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by Kathleen Marquardt, American Policy Center, ©2021

(Jul. 28, 2021) — If you have read many of my articles, especially my most recent ones on Cancel Culture, I have pointed out that, according to the Marxists of the late 19th and early 20th Centuries, for Marxism to succeed in taking over the world, Christianity must be crushed because it is the basis of America’s founding documents. Those articles point out the many avenues of attack on America and Christianity, the asymmetric warfare being waged. This article will be about one man’s part in the guerrilla war; actually, just a review of his article on what must be done – under the guise of preventing future wars. And, in his words, “The responsibility for charting the necessary changes in human behavior rests clearly o the sciences working in that field. Psychologists, psychiatrists, sociologist, economists and politicians…”

In 1946, by Brock Chisholm, first Director-General of the World Health Organization (WHO) and first head of the World Federation of Mental Health, wrote “The Reestablishment of Peacetime Society” for Psychiatry Journal. His own words are going to show you what they plan to achieve.

Think about this. Those in social sciences are the arbiters, the people he would have in charge of our education system, of our children’s learning. Before going on, keep in mind that our country was built on the principles of natural law, on foundations of morality. Those basic principles are anathema to what Chisholm, John Dewey, Rockefeller, et.al, are indoctrinating our children to believe, and against everything that made America the greatest, freest country the world had ever seen or would see again. The country every thinking person wants to come to.

After listing reasons for war – prejudice, isolationism, the ability emotionally an uncritically to believe unreasonable things, excessive desire for material or power, fear, etc., Chisholm describes those as “well known and recognized neurotic symptoms. . .. Even self defence (sic) may involve a neurotic reaction”. He is bringing every action into the world of mind control.

So, what does he see as the three necessary requirements for achieving world peace?

First, “security, elimination of the occasion for valid fear of aggression.”

Second, “opportunity to live reasonably comfortably for all the people in the world on economic levels which do not vary too widely either geographically or by groups within a population.  This is a simple matter of redistribution of material . . . (emphasis mine, but his words).”

“It is probable that these first two requirements would make wars unnecessary for mature normal people without neurotic necessities, but their attainment depends on the ability of enough people in the right places to want to implement them, and few people are mature and without neurotic necessities. So far in the history of the world there have never been enough mature people in the right places. (emphasis mine).”

Ah, I guess he would really have a field day with the minds of our Founding Fathers. I cannot image many people who would measure up in maturity (even at some of the very young ages those men were), and if they were neurotic, what can be said about people who don’t even know what gender they are?

Third, “It follows inevitably then that the third requirement, on which the attainment and the effectiveness of the others depend, is that there should be enough people . . . without these neurotic necessities. We have never had enough people anywhere who are sufficiently free of these . . . symptoms which make wars inevitable.

“All psychiatrists know where these symptoms come from. The burden of inferiority, guilt, and fear we have all carried lies at the root of this failure to mature successful.”

Hmmm. Inferiority. Guilt. Fear. In my humble opinion that describes snowflakes, people wanting to change their sex, those tearing down statues because of the greatness they represent. Let’s continue.

So, what is it that needs to be changed in us folks?

“For a cause we must seek some consistent thread running through the weave of all civilizations we have known and preventing the development of all or almost all the people to a state of true maturity. What basic psychological distortion can be found in every civilization of which we know anything? It must be a force which discourages the ability to see and acknowledge patent facts, which prevents the rational use of intelligence, which teachers are encourages the ability to dissociate and to believe contrary to and in spite of clear evidence, which produces inferiority, guilt and fear, which makes controlling other people’s personal behavior emotionally necessary, encourages prejudice and the inability to see, understand, and sympathize with other people’s points of view. Is there any force? So potent and so pervasive. That it can do all these things. In all civilizations? There is — just one. The only lowest common denominator of all civilizations, and the only psychological force capable of producing these perversions is morality, the concept of right and wrong, the poison long ago described and warned against as ‘the fruit of the tree of the Knowledge of Good and evil’.

Read the rest here.

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