasked by the Constitution with approving executive-branch cabinet nominees, is frustrated with “lax vetting” processes allegedly used by the Trump administration. The article referred to Trump’s nomination of Dr. […]