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by OPOVV, ©2017

(Mar. 16, 2017) — “Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to the show. You’re watching ‘Pulse of the Nation’ and I’m Roving Reporter, your host. What do you think we rename this episode? We have two to choose from: ‘So We Want to be just like Venezuela’? Or, ‘Which one is the Socialist and which one is the Capitalist: President Trump, who paid a 25% tax or Bernie Sanders, who paid 13%?’ Let’s find out: with us tonight is our favorite professor, Professor Zorkophsky.”

“Please call me ‘Zork.’”

“Zork’ it shall be. Tell us, Zork, do we need another 9-11 to wake us up or what?”

“I’m afraid it’ll have to be the ‘or what.’”

“What’s that?”

“The ‘what.’”

“Now I’m really confused, but, then again, I usually wake up somewhat confused since I’ve lived in so many places throughout my life. My routine is as follows: 1) I awake; 2) I go down the list starting with chair, seat, bunk or bed, and if I’m in a bunk is it swaying. Not swaying? Then maybe I’m in a bed and not on the water or in the air; 3) am I being bitten by insects and if I make a move will I get snake-bit; if I make a sound will I be shot; and, last but not least, if I manage to get out of bed can I find my way to the bathroom, if there is one, and if there is, will it be safe? Will there be hot water?”

“Golly, Roving, are you for real? You one of those PTSD guys, back in the jungle?”

“They made a movie, you know, and they named it The Blackboard Jungle. But we slipped off-track; how do we expect to have ‘free college’ if people sneak by paying only 13%, as Bernie Sanders has done, and he the ‘Champion of the Socialists?’”

“You’re not and he isn’t.”

“Pardon me?”

“You’re not to expect anything for free; that’s just ‘politician talk.’ And as far as the champion of anything, I’d have to say he’s the ‘Champion of the Wimps’ for endorsing Hillary after he had a shot at the brass ring and then caved like an overloaded balcony designed for six sedate adults but used as the dancing floor for 30 inebriated college kids.”

“Well, if another 9-11 won’t wake anyone up, what will?”

“Well, it’s sad, really sad, but it’ll take until the ‘shower doors’ clank locked behind them and the Zyklon B starts to flow out of the shower heads, but then it’ll be way too late.”

“Do you think it’s too late now?”

“We’re on that path, aren’t we? We’re importing more than we’re deporting, aren’t we? I know it doesn’t make any sense, but most Americans don’t see the danger, even though it’s staring them in the face. They see the bombings in Madrid and London; the rapes in Sweden; the murders in Germany, France and everywhere else in the world, including in their own back yard: Boston and Chattanooga, Fort Hood and Orlando.

“They may see but it doesn’t register. For some unknown reason their synapses don’t seem to fire at the right time, so they’re always behind; forever behind: living in some sort of dreamland where everybody is rational; where there are no honor killings; no FGM; no Islamic armories: mosques; no Islamovilles: urban warfare training camps; no cars and trucks mowing down people; no machete attacks; no knifings; and no beheadings.”

“Yep, right you are. But even the mainstream media showed the Twin Towers collapsing.”

“But that was before they knew it was a couple of ‘peaceful and misunderstood’ Muslim cowards killing innocent and defenseless people, wasn’t it? Had they known it was, what, 19 Muslim cowards, they wouldn’t even have reported it, am I right?”

“You are; you are.”

“Now what?”

“That’s why we’re here, to ask you ‘Now what?’”

“Good question, Roving. Look, you want the unadulterated, unvarnished and naked truth? I’ll tell you: stay informed and stay armed; always carry because, when it comes down to the nitty-gritty, it’s a jungle out there.”

“Thank you for the interview, Zork; it was enlightening. So what’s the answer? Is Bernie a Socialist in name only or is he just another two-bit politician?”

“I’m not sure he’s worth even two bits.”

“Thanks for the direct and straightforward answer.. And so, ladies and gentlemen, our time is up for tonight’s show. Thank you for watching and so, on behalf of the crew, I’ll be wishing you all a goodnight: Goodnight.

“Good interview, Zork. What do you say we all go to the cafeteria and grab some of your good burgers: my treat.”

We Are The Champions


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