Posted inEditorials

“White Supremacy,” the Phantom Threat

by Bob Russell, ©2023 (Nov. 15, 2023) — The illegitimate occupier of the White House, joe dementia, spends a lot of time spouting about the nonexistent “white supremacy” movement being “the greatest threat to American democracy,” ignoring the invasion on our wide-open southern border that is bringing in terrorists, drug cartel thugs, and other unknown […]

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The KGB/Stasi/Gestapo Attacks against Patriots

by Bob Russell, ©2022 (Sep. 22, 2022) — I am watching the Monday, Sept. 12, 2022 episode of Tucker Carlson Tonight wherein Carlson is highlighting the actions of the federal government, raiding and arresting supporters of President Trump.  The tyrants are making threats against anyone who questions the legitimacy of the 2020 elections, using the protestations […]

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What or Who is QAnon?

by Bob Russell, ©2021 (Jul. 5, 2021) — I have heard the Pravda/Goebbels fake news propagandists and the satanic devildemocommiecrat political hacks pillory this QAnon for being hateful and racist but have no idea what or who it is and why the leftists are so threatened by he/she/it. Although hearing a lot of criticism and […]

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Liberals Balkanizing America

by Bob Russell, ©2021 (May 14, 2021) — The devildemocommiecrat party, the Pravda/Goebbels fake news propagandists, the hollywierd elitists, and other insidious factions are using racial/ethnic identity, sexual identity, economic identity, and moral/religious standards to spread hatred and mistrust to divide We the People so they can conquer and subjugate ALL of us. In my […]

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Mask Mandates? I Will Not Comply

by Bob Russell, ©2021  (May 11, 2021) — The propensity of devildemocommiecrat political hacks, leftist bureaucrats, and the Pravda/Goebbels propagandists to promote the false narrative of the barely-existent danger of the coronavirus is beyond sinister, rising to the level of a pure evil power-hungry tyranny!!!!! The Wuhan Flu epidemic, whose infection and death numbers were […]

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CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, Facebook, Twitter, PBS, and Instagram: Agents of Fascist Propaganda

by Bob Russell, ©2021 (Apr. 7, 2021) — Everyone who says they value liberty should immediately remove themselves from facebook, twitter, and instagram. The Pravda/Goebbels propaganda platforms, especially the so-called social media platforms, censor conservative speech of any kind citing “violation of community standards” but refuse to censor liberals who call for violence against anyone […]

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Is Usurper Biden Coming after our Firearms?

by Bob Russell, ©2021   (Jan. 29, 2021) — The very corrupt and mentally-deficient joe biden is still harping about confiscating privately- owned “assault weapons.” Rabid anti-gun nutcase beto o’rourke appears to be the tyrant biden will put in charge of this violation of the Constitution.  In the first place, AR-15 or AK-47-style semi-automatic rifles ARE […]