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by Arnie Rosner

How many members of Congress can be replaced with those who have integrity?


Harry Accornero…

has addressed the “pink elephant” in the middle of the room.  The pink elephant by the name of Obama!  At this point Harry is the first and the only elected official to do so.

Over the last few months, I have talked with staff members of many members of Congress.  In confidence, I was told that everyone knows Obama is not eligible to sit in the White House, but fear of media ridicule prevents them from being the first to raise the issue to a level of investigation.  Well as I pointed out to my representative’s chief of staff,  just a few days ago, now the ice has been broken.  My Congressman has waited for someone else to do his dirty work.  Now it is time for him to put-up, based upon his promise to me.

Meanwhile, I had the opportunity to speak with Harry.  What a pleasure to speak to a real American hero.  I have to tell you, Harry strikes me as the epitome of what I expected of my representative of government.  Certainly a man to honor and respect.  The folks in Laconia, NH surely picked a winner.

From our brief conversation I was impressed with his humility, his dedication and his concern for just doing the right things for the right reasons.  Harry convinced me he has no other stake in this issue but to serve his constituents and the people of New Hampshire.  Harry is to be strongly congratulated on delivering this service.  A service delivered on behalf of the rest of the 90% of Americans who have been demanding action from Congress…an action which has been steadfastly ignored.

Harry is also a man to admire for he remembers those who served this nation and gave the ultimate sacrifice to keep America free.  At a time when most members of Congress no longer see any need to respect and honor the service, the personal sacrifice and those who have laid down their lives for our country, Harry does.  Plus Harry also honors his family and his grandchildren as well as the rest of the Americans who at present reman nameless, and also believe Obama does not belong in the White House.

Personally, I would like to recognize the Courage of this man.  A man to whom I am grateful.  a man to whom you too should be grateful.

Consider this if you will…out of the other 9,499 lawmakers in this nation, Harry is the only one possessing the strength of character to honor his oath of office and by so doing honors the American people.

If you are like me, about this time, I am questioning  the conspicuous absence of my representatives.  But then here is the perfect time to address that.  Please find a link below which will provide you with that opportunity.

New Hampshire State Representative Charges Obama with treason!

New Hampshire State Representative Harry Accornero has named Obama in the commission of treason against the United States.

Read Harry’s Letter

Write Your Legislators

Write letters to the Editor!

Come election time, please keep in mind where your representatives stood on this matter.  Their failure to stand up for the Constitution and their failure to stand up for you, their constituents, leaves me with the distinct impression that we have been abandoned.

I don’t know how you feel with being abandoned when the chips were down but I am strongly in favor of returning the death penalty to those who commit treason against the United States of America.


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Thursday, October 20, 2011 8:05 AM

Sharon, Please relate a message to Rep Accornero that if he truly wants to remove the usurper, he should rally all his fellow NH patriots to ‘object’ to the obama candidacy during the official objection period. I think the only way to remove the usurper is to keep his name off the 2012 ballot, even if it is only from a few states. Once he is the official nominee, he will steal the election again!
We are lucky to have a NH state legislator who stands up for article 2. Why not stike it before he lies and cheats his way onto the ballot again?
I have just emailed Rep Accornero. We all must request him to do so. Talking incessantly about it will not help.
Dear Representatvie Accornero,
 Thank you for standing up for the Constitution.
Obama usurpation of the presidency is a matter of national security, so although we are not from your district we  are writing to express our thanks and to request that you do the following to keep obama’s name off the ballots:-
We think it is imperative to keep obama from the presidential race, or he will steal another election!
In case you have not acted on this yet, an excellent way to keep his name off the 2012 ballot will be to object to his candidacy during the state election office’s ‘objection’ period.   Form a group, (the bigger the group the better) and follow their official procedure to officially ‘object’ to the placement of obama’s name on the ballot on account of his lack of proof of his natural born citizen status.
1.   Demand to see the nomination paper from the DNC to inspect if it states that obama meets the US consititution’s requirement for the office of the president.
2.   If it does not, demand to see the basis on which they determine obama’s name can be placed on the ballot, e.g. certified copy of his birth certificate with official state seal stating his birth place and his parents’ nationality at time of his birth.     If they cannot provide a DNC nomination paper that certifies obama’s constitutional eligibility or a certified copy of his bc (with seal) that shows he was born in USA to 2 US citizen parents, by law they must act on your objection and not place obama’s name on the ballot until they secure proof that obama meets the constitutional requirement.
3.   If DNC’s nomination paper does not state that obama meets the constitution requirement, and they rely solely on the nomination paper to place his name on the ballot, demand an explanation why the SOS fails his/her duty to enforce the constitution and the state’s own statutes on presidential requirement.
Biden will be filing the paper soon in NH.
It is a shame to let them fool us twice!
Please rally all your New Hampshire patriots to storm the SOS’s office to ‘object’. The time to defeat obama is now, not when he is the official contender in the 2012 presidential race! The Rs are suicidally stupid or naive to think that they will win over obama in the 2012 election. They thought so in 2008! Obviously they have not learned yet!
Thank you.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011 9:01 PM

As I interpret the following, the death penalty IS in play with regard to the crime of treason. Please enlighten me if this is incorrect. Thanks.

United States Code, Title 18, Part I, Chapter 115
§ 2381. Treason
Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.
§ 2382. Misprision of Treason
Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States and having knowledge of the commission of any treason against them, conceals and does not, as soon as may be, disclose and make known the same to the President or to some judge of the United States, or to the governor or to some judge or justice of a particular State, is guilty of misprision of treason and shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than seven years, or both.

Kevin J Lankford
Wednesday, October 19, 2011 7:15 PM

To refer to obama as president is in itself an act of treason. If he wants the support of
real Americans he will have to be more adamant and forthright with his indictment,
which no one of integrity would dispute.

We can no longer ask for justice; we must demand it.