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by Michael Gaddy, ©2016

(Aug. 15, 2016) — Our country and perhaps the entire world is doomed because the overwhelming majority of people have lost their ability to think cognitively instead of basing their strongly held convictions on emotionalism. Most people on this planet are more fearful than knowledgeable. The sheer lack of knowledge concerning human behavior is overwhelming. Could it be this fear and lack of historical knowledge has created an environment in which freedom and liberty cannot possibly exist?

Shortly before the November election of 2014, a poll was taken concerning the confidence of the people of this country in their members of Congress. Only 11% of the people expressed confidence in the ability of Congress to do their jobs, yet, in that year’s congressional election over 96% of congressional incumbents were reelected. The only way this can be explained is in most areas of this country Americans are fine with the crook they know, it’s just everyone else’s crook who should not be elected.

So, should the average American voter be in fear of Congress? After all, it’s just 535 people on their team and over 300 million people they supposedly represent, the majority of which does not trust them. Does the mere thought or image of Nancy Pelosi, Barbara Boxer, Diane Feinstein, Chuckie Schumer, Tammy Baldwin, Jared Polis, and David Cicilline strike fear into the hearts of mortal men?

Each and every elected official and most of those appointed to government bureaucratic positions take an oath to uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States. Ostensibly, the Constitution should be the prime directive for all of those who take this oath. Unfortunately for freedom and liberty, our members of Congress do not regularly follow their oaths to uphold and defend. As a matter of fact, of all 535 members of the House of Representatives and US Senate, less than one percent (.0693%) of these members vote in support of their sacred oath at least 70% of the time. 46% of the members of Congress vote constitutionally just over 50% of the time while a whopping 32% vote with our Constitution less than 25% of the time.

For the record, Hillary Clinton’s VP running mate, Tim Kaine, as a member of Congress, voted constitutionally only 1% of the time, yet her campaign, via CNN, has voiced concerns that a Trump presidency will destroy the Constitution.

Considering the above, I believe it would be logical to state less than half of the laws passed by our Congress are constitutional in nature. Perhaps this is why we fear these people; because they have the ability to destroy our individual freedoms, but they do not have within themselves the ability to force compliance with those unconstitutional mandates. That is where the people with uniforms and badges come into play. As paradoxical as it appears, most Americans fear those who pass unconstitutional pieces of legislation but worship at the feet of those who have/will enforce those unconstitutional laws.

And, if you believe for a millisecond that cops and soldiers will not come to your door to seize constitutionally-owned firearms if ordered to do so by those who refuse to abide by their own sacred oaths, you are ignorant/delusional beyond comprehension or help.

Pursuing the same points, there appear to be tens of millions of people who are petrified of the thought that Hillary might become our next president. Why should anyone fear a 69-year-old crime family moll who needs help walking up stairs, has obvious seizures and is otherwise mentally deranged?

If we had a constitutionally-operating government, Hillary could do little to nothing criminal or tyrannical, even if elected, because she would be surrounded by those who hold that document to be important enough to follow it unconditionally despite threats or promises of financial gain.

A good case can be made that considering the absolute criminal nature of our present government, Hillary Clinton is by far the most qualified candidate to run such a criminal enterprise as criminal-in-chief. Many people fear what Hillary will do with the current powers of the office of president of this country, but almost all of those unconstitutional powers have been accumulated in that office many years prior because the voters of this country were OK with creating a political criminal enterprise as long as that enterprise was run by a candidate of the party of their choosing.

Voters–stand and behold the criminal enterprise of your creation which was constructed under the two major political party paradigm and the millions who have for decades rationalized away voting for the lesser of evils. A constitutional form of government is incompatible with any level of evil; to expect a different outcome is to be delusional or psychopathic.

Millions of gun owners fear that Hillary might be able to push through draconian, unconstitutional gun confiscation either through our corrupt Congress or perhaps through executive order. I state again: if Hillary were to do so, neither she nor members of Congress or the Supreme Court will be coming to your door to demand you surrender these firearms. No, she and Congress will send the standing armies our anti-Federalist ancestors warned us about and they will strongly resemble those who went door-to-door in New Orleans after Katrina and Boston after the bombing. Will you still be licking their boots and making excuses for their unconstitutional behavior as they terrorize your family and neighbors and carry off your legally-owned firearms? What happens to you and your family if you refuse to comply?

The police are all too happy to remind you that you have no right to resist an unconstitutional act performed by a government employee in uniform. Actually, you do–but don’t forget how many times you voted for the unconstitutional lesser of two evils which has delivered as advertised, obscuring this constitutional right. Your votes have eliminated “the law of nature and nature’s God (Common law) as contained in the Declaration of Independence and our Bill of Rights and replaced it with the laws of the international banking cartel.

“nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law…” ~ 5th Amendment.

Everything you see happening in this country today that brings fear to your heart was brought about by voting for candidates who would or had violated their sacred oath. Now that you have repeatedly voted for evil of the lesser variety, please stop complaining about having to live with an evil enterprise of your own creation.

The one issue that continues to confound me is how so many Americans who claim to support our Constitution and Bill of Rights continue to stand in awe of those who make up the standing army. How can a member of Congress who writes or votes for unconstitutional, therefore illegal legislation, a president who signs this illegal act into law or a clown in a black gown who says that law is legal because of precedent be held in such foul regard but the person who enforces that illegal legislation is deemed a hero?

Read the rest here.


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