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by OPOVV, ©2017

(Apr. 23, 2017) — “Well, Sarge, what’s the skinny?”

“Same as yesterday, Nichols. We go out the gate, drive around for five hours, come back, have chow.”

“You see, that’s what I wanted to talk to you about. Why?”

“Why what?”

“Why do we go out the gate in the first place? All we see is a bunch of ingrates who want nothing more than to see us tortured; to hear us beg for mercy; to see us on our knees just before we’re beheaded. Does anybody know? Oh, I know, the Joint Chiefs of Staff say we’re changing hearts and minds; we’re bringing democracy and civilization to a bunch of animals that are stuck in the Stone Age. Fat chance.”

“Look, Nichols, we got our orders so zip it.”

“I want to go on the record that going out the gate doesn’t accomplish diddly. We’re wasting our time. Why, when’s the last time we killed any of the bad guys and girls? Over a month, and how many of us have they maimed and killed? You know they like maiming better than killing.”

“Okay, you had your say, Nichols. Let’s saddle up and move out.”

“Fine, have it your way, but we’re not driving on the same roads we drove on yesterday and the day before. Reminds me of the Air Force sending in the B-52’s to North Vietnam same time, same route, same altitude day after day. No wonder so many were shot down. No, this isn’t going to work for us anymore; you can push Lady Luck just so far, you know?”

“We’re going on patrol, and we’ve got to stay on the prescribed route.”

“Sarge, do you know that humans have the ability to reason? I know this ain’t no democracy, that someone has to be in charge, but we’re not here to turn into cannon fodder, if you get my meaning, just because the Top Brass can’t figure it out.”

“This is mutiny.”

“No, it’s not: that’s for the Jarheads and the Swabbies.  We’re Army, remember? The Army way is to retreat when it becomes obvious we’re not going to make it in order to live and fight another day. At least give us a fighting chance. What do you say, Sarge?”

“Do I have a choice?”

“We all have choices; just don’t make it your last.”

Lakota War Song by the suggestion of Chief New Leaf.






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