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by Andy Martin, JD, ©2012

"Plaque" hanging in main councilroom in the Mayor's office in Honolulu, HI

(Nov. 13, 2010) — Obamacon 2012 Chairman Andy Martin will hold a Honolulu news conference today, November 13th, to announce a “scavenger hunt” seeking Barack Obama’s physical birthplace in Honolulu. Obamacon 2012/Honolulu 2010 continues through Tuesday, November 16th.  Today’s sidewalk news conference will be held at the intersection of Atkinson Drive and Kapiolani Boulevard in front of the Hawai’i Convention Center, Honolulu.

Both Martin and Daniel Ellsberg are Viet-Nam era protesters who gained notoriety for appearing on “enemies lists” of the Nixon Administration. Ellsberg is speaking at the Hilton Hawaiian Village earlier Saturday. Martin’s peripheral connection to news reports involving the My Lai Massacre in 1969 prompted President Nixon’s ire. Ellsberg was to become the legendary whistle-blower who exposed government lying in the “Pentagon Papers.” Martin will be attending Ellsberg’s speech.

Obamacon 2012 conference leader/author/film producer Andy Martin asks “Where’s the plaque” concerning Barack Obama’s unknown birthplace in Hawai’i.

Martin notes that although Obama claims Honolulu as his birthplace, nowhere in Honolulu is there any plaque to commemorate the actual presidential “birthplace.”

Martin says it is peculiar that no presidential birthplace has ever been conclusively identified and documented; he says the missing birthplace is part of the overall “birth certificate” imbroglio that is increasingly driving public doubts about the putative president.

“Birther convention” probes for evidence of where Obama was physically born; Andy Martin converts the “search” into a “scavenger hunt.”

Andy Martin is unique in that his name has appeared on three presidential “enemies lists.”

Martin is often called the “King of the Birthers” because of his relentless efforts to force the release of Barack Obama’s original, typewritten 1961 birth certificate, which Hawaii officials confirm exists but which they have refused to release on the basis that Obama is a “private citizen.”

Martin is in Honolulu as Executive Director and Chairman of Obamacon 2012/Honolulu 2010, the first political convention of the 2012 presidential campaign season.

While in Honolulu, Martin is also spearheading a separate investigation into potential terrorist threats against Hawai’i and the United States.

“Can anyone show me a plaque commemorating where Barack Obama was physically born?” Martin will ask. “There is no plaque at the address listed in the newspaper reports of Obama’s birth. Obama’s own relatives have given conflicting reports of which hospital was Obama’s birthplace.

“Hawai’i wants to be the site of the Obama ‘presidential library,’ but the state can’t even decide where to erect a plaque to commemorate the president’s birthplace. All modern-era presidents have identified birthplaces except Obama.

“Saturday we will begin a scavenger hunt to search for evidence of the actual Obama birthplace. Assuming he was born in Honolulu, as he claims and as the media have argued, then authorities should place a commemorative plaque in front of the presidential birthplace. There is no plaque at present, because no one knows for sure where he was born.

“No hospital is apparently willing to produce the actual documentation needed to confirm Obama was actually born in that hospital. A hospital can’t refuse to release records, if they exist, on the basis that Obama is a ‘private person.’ Obviously he is not. Any records, anywhere, relating to Obama’s birth are  historic documents and national archives. Why are they missing? Why the cover-up?

“Secrecy about the circumstances of Obama’s actual birth fuels increasing public skepticism about just who Obama really is. Are you listening, Barry (Obama)?

“The convention will be providing a post-convention follow-up to the scavenger hunt; we will report on the success or failure of our efforts to identify the actual Obama birthplace and any credible available evidence to support that claim.

“I am delighted that Daniel Ellsberg will also be in Honolulu this weekend. We have postponed our Saturday convention session to the afternoon so that our attendees can also attend Ellsberg’s speech.

“Mr. Ellsberg and I were both on enemies lists of the Nixon Administration. I beat Dan to the draw; President Nixon got mad at me in 1969 as Evans-Novak reported at the time. Ellsberg was pilloried in 1971.

“Ellsberg’s great moral teaching, that governments have a tendency to lie and that lies are intolerable in a democratic society, has to be relearned anew by each succeeding generation of Americans. Liberals are now astounded by Obama’s post-election secrecy and paranoia. As a conservative, I am not surprised. My book Obama: The Man Behind The Mask was and remains the predictive ‘bible’ on Obama. I was and still am the only Obama author to speak with an authoritative Chicago voice.

“In 2008, I was a critic of candidate Obama and Dan Ellsberg was a tentative supporter. Ellsberg has since become a critic. But both Ellsberg and I are committed to honesty and transparency in government. We must certainly keep information such as ‘troop movements’ and the like secret. But our ultimate goals and policies in any conflict must be open to congressional oversight and control.

