Posted inEditorials

Put “Election-Deniers” in Prison?

by Bob Russell, ©2022 (Oct. 25, 2022) — I continually hear devildemocommiecrat politicians, bureaucrats, and the Pravda/Goebbels fake news propagandists “demand” that people like me who believe the 2020 election was stolen through VOTE FRAUD be put in prison for “conspiracy theory” thinking.  However, those who claim devildemocommiecrat election losses are “illegitimate” are not included […]

Posted inEditorials

The January 6 Commission is Partisan Political Theater

by Bob Russell, ©2021 (Sep. 3, 2021) — Nutty nancy pelosi, the power-hungry mongrel with a botox- and booze-addled mind, is trying to take the focus off the travesties happening in Afghanistan and on the southern border and destroy the nation, President Trump, any of his supporters, and establish totalitarian Nazi/Communist-style rule in America. Her […]

Posted inEditorials

Is Usurper Biden Coming after our Firearms?

by Bob Russell, ©2021   (Jan. 29, 2021) — The very corrupt and mentally-deficient joe biden is still harping about confiscating privately- owned “assault weapons.” Rabid anti-gun nutcase beto o’rourke appears to be the tyrant biden will put in charge of this violation of the Constitution.  In the first place, AR-15 or AK-47-style semi-automatic rifles ARE […]