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by Michael Gaddy, ©2016, blogging at The Rebel Madman

(Nov. 7, 2016) — All last week social media was alive and crawling with various renditions of how the “good” folks down at the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) were bringing and had brought pressure on their director, a political hack if there ever was one, one James Comey, to step up to the plate and do what is morally and constitutionally correct. From that point forward, post after post had to do with all of the politicians, shills, and sycophants who would shortly be indicted, on what charges, and whether or not they would all die in prison.

Ah, but yesterday reality reared its ugly head and Comey again became nothing but a useful idiot for the legions of criminals who control much, if not all, of our government. He said, supposedly after perusing some 650,000 emails in less than a week (the FBI did not obtain a warrant until the night of October the 30th) that lo and behold, Hillary was still innocent, now doubly so for she had been twice vetted. All this in spite of numerous Wikileaks released emails that are prima facie evidence of corruption, immorality, pay for play, possible pedophilia, and pure criminality which we could all read for ourselves, without the assistance of our betters in government.

Faced with this disgusting turn of events, what will those “good” agents in the FBI do now? Will there be mass resignations? Possibly, but very doubtful. When these people weigh the cost of standing up against tyranny and oppression and honoring their oaths to “uphold and defend” our Constitution against all enemies, “foreign and domestic” on the one hand and a good-paying job, power over the peons, prestige, and a great pension on the other hand, simple logic tells us which will prevail. Honoring one’s sacred oath takes character. I believe character to be in short supply, if totally non-existent in the halls of government, especially at that level.

But, I believe there is a great lesson in all of this, especially for those among us who have contracted the blue virus. Constantly, on social media, there is the tribute for this or that “hero” who is in the government’s employ and wearing the proper costume. All of these folks also took a sacred oath to uphold and defend the same Constitution as those in the FBI. Are they better or worse at honoring their respective oaths?

Who will the criminals like Hillary and her minions send into our towns and cities to enforce their draconian, unconstitutional laws? Who do they send now? A check on congressional votes as they comport with our Constitution and Bill of Rights shows that well over half of the votes cast in Congress are for laws that are blatantly unconstitutional. Need I say more than Obamacare and The Patriot Act? Who are the people who are enforcing these laws now in your town, city or county? Are they the “heroes” mentioned above?

Has any of your “heroes” ever arrested a man or woman for exercising their Second Amendment rights to protect themselves without the proper government permission? If they have, they are “domestic” enemies to our Constitution. Do they arrest themselves or each other for this miscarriage of justice? Why not? Why should anyone be obligated to obtain permission from the government to exercise their Creator-granted rights? If you still believe your heroes have the authority to enforce unconstitutional laws, who is your god, really?

If you need a litmus test on which to check out your “heroes,” try this simple couple of questions. First, ask if they will participate in the illegal confiscation of firearms if ordered to do so by any government official. Be forewarned, their canned answer is: “it can’t/won’t happen here.” Never mind that it has already happened, be persistent in obtaining an answer, after all, it’s your Creator-granted right to protect you and your family from harm or even death you are inquiring about. If, after insisting on an answer to the first question, you are still not under arrest and on your way to booking, ask the follow-up question. If all in the law enforcement profession are ordered to confiscate legally owned firearms by any government official and you claim you will not enforce such laws, will you protect my rights from your fellow folks in uniform? Will you use deadly force against these folks if necessary to ensure my Creator-granted rights are protected inviolate? Chances are, you will never receive a truthful answer to this question from your professed “hero,” if you receive an answer at all.

In the early 20th Century, a much more constitutionally astute Congress, much more than any in our recent history, proposed the 18th Amendment which, once ratified by the states, outlawed the manufacture, transportation, sale or possession of intoxicating liquors. Here, Congress proposed a terribly failed concept: legislating morals. But, at least they knew it would take a constitutional amendment to do so. This precipitated the birth and growth of one of the largest criminal enterprises in our country’s history. Finally, realizing the error of their ways, the Congress then proposed, and the states ratified, the 21st Amendment which repealed the 18th.

Years later, with a much less constitutionally aware Congress and a dumbed-down populace, there was passed and accepted the criminalization of certain substances without the required constitutional amendment. How many of your “heroes” have been involved in enforcing these unconstitutional laws? How many of you wonderful “constitutional conservatives” support these unconstitutional edicts? What is the difference in the “chemical medication” you get by government permission and the ones that are considered criminal, especially those that grow naturally? Please don’t tell me they are safer until you watch all of the commercials out there for suing legal drug companies for the health damages and even death their “legal” products have produced.

Might legal or illegal have anything to do with who has the money to lobby congress to achieve their goals and protect their financial bottom line? Could the reason these “good folks” and “heroes” support and enforce unconstitutional drug laws be because the pharmaceutical industry has more political clout than the combined totality of citizens in this country? Why, in your mind, is someone granted “hero” status for enforcing laws that are contradictory to our Constitution?

Hey, if you want laws against these substances, do it the proper way—by constitutional amendment and not by usurpation. And stop calling those who willingly enforce unconstitutional laws—-heroes. The true heroes would be those who refuse to enforce these laws until there is a constitutional amendment which supports that enforcement.

Our founders repeatedly warned us of the dangers of a “standing army” and legions of “federal sheriffs.” We have ignored them all because our current rulers are much more intelligent in our eyes than were Thomas Jefferson, Patrick Henry, Samuel Adams, John Adams, Robert Yates and many others.

For the past 4 months, you have witnessed one of your primary “federal sheriffs” in action in the person of Jim Comey. Now, who was right; Jefferson and Patrick Henry, or Obama and Loretta Lynch? Have you chosen the wrong side? Do your so-called heroes enforce and protect your Creator-granted rights or the laws of the tyrant? What does it take to be a hero in your mind? A uniform and a badge or an unwavering commitment to constitutional governance? Your answer says much more about you than you realize!

Our country is now taking so steady a course as to show by what road it shall pass to destruction, to wit; by consolidation of power first and then corruption, its necessary consequence.”


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Monday, November 7, 2016 8:25 PM

The reasons for the downfall are too numerous to list. Was it letting the War Profiteers getting away with stealing from the government, starting with the Revolutionary War?
Was it giving the Electric Bat works the license to print money (they called it “change orders” and “cost over-runs”)?
Was it abolishing the Draft?
Was it, “It’s okay to burn the flag?”
And when they come for our guns, will we take as many with them as we can before the tanks crush us and burn us out?
It’s the “NAZI PLAY BOOK” that they’re using, isn’t it? Heck, it worked in 1930’s Germany and it’s working now.
First, dumb down the peasants. And you end-up with Ward Churchill-type professors and idiot voters. Hillary accepts money from Islamic countries while millions of Muslims immigrate into our country.
The choice is to go down by being shoved to your knees or to go down by bullet.
Hey, I’ve only one question: