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by OPOVV, ©2013

(Aug. 25, 2013) — In the beginning there was a collection of thatched huts, or maybe it was igloos. Anyway, one family couldn’t stand the sight of the other so they moved, or that other family moved away. Through the years, after all the begettin’, with humans being the way they are, each family’s offspring acquired quite a few weapons to protect themselves from nosy neighbors and/or saber-toothed tigers.

Eventually the offspring of the original families renamed their lands into the names that we’re familiar with today. For instance, Mexico used to be called “Gonzales,” The United States “Jones,” England “Henderson,” Norway “Olaf,” and Japan “Sukiyaki.”

“May I have your attention for an important announcement: the Sukiyakis surprise-attacked the Joneses in Hawaii.”  No, we had to change the names.

So all the weapons of war of the families became the weapons of war of the countries.  Scales of Economy dictate that if you got the money, you spent it.  Nowadays, we take it even farther by “If you can borrow it, do it, and then spend it.”

All these countries have massive military expenditures and are proud of it. They show off their Navy whenever a new bridge is dedicated, they fly their newest planes just before the “Gentlepeople, start your engines,” and they parade their biggest tanks whenever there’s an excuse for a parade.

It’s economy of anything but value for expenditure, if you want to know the truth. Now don’t get me wrong:  if my enemy has a big bat, mine’s gotta be even bigger. But it’s all counterproductive anyway, at least in the long run. Short-term gains are impressive, but it really is the end game that is at stake.

Take the game Monopoly. Okay, maybe you have Boardwalk and Park Place, Marvin Gardens and a few others, while I have Baltic, Illinois, St. James, the utilities and the Railroads. You drive around in a new Bentley while I’m driving a Chevy Chevette.  But, at the end of the game, you’re finished and I win.

So a little more than a baker’s dozen takes down the Twin Towers, while billions of dollars of aircraft carriers and submarines steam around in circles of the world’s oceans. Big bucks have been spent on our military with diminishing returns.  With all of the billions of dollars spent on our defense, not one penny of that money protected the Americans that were murdered on 9-11. And, of course, it gets even worse: we even trained the murderers on 9-11 how to kill us by allowing them (Muslims) to be in our country taking flying “lessons.”

How dumb are we? Or, to put it a little differently, how dumb are the people we’ve hired to protect us? As if 9-11 weren’t enough, along comes Ft. Hood.

So, there are diminishing returns on the investment in our military, which is incapable of fighting the enemy if our politicians, our government, let the enemy within our borders in the first place.

Mothball our military. Discharge everyone. Send all our troops home, literally. What’s the point of even having a Navy if Muslims can fly over the oceans, land at an airport, and then go start forest fires or plant bombs, meanwhile having our laws changed to accommodate the Muslim way of life?

Want to survive as a people and as a nation? Well, do you? Then get those Muslims out of our military and out of our country.


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