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by OPOVV, ©2021

The South Portico was named for President Harry A. Truman and is also known as the “Truman Balcony”

(Jan. 22, 2021) — “Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to ‘The Pulse of the Nation,’ the place to hear it here first. Let me say at the outset that our double-tiered justice system is as corrupt as they come. Every day that Hillary and Joe Biden spend out of jail is but another nail in the coffin that holds our Constitution; every hour that passes that shields Barry Soetoro, aka Obama’s, original BIRTH CERTIFICATE inches us closer into despotism. Even worse, every moment that we allow swamp rats such as McConnell and Pelosi, Graham and Cheney, and the Fake News to get away with spouting lie after lie, year after year so that any reference they attributed to Trump falls back upon themselves to wallow in, allows the cesspool we know as Hollywood whenever they tout ‘Nazism,’ ‘Totalitarianism’ and ‘Socialism’ to grow even bigger.

“Hello, Roving here, back on the beat – on our corner – to waylay commuters stretching their legs, so to speak, since the restrictions on the Chinese flu mysteriously lifted just because there was massive election fraud. Think about it: if Joe Biden were an honorable man, he would not have accepted the presidency based on fraud nor, for that matter, would any honorable individual. It’s hard to teach honesty when the president is so blatantly dishonest, a fact pointed out by a school teacher in Florida.

“As I said, we’re back on the corner about to waylay this young lady. Excuse me, please, Roving here for ‘Pulse,’ once the most-watched information show in its time slot. We used to be on satellite, you know.”

“And now you’re on The P&E, a most respected political blog.”

“That is true, sad to say, but lucky at least somebody carries us.”

“Yes, I’m aware of your downfall; too bad. And I used to listen to you on the radio but now I read you out loud to my dog, Mr. Jacks. I heard your opening – about dishonorable people —  which got me to thinking about what would I do if I saw Biden or Harris having car problems: would I stop and help or would I drive on by? I decided that, not only would I speed by, but I would speed by through a mud puddle.”

“In other words, you would treat them the way they are treating you.”

“Precisely, but then I think I’d go around the block and do it to them again, for good measure.”

“Excellent idea.”

“What’s this nonsense about sending troops to Syria?”

“Some say it’s to boost the economy but it just doesn’t pay in the long run; I mean, the cost of war represents no capital return on expenditure.”

“Say what?”

“Meaning money spent that doesn’t get reintroduced in circulation, that’s what I mean.”

“Oh. Well, I have to run. Nice to have talked with you, Roving.”

“Likewise. What do you say we take a break?”

“Excuse me, but before I go, name one person in the government who you think is honorable.”

“Donald J. Trump, Abraham Lincoln and George Washington are three that come to mind.”


That’s Right (You’re Not From Texas” (5:06)

“And we’re back with Mrs. Hopper, who is a county worker. How do you do, Mrs. Hopper, and welcome to ‘Pulse,’ where we can be read at your leisure in The P&E.”

“Used to be, Roving.”

“Pardon me?”

“Used to be; you said I was a ‘county worker’ and I said ‘used to be.’ You see, they made us work when Trump was president but now that we have a real loser in the White House, why should we give a hoot when the president sure as heck doesn’t give a hoot? Biden never ran a business and had to make payroll but Trump sure as heck did. Biden, a career loser vs. Trump, a career winner, and he won the last election, you know. The only ones who don’t know are the morally corrupt among us.”

“That seems to be a strange view from a county employee.”

“Oh, don’t get me wrong: I voted for Biden because I believe in a dishonest government. Look, I’m the one who orders the road signs for the county. Last order I specified the wrong color; you know, green for road directions and blue for information. Well, I ordered all the signs at the airport in the wrong color and they gave me a raise plus I got a kickback from the sign company for placing a double order, the second one in the correct color.”


“In cash; in hundreds or, as Ilhan Omar would say, ‘in Benjamins.’

“You see, folks? This is why I take a break and let others take over the reins whenever I can. Okay, thanks for talking with us, Mrs. Hopper. I guess we’re done so I’ll just say goodnight: Goodnight.

“Well, there’s one thing we all know for sure, something we can bet the farm on: Biden-Harris are the two most dishonorable pair we ever had in the White House. Starting with Obama, or actually starting with Hitler, the Dems have been following the Nazi Playbook chapter by chapter, word for word on how to take over a country. The similarities are just too pronounced to ignore: the consequence of coincidence. Burger time: my treat.”

Write This Down” (3:37)


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