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by Jane Bate and Bryan Hermansdorfer, ©2020

Credit: Konevi, Pixabay, License

(Jun. 14, 2020) — [Editor’s Note:  For Parts 1 and 2 of this series, please go here and here.]

Our 1st amendment: “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or the press …”

In Islam, though, sharia imposes the death penalty for those who leave Islam. (ROT o8.1). Islam is growing – not because it is popular, but because leaving it is hazardous to one’s health.

The Islamic blasphemy laws are a huge abridgement of the right to free speech. (ROT o8.7) Anything that would offend a Muslim must not be said. Of course, this has found practical application in UN Res. 16/18 (of which Hillary and Obama were proponents) and more.

As for freedom of the press, the Danish Muhammad cartoons sparked riots and killings around the Islamic world, Molly Norris had to “disappear” thanks to drawing Muhammad and there was the assassination attempt on Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer for their “Draw Muhammad” event in Garland, TX. Does anyone have the right not to be offended?

CAIR (Council on American Islamic Relations) coerced the FBI, CIA, Homeland Security, military and police into removing ‘offensive words’ (“Islam,” “Muslim,” “Muslim Brotherhood,” “Islamic terrorism,” “jihad,” and “sharia law”) from training materials, confounding attempts to identify terrorists and prevent attacks. And CAIR continues to ensure that events featuring truth-tellers such as Robert Spencer are shut down.

We know who holds the reins of power – it is whomever we are not allowed to criticize; so, speak the truth loudly and proudly now or forever hold your peace.

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  1. Muslims destroy all remnants of a culture they conquer. No go zones are also part of their plan. We have Islamic no go zones all over america. Is CHAZ a Muslim influenced no go zone? “A rose by any other name is still a rose”. A terrorist cell by any other name is still a terrorist cell.

  2. We know this; it is not news so why do we have one Muslim in our military or, for that matter, even one Muslim within our borders?

    It looks like there’s a connection between removing statues and allowing Muslims in our country: STUPID.