“I don’t know how I have managed the somewhat unusual trifecta of being on a Nixon enemies list, and then went on to be the first name on both George W. Bush’s and Barack Obama’s enemies lists, but there you have it. My commitment to the truth spans parts of five decades. I bow down only to the supreme authority of the U. S. Constitution, and not to the temporary occupants of the Oval Office,” Martin will state. “I think Dan would agree with that formula.”


Editor’s Note: Mr. Martin filed a lawsuit against Hawaii Governor Linda Lingle over the obfuscation of Obama’s birth records which he described to The Post & Email as “the cover-up of the cover-up.”  The Post & Email is a sponsor of Obamacon 2012.

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Vic Hern
Monday, November 15, 2010 6:12 PM

Did you all read where Zbig Brzezinski’s sons worked
for candidates in 2008?
One was with Obama, the other with McCain.
My MY My

Kristin says:
Saturday, November 13, 2010 at 1:42 PM
You MUST READ the text of this lawsuit, filed 11/11/10. You will not believe the depth of this complaint! It’s stunning.


Sunday, November 14, 2010 11:23 PM

I’m sure this has been asked and answered before, but does anyone know what the code in small print on the lower right hand corner of Barry’s fake COLB is supposed to mean?


Sunday, November 14, 2010 11:52 AM

Nevermind the “private” part; when did 0bama become a citizen?

Reply to  Yephora
Sunday, November 14, 2010 4:10 PM

They argue when he was born to Stanley Ann Dunham on 4 Aug 1961.

It’s still questionable as to whether that is even true.

johnny says
Reply to  RomoCop
Monday, November 15, 2010 10:05 PM

i agree. i do not believe she is his mother. iwill add nor do i believe obama sr. is his father. we may never know who his real parents were.

Reply to  Yephora
Sunday, November 14, 2010 8:53 PM

He didn’t and did not ever intend to just like his father!

Sunday, November 14, 2010 8:58 AM

I predicted in late 2009 he wouldn’t even run …

I still believe this. It’s multifactorial — He’s already set for life, he realized the job is too much, the qualification problem may rear its head (other Dems also aware of this), but most likely the Dems will push him out to get Hillary up there, given all of the above.

Sadly, Palin represents the only candidate that will give the Dems a chance to win the Presidency. It’s not fair but just telling how it is.

johnny says
Reply to  RomoCop
Monday, November 15, 2010 10:09 PM

hillary is complicit in the 2008 fraudulent election. she should be charged with misprision of a felony. hillary knew obama was not a natural born citizen.

Robert Laity
Sunday, November 14, 2010 5:05 AM

Technically, Obama IS a “private citizen”. He has never BEEN the bona-fides President and is no longer a Senator.

This statement by Hawaii Officials which amounts to an admission that Obama is not a public employee,as a President would be,can be used against them.

I have been saying for years that Obama can be ARRESTED as a “private citizen” because only real presidents can be Impeached,a view held by others.

Public employees are subject to the people. The People have a vested right and interest in Obama’s qualifications or disqualifications for the Presidency. He MUST produce the proof.

Sunday, November 14, 2010 12:17 AM

Here is an interesting comment posted on Real Clear Politics website:


“Dragon 1 hour ago in reply to JJinCO

I am not a “birther”, but….
In the 14 October 2010 issue of Rolling Stone, the obviously political genius Matt Taibbi wrote that in the case of Tea Party supporters that “I’m an ordinary middle-aged guy who pays taxes and lives in the suburbs with his wife and dog. These are the kind of thoughts that go through your head as you listen to Tea Partiers expound at awesome length upon their cultural victimhood, surrounded as they are by America-haters like you and me or, in the case of FOREIGN-BORN PRESIDENT Barack Obama, people who are literally not Americans in the way they are.”

The aforementioned recognition of our “President’s” non-qualification to hold the job may be found on page 52 of the 14 October 2010 issue of Rolling Stone. Matt Taibbi is some kind of political genius, so his observation that our “President” is foreign born MUST be accurate.

Has Matt violated the liberal agenda by acknowledging that our President is not constitutionally qualified to by President? Is it “humor”? I suspect the former. Matt Taibbi is an astute observer, and I suspect that he either intentionally or accidentally verified the position of the so many denigrated “Birthers”. What say you, Matt, regarding our FOREIGN-BORN PRESIDENT?

The comment is available following an article about Democrat strategist telling Obama not to run in 2012:


Saturday, November 13, 2010 10:00 PM

someone just arrest the fraudulent POS!~ talk about a National Security Issue.

A pen
Saturday, November 13, 2010 8:10 PM

Anyone who ignores this issue would neccessarily ignore an amber alert for their own relatives child. It is the moral duty of every citizen to see the law upheld. It isn’t a political convenience to ignore it.

