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by OPOVV, ©2015

(Jul. 27, 2015) — “Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. We’re here at what used to be call the ‘Confederate Retirement Home,’ then it was the ‘Grand Army and Confederate Retirement Home,’ then the ‘World War I Retirement Home’ up to the present day.  You get the picture. Now the only part left of the original sign out front is the word ‘Home.’  So we’re at the ‘Home’ just a little south of town, overlooking the bend in the river.

“Seated to the left of me is retired Brigadier General Alex Smith, and to my right is Marine Corporal Steven Baker. Welcome to our show, men. First off, I’d like to say ‘thank you’ for your service.”

“Hold it right there, young man, I don’t need no whipper-snapper telling me ‘thank you’ for serving my country. That’s downright unpatriotic and plain rude, I tell you. ‘Serving,’ as you put it, makes us sound like bus-boys, ‘Sanitation Engineers’ or some sort of head waiter traversing land mines and coming in just to bring you some crackers for your vichyssoise. I won’t have it. Take it back.”

“I agree with the General.”

“Okay. So what do I say? How do I thank you, then?”

“Don’t say nothing. Just be a good American. I’m sick of this ‘Thank you for your service.’ Used to be ‘Have a nice day.’ Bunch of meaningless platitudes, and always by people who never served. What are the chances of the Corporal ever saying, ‘Thanks for serving, General?’ or, for that matter, me to him? Nada, as in ‘never happen.’ Goes without saying, so don’t say it, got it? I mean it, and I’m sure the Corporal agrees. There were boys who ran away to Canada and then had the nerve to come back into our country. Should be taken out and stood against the wall!.”

“Now, General, you’re going to get yourself all worked up and then start shouting ‘Charge the embankments!’ and then somebody will come and have to sedate you, so please calm down and let’s not talk about people who don’t deserve to be in our country.”

“Thank you, Corporal. I shall henceforth conduct myself with the dignity and the decorum that befits my rank and standing within the community.

“Now, your name is ‘Roving,’ is it not? Strange name, that. No doubt you heard of our organization, ‘Vets for Trump,’ and want to know more, which is why you’re here, I’m sure. Actually, it was the Corporal who came up with the idea way back in 2008. Why don’t you tell it, Corporal?”

“Be glad to, General. It was back 2008, as the General says, when some announcer or master-of-ceremonies, I think it was some DJ in Indiana, that was emphasizing Obama’s middle name, Hussein, as being a little too much sounding like Saddam Hussein, you know, Muslim-sounding. And it was; Muslim-sounding, I mean.

“And then John McCain comes out of nowhere’s-ville and, get this, publicly criticizes the announcer for saying Obama’s full name. What’s wrong with that? And that’s when us Vets started to scrutinize McCain’s voting record a little more thoroughly and learned that he’s as anti-American as they come.”

“What do you mean? I mean specifically?”

“I’ll handle this one, Corporal. One, he didn’t uphold his Oath to the Constitution by exposing Obama’s ineligibility by not adhering to the dictates of the Constitution.  In short, his father was a British citizen, not an American citizen born in America.

“Second, McCain is pro-Muslim.  What I mean is that he is so stupid as not to recognize the Islamic takeover of Western Civilization. He doesn’t understand that Sharia Law and the Constitution are like oil and water: incompatible.”

“More like electricity and water.”

“Right you are, Corporal. And lastly, McCain doesn’t understand that Veterans are Americans and live by the ‘Rule of Law,’ and here he is out and out supporting illegal immigrants.

“No, McCain crossed to the other side: he’s a RINO. Disgusting. Okay, he was a POW. Unlucky, but that doesn’t give him an excuse to trash our country. That doesn’t give him a ‘Free Pass’ ignoring his Oath.”

“Tell him about Lakin, General.”

“And then there’s the ‘LTC Terry Lakin Affair;’ you remember that, don’t you? An Army officer asked to see Obama’s Birth Certificate and he was Dishonorably Discharged after a Court-Martial, for God’s sake, for just asking to see the proof that Obama was Constitutionally eligible to serve as POTUS, as his commander-in-chief. Why, it’s the right of any and every American to know that the president is a legal government employee.

“So Obama refused to release his Birth Certificate: he was never vetted,* can you believe that?! But it gets worse, if you can believe it. Get this: while Lakin was in a federal penitentiary serving his six months, Obama released his birth certificate, but it’s a fake! A Fake!

“Now, now, General. Here, have some of this-here lemonade and I’ll finish the story. What the General said is all true; they sent an innocent man, LTC Terry Lakin, to prison and he didn’t do anything wrong. I mean, he didn’t break any law or anything; all he was asking was to know if Obama was eligible to hold the office. And all the while this was going on, the Court-Martial, the sentencing, the release of the FAKE birth certificate, not one little peep out of McCain. You heard me:  McCain, a supposedly fellow Veteran, didn’t come to Lakin’s aid, just left him out in the cold.”

