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by One Pissed-off Vietnam Vet

Does Obama represent the majority of Americans in his words and deeds?

(May 8, 2011) — Ever wonder where some people come up with really off-the-wall ideas? For instance, there’s a website that only “debunks birthers,” believe it or not.  Now these people are really out there, so much so, that if Obama himself came out and declared himself to be Kenyan-born and an illegal immigrant, and thus not a citizen of the U.S. and, consequently, not eligible to hold the office of president, they wouldn’t believe him and would, no doubt, call Obama a liar, a con artist, and one heck of a big disappointment.

It’s one thing to believe in something, or someone, but when the facts speak otherwise, eventually one must face up to the truth. Take, as an example, the comedy of the fake birth certificate of Obama. By now everyone has read and, hopefully, understood the mountains of evidence proving, without any doubt whatsoever, that the White House has dumped fakes on the public. But no, there are thousands who are so convinced that Obama was born in Hawaii that any evidence to the contrary sways them not. “Don’t bother me with the facts; I’ve already made up my mind.”

It happens. During World War II, a reconnaissance plane took photos the day before the upcoming battleground, where paratroopers were to drop in and capture a bridge, but upon reviewing the photos it was discovered that the Germans had cleverly hid a whole division of Panzer tanks under trees and camouflage netting. Oh, well, because there was so much planning involved and everyone was ready to go and take that bridge, the General gave the GO AHEAD order, even though he knew that the Germans were there and would destroy the paratroopers. True story, and yes, we lost that battle, but then again, the outcome was a foregone conclusion, wasn’t it?

The point is, some people, no matter what the truth, will continue to go merrily along and the heck with the consequences. However, believing that Islam is a religion and not a political philosophy akin to Totalitarianism is a very dangerous error that could very well get your family beheaded. The General sacrificed the lives of paratroopers, just as, I suspect, many websites and blogs are run by either stupid people, or Muslims, who will gladly sacrifice your, and your family’s, lives.

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  1. “The birth certificate debate – it’s not over”

    by Joseph Farah

    “Beginning today in WND – and extending throughout the week – we will be presenting what I believe is compelling new evidence that Obama is not only ineligible to be president, but that the document released by the White House is fraudulent.

    I know these are strong words, and I use them advisedly.

    I did not set out nearly three years ago persuaded that Barack Obama was ineligible. I assumed the Democratic Party would not knowingly nominate a candidate who was constitutionally unfit. For a long time, I just suspected he was hiding something by refusing to release his birth certificate.

    But as we learned in Watergate, sometimes the cover-up is worse than the crime itself. I now believe Obama and other government officials in Washington and Hawaii have been engaged in just such a cover-up – one that could make Watergate pale by comparison.

    The most compelling case…. that the birth certificate released by the president himself was created by a person or persons who also created at least one other intentionally fraudulent birth certificates.”


  2. “However, believing that Islam is a religion and not a political philosophy akin to Totalitarianism is a very dangerous error that could very well get your family beheaded.”

    Not knowing and understanding that Islam is a totalitarian ideology wrapped up in a religion, and therefore entitled to protection per the First Amendment will not only get many families beheaded. That bit of ignorance may very well lead to the destruction of this Republic and take civilization backward in time to the 7th century AD. Western Europe in decline due in equal parts to the common citizen’s ignorance of Islam and his ignorance of Socialism/Socialist policies. He’s starting to understand now, but it may very well be too late. And we are, by my observation, less than a decade behind them on the same path.

    1. Islam is NOT a “Religion” and is NOT protected by the first amendment. Islam is repugnant to the US Constitution and any law respecting or protecting it is null and void. See Marbury v. Madison,SCOTUS (1803).

      What Islam is NOT:

      BTW,Islamic Sharia does NOT recognize “Freedom of Religion” for non-muslims. It is bizarre that we give them freedom and/or protection to actively counter those freedoms for non-muslims.


      1. Dude, I’ve been educating myself about Islam for the last couple of years. So, you’re preaching to the choir.

        The fact is that Islam is a totalitarian ideology wrapped up in a religion. If you don’t believe me, then look at any one of the 50 states and try to find one that doesn’t provide Islam and Muslims the same protections provided to other religions and worshipers. Or, for that matter, try to locate a mosque that isn’t tax-exempt. You won’t find one. Islam benefits greatly in the US from its religious packaging.