Saturday, November 13, 2010 6:48 PM

The problem is that we don’t KNOW the truth, Kevin. No one does.

That we can’t reasonably be shown the factual details is something to be perturbed about, no doubt.

Of course, I am talking about birth citizenship (location) being that that is agreed on by all for NBC criteria.

As I’ve said before, regardless of how certain we are that the founding fathers meant NBC is by two citizen parents with birth in the US (or territory/military service), this has obviously not been majority opinion. One can see this easily through the evolution of citizenship requirements from 1950 to now. Yes, it is a shame but it is reality and we must deal with it.

One question remains — Will we never KNOW the truth?

I hope so.

Kevin J. Lankford
Reply to  RomoCop
Sunday, November 14, 2010 7:01 PM

We do know his father was not a citizen therefore he is not naturalborn.

Saturday, November 13, 2010 6:26 PM

Maybe he will go to Hollywood and do a foot print in the concrete at the walk of fame or what ever it is called! hahaha

Kevin J. Lankford
Saturday, November 13, 2010 6:14 PM

You can hide the truth, you can ignore the truth, but you cannot destroy the truth.
There are some who say we are just beating a dead horse. I would say the only thing
dead is the honor of our courts and elected officials from the very top to the bottom.
They cannot get past the fact there are those who will demand the truth to the end.

Saturday, November 13, 2010 3:42 PM

Personally I feel We have all the information We need.Now all we need to do is figure out what each of us ,as citizens , can live without and stop feeding this monster with dollars.His favorite and only food source.

Saturday, November 13, 2010 3:04 PM

For all the details on Obama’s REAL birthplace (Kenya) with solid PROOF, facts and testimony — read the new book: “Obama – Ineligible to Serve – Lies, Crimes and Deadly Ambition” at Amazon, etc. It’s the only book on the subject of his Ineligibility under the U.S. Constitution.

Saturday, November 13, 2010 1:42 PM
Reply to  Kristin
Sunday, November 14, 2010 1:54 PM

Wow. Thanks for this. Just read the whole thing. Wish I knew what happens on Nov. 30. Does anybody know. Will it be an open court? Wish I could be a fly on the wall. All the proof is there.

The only people who can save this country is WE THE PEOPLE> It is our duty.

Saturday, November 13, 2010 11:17 AM

Is this true?
“A hospital can’t refuse to release records, if they exist, on the basis that Obama is a ‘private person.’” Isn’t that what HIPAA is?

The fact that they won’t confirm (or that he won’t let them talk about him publicly/confirm) has always been the most obvious information supporting that he wasn’t born at Kapio’lani.

Martin’s “physical place of birth/historic site/plaque” idea is a pretty good one. It is reasonable and rings true with sensible, everyday people.

People have mentioned that in making the COLB public, he waived privacy on a “long form” or underlying vital statistics. Has anyone gotten anywhere with this reasoning? I see people mention it but it almost immediately dies. Obviously, he has no long form, as Tim Adams has said, or else it would have been published. Even if he was not born at a hospital they would have put it out. There’s more weird info involved with the “vital stats” — info that is probably very easily deduced to make a pretty big conclusion. What is that conclusion? Looks like we’ll never know.

Oliver Stimrey
Reply to  RomoCop
Saturday, November 13, 2010 2:31 PM

“All modern-era presidents have identified birthplaces except Obama.”
“It is reasonable and rings true with sensible, everyday people.”

No, because eligibility is defined by being born on US soil to two citizen parents, not on having a birthplace marked with a plaque.

Wouldn’t it make more sense, instead of looking for something you already know is not there, to try if you can find any relatives of the people who were supposedly present when (if) Obama/Soetoro was allegedly born in Hawaii (doctors, midwife, nurses, …)? It would probably speak volumes if no-one was there who remembered something like that.

Reply to  Oliver Stimrey
Saturday, November 13, 2010 6:24 PM


Barry’s cousin the doctor in Kansas came out last year and was against the death care bill and has a uncle still alive and I am sure there is others. btw… they are on the white side of the family. Family Tree ring a bell with any one? Archives in the state of Kansas. Family reunions, births, etc! I am no good at research!

A pen
Reply to  RomoCop
Saturday, November 13, 2010 8:07 PM

The constitution IS the supreme law not any HIPA law. It says the president shall qualify period. It doesn’t say he may at his pleasure provide documents to some entity to verify. The constitution is the peoples law and the president serves at their pleasure not congress’, the senates’ or the courts.

Stephen AzPatriot
Saturday, November 13, 2010 11:16 AM

Actually, Congress has been sent his Kenyan Birth Certificate.
Sharon did a story on it.