“Thank you, Corporal, that lemonade hit the spot. Even that guy who ran for president in 2012, OPOVV, was in Federal Court after Federal Court, all around the county, any court that would take the case, trying to force Obama to release his birth certificate.”

“What happened?”

“Nothing. Waste of time and a lot of money. An Honorably-Discharged presidential candidate, even part American Indian, father born in Washington State, mother born in Montana, both by American citizens, and he was born in California. Court ruled ‘No Standing.’ Unbelievable.”

“I heard a little about him. What was his deal?”

“That he wouldn’t take any pay or accept any perks; that he’d stay and get the job done; that he’d deport the Muslims and illegal immigrants and fix our trade imbalance with China and everyone else; he would tell the United Nations to take a hike; abolish the Federal Reserve bank, Obamacare and the IRS. And a bunch of other stuff, like requiring every woman to conceal-carry. He even went so far as to recommend that every girl, after taking the required gun safety courses, receive a lightweight .357 Magnum revolver along with her high school diploma, believe it or not.

“But the point is that McCain turned his back on the Constitution. That’s it. Let Lakin be carted through an airport shackled! And that’s why we Veterans are against McCain and for Trump. People don’t want politicians; people don’t like politicians. Simple as that. In a perfect world McCain and Obama would be cellmates in Gitmo.”

“I see that our time is up. I must say, I am quite convinced as to why Veterans are against McCain and support Trump.”

“I used to order men to fight! Now all I do is watch our military run around like dogs with their tails between their legs. Disgusting! I won’t have it, I tell you, I WON’T HAVE IT! Charge the embankments!

“Egads! We’re out of here. And look! Here comes somebody with a huge syringe! Come on, crew, let’s boogie!

“Whew! Now that was something. Well, we learned all about why the Vets are against McCain, the RINO and for someone who isn’t afraid of speaking the truth, that would be Trump, and the other two, Fiorina and Carson. That’s our show for tonight. Thanks for watching. This is your Roving Reporting. Goodnight.”

“That’s a wrap. Interesting about McCain capitulating to Obama during the election, wasn’t it? And then McCain just lets one of his fellow Veterans go to prison for nothing. You’d think that being a Senator, McCain could’ve done something to help Lakin, if only to see if he got a fair trial, which he quite obviously didn’t.

“Let’s pack it up. I saw a burger joint as we were going in. My treat.”

*Please click on this link to read more about Obama‘s place of birth.

Semper Fi


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    1. Great article SideSaddle. Thanks for posting.

      I have been heavily involved in politics and know that what Wayne Allen Root said in the article is 100% correct. The corruption in the political parties is deep and wide. Both parties should be dissolved and any funds they have should be used to reduce the debt they cause. Then the pension of the criminals that were in Congress should have their pensions raided and those funds also used to reduce the debt.

      Hopefully the voters will wake up in time and understand exactly what Wayne Allen Root mentioned in the article.

  1. Hey Vets- Trump is not “for sale” along with the other “formulated politicians” and other “fishermen for future entitlement income” bozos looking to dupe the Vets and citizens for another “election” cycle. Since “Democrats” have illegally imprisoned 6 Veterans who were whistle blowers to keep their mouths shut and have also illegally blocked Criminal Presentments for 7 years to keep their DNC/Operatives buddies out of jail, let’s roll with the man that stands with the Vets and blow these coat-and-tie parasitic scum off the DC map. We can’t name any Democrats that have gone to jail or gotten the death sentence for Treason, Murder, Perjury, Election Fraud, POTUS Identity Fraud, Usurpation As A Dual Citizen Article 2 Illegal Fraud Falsified By Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi in 2008, Bankrupting Our Military And Chasing Out Anyone That Wasn’t On The Democrat Team Of Coup/Usurpers And Command Racketeers, Benghazi/Extortion 17, Crashing An A3 Into The Pentagon Using SERCO/TOR QRS11 Hillary Patents And Working With Valerie Jarrett To Inject Nose Up Signals Into Outer Avionics Waypoints Guidance To Collect On Cat Bond Insurance Scams, DNC control of 911 events through backdoor SERCO/TOR networks, Hillary’s server and use of SERCO/TOR to manipulate murder for bets at Benghazi/Extortion 17 while betting on SEALS deaths at Benghazi in backdoor betting schemes, Clinton’s robbing fortunes at Haiti money pots, Misprision Of Felony in including Judicial members to block Criminal Presentments, allowing Lt.Cdr.Walt Fitzpatrick to illegally remain in prison with no press and judicial misprision to create a phony arrest/imprisonment scheme, unlimited cover-ups and theft of trillions in taxpayer monies, charging taxpayers with $4 million dollars to keep Obama’s papers hidden from the public at Perkins Coie DNC Law Firm in Seattle and continue identity fraud as POTUS.